I didn't do it!

Unexpected Journey



I went back to the dorm thinking that April would be less mad but I was wrong… The other members started to treat me badly as well. “Oh _____! You are back! Hurry and take a shower then we could go to Music Bank !” Choi Yeol said. “Ok!” I said. When I was done, we went straight to Music Bank.  In our dressing room, all of us were having our hair and makeup done. *The others don’t intend to talk to me I guess*


When we were performing, I accidentally forgot my steps and stand at the wrong position, it was Hwa Young’s position. Without any warning, she pushed me out of the way which cause me to fall down but luckily our backup dancers was there to catch me when I fall. After that I got back up and continue our dance. Back at our dressing room, Hwa Young started to shout at me. “HAVE YOU NO EYES TO SEE?! THAT WAS MY PLACE!” “I’m sorry… I forgot my steps” I said. “Forgot your steps? Ha! You never once forgot your steps.” Kimi said. “Or you purposely wanted to stand at Hwa Young’s place?” April said. “No! That wasn’t what I wanted. I really forgotten my steps” I said. *Why don’t you trust me?*


“ENOUGH!” Choi Yeol yelled. We all turn to her. “______, just forgotten her steps and can’t you just blend in and not push her!” Choi Yeol continued. “I am so sorry” Hwa Young apologize while glaring at me, so as the other members. “Ok good. ______, are you alright?” Choi Yeol asked. “Y-yeah I am fine. it’s just a small fall and the dancer caught me so it’s okay” I said smiling.  “Ok then, I hope that this accident do not happen again. It would not only make ______ look bad but the group as well” Choi Yeol said. “Ok Choi Yeol” we all said. Once Choi Yeol left the room, they all said “You are lucky this time but we would get revenge” “Why do you treat me like this? Did I even did something bad to you?” I said.


“Yeah! YOU TOOK EVERYTHING FROM US! You have many roles in the group, good and dancing and singing, everybody cares about you even fans care about you. You have more fans than us!” April said. “I didn’t ask for many roles in the group…” I murmured. “Most of all you took away something that is really important to me!” April yelled. After that she left before I could ask what was it. *What did I take that is so important to her?*


The next few weeks wasn’t as good as I think, the other members just kept making me look bad and embarrass. I didn’t thought they would be so angry for so long, I thought everything would be alright after a few days but I was wrong. Sehun kept asking me about the many accidents that happen to me in the past week but I always told him that I was fine when I was not because I didn’t want him to worry so much about me when he and EXO is having comeback schedules. I don’t want to be a burden to him when he is SO busy right now.


Today, SUMMER have a interview at a radio station and this would our last schedule in promoting our new album. “Come on girls! Let’s go!” Choi Yeol yelled. “OK!” We said. In the car I would always sit alone at the back because they didn’t want to talk to me. Choi Yeol didn’t know anything about our fight so I always told her I wanted to listen music that’s why I sat at the back. Now it has become a habit that she didn’t bother anymore. In the station, we greeted everybody and when to our seats. “Hello SUMMER! Glad to have you girls here!” The radio MC said. “Hello! Thank you for having us here!” We said. “So how was your album promoting has been? Did you girls miss the fans?” He said. “YES! We did really well and we are glad that the fans love our new song which is ‘Broken Girls’ ” Hwa Young said.


“Ok so I have heard that you girls have relationship problems with ______-ssi” He said. “Huh? When did we have problems? You must be mistaken” I said. “Well that doesn’t seem like in the photo” He then show us the photo where I slapped April so hard that it made a mark on her face. “I think you really mistaken I never slapped her. I think it’s photoshopped” I said. “NO! IT’S NOT! DO YOU KNOW HOW PAIN IT WAS? I STILL HAVE THE MARK HERE! I-I didn;t even do anything and you slapped m-me” April said and showed me the mark on her face. “______ how could you do this to your own member?” The radio MC said. “I didn’t slapped her I wouldn’t have done that” I said. “Well it doesn’t look like that to me” He said.


I was on the verge of crying so badly until he said “I can’t believe that Cheonsa the one who is so sweet and nice to everybody is actually torturing her own member behind” Tears started to stream down my face while I say “Why don’t anyone trust me? *sniff* If you really think that I did it then so be it cause I myself know that I didn’t do it. Excuse me” After saying that, I ran out the building to nowhere. I sat down on the stairs of somewhere and cried alot. *People must be thinking why is this girl crying in the middle of the streets at night*


I hid my head in between my knees and cried. *Why doesn’t anyone trust me? I didn’t do it!* Suddenly my phone ring. I picked up. “Sweetie, what happened? I was listening to your broadcast, are you okay?” Sehun said. “I don’t know how it happen...It just…. I don’t know” I said while crying. “Don’t cry sweetie~ Tell me where are you, I am going to fetch you. Don’t cry now” Sehun said. “I am near Han river sitting at one of the stairs near the entrance” I said. “Ok I’m coming” Sehun said.


