April's Revenge

Unexpected Journey



Last night, I felt so safe when EXO is there for me no matter where I go and after what Sehun said, I found that I am stupid to think that I am a burden to them. He is right, I shouldn’t be thinking like that, with that sweet sentence by him, I managed to sleep peacefully in his arms. The next morning, I woke up early to cook breakfast for them but when I went down someone was already there and it is none other than D.O.


“What are you up so early?” D.O asked. “Ermmm I thought of making breakfast for you guys but I guess you are one step ahead of me hahaha” I said. “Yeah you are right, how about helping me?” he asked. “SURE!” I said and run to help him. After a few minutes, we are done with breakfast and it is time to wake the others up! Since we are lazy, we asked Chen to wake the rest. Once everybody is down, we started our breakfast. “Good morning _____” EXO said. “Haha Good morning oppa” I said. “How are you feeling now? Feeling better?” Lay asked. “Yup~ I am all fine now because of you people! But… I am still scared to go back though…. With all the media and the members hating me, I am quite scared to go back” I said.


“We understand…. But it’s okay! We always welcome you to stay with us anytime!” Tao said. “Thanks guys! I think I should find a day where I can go back and take some clothes cause I don’t think I can be wearing Sehun’s clothes all the time” I said. “Well you can~ I am happy when you are wearing my clothes~” Sehun said. “T-that’s not what I mean, I-I mean is that er.. er..” I stuttered. “Hahahaha ok ok we get it! I was just teasing you” Sehun said. I then started to hit him. After breakfast, EXO have to go to practice again to prepare their comeback next week! *I am excited for them!* When they left, I did some cleaning and then watch TV but then the doorbell rang.


“Who is it?” I asked. “It’s me! Choi Yeol!” She said. I quickly ran to the door and opened it. “OMG! Choi Yeol! You are here!” I said. while hugging her. “Woah~ I am glad I am here too~ hahaha” I let her in the house and I started to ask “How are the members?” “What after what they did to you, you still care for them?!” Choi Yeol said. “Well… They are once my bandmates…” I said. “Well they are fine after they hurt you, they still can have dinner and act like nothing has happened. I still have to act like I am happy as well…. Without you, I don’t know what to do there..” She said. “Awww me too but luckily I have you guys by my side, I don’t think I am that scared anymore. So, how did you manage to come here?” I asked. “Oh the girls have to attend a show so I decided to come here instead of going there.” Choi Yeol said.


We both spend the time talking, laughing and even shouting because we saw hot guys on TV. *It’s okay Sehun~ You are always in my heart~* “So when can I get my clothes from the dorm? When are the girls away from home? Don’t get me wrong but I just do not want to face them yet…” I said looking down. “In a few days, they would be having a holiday so I guess during those days you could come and get your clothes” Choi Yeol said. “Yeah! Ok!”  


After that day, Choi Yeol would always come and keep me company when EXO went to practice, she made me feel so much better than I totally forgot about the incident that has happened to me. EXO also did care for me even though they are tired from their training, they always have the strength to take care of me and play with me before they went to sleep. I am really grateful for that and I am going to repay them by secretly going to their comeback stage hehehehe but of course I have to be in disguise hehehehe ^^


A few days later, it was finally their comeback day! I prepared breakfast for them like I used to and before they went off I said “Fighting EXO oppas!” “Yeah! WE WILL!” EXO said. After that left, I quickly went to change my clothes into my disguise and went out of the dorm to catch their performance. At the venue, I saw a lot of EXO-Ls queueing to go in the venue but since I am a Kpop star, I could go in the backstage with the help of Choi Yeol. “Thank you Choi Yeol!” I said. “You’re welcome~” Choi Yeol replied.


When they are up, I was in the crowd with the other EXO-Ls, cheering for them as loudly as we can! They really put in a lot of effort the fans and the fans really appreciate it since I saw a lot of fans crying and shouting. After their performances, they would have some small talk with the fans and it was so sweet to see them interact with the fans. When they are done talking to the fans, I quickly went to their dressing room and knock on their door. They were startled when they saw me.


“W-who are you?” Chen said. *Hmmm I think I should troll him hehehe* “I am your saesang, I came here to watch you die!” I said while laughing in my mind. “AHHH! Hyung! HELP!” Chen started to run into the dressing room. I went in while laughing out loud. “What is it Chen!” Suho said. “S-she is trying to kill me!” Chen said. “HAAHAHAHA Chen you are so cute when you get trolled!” I said. “Huh? Who exactly are you?” Chen asked. I took off my disguise and said “It’s me~” “Ahahahaha I can’t believe you were trolled by ______! AHAHAHA” EXO said.


