Thank You

Don't Say Goodbye

Yunho:*smiles hugs his mom and jihye*I missed you guys so much

Mrs Jung:We missed you more sweetie *smiles*

Jihye:But the most important thing is that your happy *smiles*

Mrs Jung:Are you happy *smiles*

Yunho:*smiles nods his head*Yes im the happiest ive ever been in my life

Mrs Jung:Where is my soon to be son in law *smiles*

Yunho:He's over at the balcony *smiles*

Mrs Jung:You dont mind if i have a word with him *smiles*

Yunho:Go on omma *smiles big*

Mrs Jung:*smiles walks over to jaejoong*

With Jaejoong

Jaejoong:*smiling big looking at the view sighs happily*

Mrs Jung:Jaejoong-ssi *smiles big*

Jaejoong:Oh its so good to see you *kisses her cheek*

Mrs Jung:*smiles hugs him tightly*I should be the one saying that

Jaejoong:Pardon *confused looks at him*

Mrs Jung:Im just so happy to see you back in my sons life again *smiles big*

Jaejoong:*smiles big chuckles*I guess you can say it like that

Mrs Jung:I just wanted to have a word with you 

Jaejoong:You can talk to me about anything *smiles*

Mrs Jung:*holds his hand*I just wanted to tell you how deeply im sorry for my husbands actions towards you

Jaejoong:*half smiles*Omma theres no need i understand why he's doing those things

Mrs Jung:No its not ok he didnt know how much you and yunho suffered i wish i couldve done something to stop him from coming in the way between you two before like in macau *sighs*

Jaejoong:*half smiles*Omma it may have hurt with what happened between yunnie and i then but its what made me who i am today it made me stronger and open my eyes that love isnt easy to fight for unless the person is worth it 

Mrs Jung:I hope we didnt ruin your love for Yunho and your trust for him *worried*

Jaejoong:No matter how hard i tried erasing him from my mind i just couldnt do it no matter how hard i tried to stop loving him my heart didnt want to even though he may have hurt me he's the one ive been waiting for all my life he truly is my soulmate 

Mrs Jung:Im so happy my son found someone like you in his life its the first time ive ever seen him have so much joy and happiness in his life that only you have broughten 

Jaejoong:Hes done the same for me *smiles*

Mrs Jung:I couldnt be anymore thankful and grateful you came into my life

Jaejoong:I guess im luckier *smiles*

Mrs Jung:Forget his father just remember that no matter jihye and i will always be proud to call you and in law and are so thankful to welcome you apart of this family

Jaejoong:*smiles kisses her cheek and hugs her tightly*

Mrs Jung:*smiles tears roll down her cheeks*Thank you for giving him another chance

Jaejoong:*smiles whispers in her ear*Thank you for bringing him into my life 

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Brownsugar40 #1
Chapter 35: I enjoyed
Chapter 23: That courage yunho salute
Chapter 16: Thats courage changmin wow
Chapter 5: Damn....screw the media..jae are you sure about leaving? Tsk
Chapter 1: Aw...well...hhmmm
Chapter 35: Awww yunjae wedding T_T
naoplume #7
Chapter 35: i read it in one go and it was great :) glad yunjae are happy together :))))
arisong #8
Chapter 34: Don't let hat others say affect you.
They way you write was what caught my attention.
thanks for the update. Can't wait for the next.
MystMayden41 #9
Chapter 33: Don't worry about what others think about the way you write, you still have those who love this story and where it's heading so far. i have to be honest that before i read anything it really needs to catch my attention from the start and this has. So you keep doing what your doing author nim and don't worry about those who have nothing better to comment about.
Chapter 28: Woow!! Loved it!Loved it!Loved it!Loved it! :D I read it in one go :D
I cannot wait your update :D
You always write the sweetest stories :) :)