Sehun’s POV:


EXO and I have been preparing for our comebacks for weeks and this made me so busy that I couldn’t even see _____ *Crying face* Anyways we are coming back soon with our new song called Overdose! *I can’t wait to see my cute little fans~* Today, we had a few rest days since we have been working very hard for this comeback and the company want us to rest and have enough rest for our comeback in a few days.


I haven’t contact ______ for so long but I did know that she have a interview at the radio station today with her members. How I know? Well easy I just stalk some of her fan accounts and found out about her schedule hehe. What? I stalk them for a reason. Is to see what my girlfriend is doing, it’s not a bad thing! *I hope she is okay with the other members she is with*

“Hey! Let’s go out and have fun today!” Suho said. “I just wanna stay at home and watch _____ interview tonight hyung” I said. “Wow! Such a supportive boyfriend” Chen teased. “Aren’t I great?” I said well flipping my hair. Everybody started laughing. “Oh well then. We will be going out if there is anything call any one of us” Suho said. “Arrasso hyung” I said. After that, they all went out leaving me alone in the dorm.


*Hmmm what should I do before the interview is live?* In the end I decided to play games until the interview is on. After a few hours, ______ interview is starting so I quickly clear everything and prepare to on the TV. I sat down on the sofa and admire my girlfriend’s beautiful face and listening to their interview. *They look happy together, maybe I was too paranoid?*  The whole interview was fine until the person said that their relationship is bad with ______ and they even show a picture where _____ almost hit April. *This can’t be…. ______ would never do this to her teammate. EVER.*


______ tried to tell the audience her point of view but April just had to in. Now everybody think that ______ is the bad guy. *URG! I hate this woman!* Seeing from the interview, ______ ran out out the room so I quickly call her. *And I take that back about me being paranoid* She told me she was at Han River’s entrance so I quickly drive my car there to find her. Once I reach Han River, I ran towards the entrance and found ______ sitting with her head in between her knees crying.


I went there and hug her and said “I know no one believes you right now but I believe you. I believe that you wouldn’t do this to your own teammate” She just hug me tighter and cried. After a few minutes, I said “Let’s go home shall we?” “No! I don’t wanna go back there” She said. “I know that’s why I am bringing you to EXO’s dorm” I said. *I guess she is really scared to go back there* On the way back to EXO’s dorm, ______ fell asleep in my car so I carried her bridal style into the dorm and into my bedroom.


In my room, I placed her down on my bed and cover her with my blanket and I walk out of the room. *How could they do this to her?! What did she even do to them in the first place?* A moment after, the other members came in worriedly and asked “We heard the interview, how is she?” “She cried alot and she was at Han River’s entrance. Now she is asleep” I said. “Why do girls hurt my twinnie when she didn’t do anything to them” Chanyeol said. “I don’t know Chanyeol” Xiumin said. “Now we have to tell Choi Yeol and protect _____ from her members.” Suho said. “We will ask _____ tomorrow when she calm down and have enough sleep” Kris said. “Ok…” We all said.


We all the went up to our room, I went to my room and saw how tight _____ clenched on the blanket so I remove her hands, lay next to her and hug her to sleep. *She is even crying when she is sleeping… This must be really hurtful to her…. ______ , we are here for you ok? EXO’s there when you need them and I will be there too*


Yonglin’s Note to all of you guys:


[ Aren’t they really harsh to treat her like that! If that happen to me I would also cried but sadly in real life I don’t have a boyfriend to comfort me so it SO much worse than hers.Hahahaha. this author has a SAD LIFE.


Anyways! My school is starting soon and it’s my final year which means I am going to take my national exams so I would not have time to write more stories next year…. I am really sorry for that but I promise to update when my exams are over like around the end of the year or maybe if I have time I would update~ Depends really.


OH YEAH! Anyone of you is going to EXO’s Concert next year? Cause I am going! So lucky to be able to go!! *screams!* Do comment if you are going or not and which country because maybe I could meet you girls out there who loves EXO! Hehehe~ ]













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Hey! finished exams! Which means.... MORE TIME TO UPDATE! Yay!!!! I hope all the updates I am giving you guys are satisfying and hope you enjoy it!


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Chapter 37: I hope she would debute as single artist!! She should not b in that group anymore..
Chapter 36: I hope the're going to be expelled(?...is that the right word?)
Chapter 36: At last they r caught, yeah!! But how can they even imagine to do this :(
Poor her, its good that she have Sehun, EXO n Choi yeol :)
Chapter 34: This is too much, i just hte them for hurting her... Hope tht everything gets clear n she can b happy again :(
I soo wished EXO comes to my country :( i really wanna attend there concert :(
Chapter 33: Update is really good :) waiting for next update :)
Chapter 32: I feel bad for her, y r they hurting her soo badly T.T
w_linnea_w #7
Is there not a chapter 29?!?!?!? You NEED to do more chapters this is the best fanfic EVER! ♥♥♥♥♥
Chapter 27: I hope thy don't hurt her too badly >.< but EXO will always be there to help her :)
Chapter 25: Luv the updateee <33
Chapter 24: awwww!! it's really sweet... >.< Loved it....... Sehunieeeee is really cute n chanyeol too >.<