“I can’t believe you came _____!” Sehun said while hugging me. “Yeah~ I came here to support you!” I said. After that we all went out to have a celebration dinner but I decide to go back to my dorm and get all my things since Choi Yeol said that the other girls are out for their holiday. “Hey guys, I am going back to the dorm with Choi Yeol to get my things. You guys go ahead I will come later” I said. “Ok!” They all said.


In the ride I asked Choi Yeol “Are you sure they are not in the dorm?” “Yeah! Why would I lie to you?” Choi Yeol said. At the dorm, I went to get my stuff while Choi Yeol helped me too but then suddenly Choi Yeol’s phone rang. “Hey _____, I am going outside to answer this call alright?” Choi Yeol said. “Sure go ahead I am almost done here” I said. While I was packing my stuff I heard the door open and close so I said “Choi Yeol we can go now!” but when I turn I saw…… April, Kimi and Hwa Young.


“What are you doing here!” Hwa Young said. “I am here to take my stuff and I will be gone” I said in a annoyed tone. I stand up and walk to the door but April hold my wrist and pushed me to the floor. “YAH!” I shouted. “What scared? You better be, I knew you would come back today to get your things so I actually prepare something for you~” April said while looking at the door. I turn and saw two guys coming in. “What are you trying to do?” I said. “Oh me? I am going to see you suffer, if I can’t have Sehun neither can you!” April said and give a signal to the two guys. They both walk up to me and one guys started to grab my hands and legs so I won’t move and the other started to touch me. “YAH! GET OFF OF ME! HELP!!” I said while crying


Suddenly the door busted open showing EXO and Choi Yeol. Tao and Chanyeol started to attack the two guys until they are unconscious lying on the floor. The other EXO members went to chase April, Hwa Young and Kimi before they got away. Sehun went near to me but I flinched and hug myself. “GET AWAY FROM ME!” I said. Sehun came to hug me “______, I am Sehun” “Sehun? I-I. H-he.” I said remembering what happen a few moments ago. I started to cry and Sehun just kept holding me in his arms.


“Hey Sehun, I think we should bring her back to our dorm.” Xiumin said. “Yeah you are right hyung” Sehun said. “The other members are all caught and we are bringing them to the police station. Choi Yeol will be there too” Luhan said. “Alright then, I will be going now” Sehun said and carry me bridal style while I just hug him. In the car, Sehun keep on saying soothing words like “Everything is going to be ok, I promise” , “You don’t have to be afraid, I am here, EXO is here and Choi Yeol too” and “Sweetie, I love you~”


Before reaching the dorm I fell asleep so Sehun have to carry me again. He lay me on his bed and when I felt that he is moving away I quickly held his hand “P-please don’t g-go. I-I’m scared….” I said. “Sure sweetie” Sehun said and s his hands around my waist and I fall asleep feeling safe.


Yonglin’s Note to all of you guys:


[ URG! I can’t believe they actually did that to her! How could they do this!? Anyways I know you guys would want to know how EXO actually know what happen when she is at the dorm with Choi Yeol and got there in time. Well~ You will get to know in the next update!

To all the chinese out there! Happy new year! 新年快乐!身体健康,学业进步,步步高升,年年有余 和 猴年行大运!!! ]












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Hey! finished exams! Which means.... MORE TIME TO UPDATE! Yay!!!! I hope all the updates I am giving you guys are satisfying and hope you enjoy it!


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Chapter 37: I hope she would debute as single artist!! She should not b in that group anymore..
Chapter 36: I hope the're going to be expelled(?...is that the right word?)
Chapter 36: At last they r caught, yeah!! But how can they even imagine to do this :(
Poor her, its good that she have Sehun, EXO n Choi yeol :)
Chapter 34: This is too much, i just hte them for hurting her... Hope tht everything gets clear n she can b happy again :(
I soo wished EXO comes to my country :( i really wanna attend there concert :(
Chapter 33: Update is really good :) waiting for next update :)
Chapter 32: I feel bad for her, y r they hurting her soo badly T.T
w_linnea_w #7
Is there not a chapter 29?!?!?!? You NEED to do more chapters this is the best fanfic EVER! ♥♥♥♥♥
Chapter 27: I hope thy don't hurt her too badly >.< but EXO will always be there to help her :)
Chapter 25: Luv the updateee <33
Chapter 24: awwww!! it's really sweet... >.< Loved it....... Sehunieeeee is really cute n chanyeol too >.<