I. Final

Useless Intervention

Note: Sentences in Italics will be your thoughts

It feels a little messy to read because of all the conversations going on but do give it a shot because it's been awhile since my last story and I have been waiting to jot this one down so yea, leave a comment if you like/hate it! Tell me how I can do better kiddos! So enjoy and till next time! 


"What do you mean you guys broke up?! Weren't you all lovey dovey just 2 hours ago?!" You exclaimed.

"Well I can't help if he is a . I mean come on, did he really have to go add some bitter gourd to my juice when I specifically told him I hated it?!" Sohee answered.

You stared at her flabbergasted. Did you really break up with him because he added something in your drink? WHICH BTW IS SOMETHING BENEFICIAL FOR YOU?

“But I hated bitter gourds! You know it!” Sohee exclaimed after seeing your shocked expression.

Sohee really hated the said vegetable, well who wouldn’t? Not only that it’s bitter, she choked on it back in second grade and she hated it ever since. You let out a sigh, knowing you probably won't be able to change her mind. You turned back to your work, drowning out Sohee's talking as you typed furiously away.

"Why the hell would she break up with me for such little things I did FOR HER OWN GOOD?!" Hakyeon cried out and you winced at his tone.

"Oppa you know she hated it and you trying to make her drink it secretly doesn't really help you know" you explained, siding your lovely albeit stubborn slash dramatic slash crazy friend a little because really who loves bitter gourd?

"UGH she frustrates me so much" Hakyeon said exasperatedly.

You were in the midst of comforting Hakyeon when your boyfriend stepped into the living room.

"Why are you here? Do we have a date today?" Wonshik asked, eyes wide.

You could almost see little wonshik panicking inside as he tried to recall any plans and you chuckled.

"Baby no you didn't forget a date so relax and come here you idiot" you said while opening up your arms wide, wanting him to hold you.

Wonshik hurried over in embarrassment and envelop you into him, wasting no time to shower you with hugs and kisses.

"Uh hello, some one heartbroken here, give me a break" Hakyeon exclaimed and struggles to separate you two.


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU BROKE UP? WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU BROKE UP BECAUSE OF SOME STUPID VEGETABLE?" Wonshik exclaimed and you laughed to yourself, remembering the exact same reaction you had when Sohee broke the news.

And so Hakyeon went on explaining the entire situation again.

"So yeap we broke up. Moral of the story, you shouldn't be too good to your girlfriend because you want her to live healthily" Hakyeon concluded.

"Hey! That's not fair if you said it like this. She really hated it and she has her reasons for it so give her a break!" You said defending your best friend of 7 years.

"But come on y/n, it's really stupid to break up for a reason like it" wonshik rebutted

You frowned, not expecting a split in opinions.

"But she hated it, and she told Hakyeon so many times about it! This just means he is not being attentive enough, or he simply didn't care!" You said, voice raising slightly.

"He did it for her own good! How can that means he didn't cared for her y/n? Why are you so unreasonable about this!" Wonshik rebutted.

"I'm unreasonable about this? Come on Wonshik, if I were to make you the thing you hated and make you eat it, will you like it even if it's healthy?" You shouted, pissed at this point.


"Yeah right bull. The time I made some green juice for you? You only had a sip and you ended up pouring everything away! Aren’t those good for you??? Oh and time I made sandwiches but you didn't even try it because it has tomatoes? Did you so happened to slip your mind on those times?!"

"How does that gotta do with this y/n? This is what I meant by you being unreasonable!" Wonshik yelled and you stared at him, hurt and betrayal flashes through your mind and you bit the inside of your cheek to hold back the impending tears.

"Woh woh guys guys hold it, come on. No y/n why are you holding onto your bag, woah wait wait y/n where are you going?!!" Hakyeon exclaimed as you grabbed your belongings and dashed out of the apartment, holding back those hot tears threatening to fall.




You were in the office again with Sohee. Everything's the same except that you were the one lamenting about your dumb boyfriend this time round.

"I CANT BELIEVE IM WITH THIS IDIOT! How am I going to trust him with my life….”

"Honey..... Babe.. I got"

“....if he can't even understand me? Ugh!! I am seriously reconsidering my decision to move in with him now! And ugh he just has to...”


"I am so gonna....." You paused, not trusting what you just heard and blinked furiously at Sohee.

"What did you say?"

Sohee flinched, slowing inching away as she watched your darkened expression.

"I GOT BACK TOGETHER WITH HAKYEON OPPA!" Sohee screamed and ran away as you leapt up from your seat and grabbed her (well at least attempted to).

You gave chase, "YAH come back here you little..."



Oh crap now what! Ugh this is so annoying that little you thought out loud as you walked towards the pantry, oblivious to the nearing ruckus/noises created by a certain group with a certain someone whom you certainly don't wanna see right now.

"Oh noona!" Hyuk called out, hands waving desperately to get your attention.

You jumped at the sudden noise, turning around and finally noticing that group of boys behind you.

Just my luck! SERIOUSLY you thought to yourself as your stomach cringed when you met a pair of familiar eyes, filled with unspoken words and a tinge of longing.

You broke contact first, suddenly feeling suffocated at the small pantry, and turning your attention to the maknae asking you tons of questions and the others goofing around (sans the frozen rapper and the leader who is so sure he is gonna get it from you – well at least he looked apologetic)

Taekwoon raised his eyebrows when he noticed to minimal interaction between you and the rapper and found his answer to Wonshik's gloomy mood these days.

"Uh guys I gotta go, you know UH work, Sohee has a little... Yea I gotta go" you babbled, inwardly cursing at your stuttering ugh you gave everything away you idiot.

You glared at Hakyeon before you left, berating him with your eyes and he pouted and put his hands together, begging for a lighter punishment. You made a face and you caught Taekwoon's knowing smirk. You faked a smile and scurried away before he could say anything.

You heaved a sigh of relief and whined to yourself.

"What do I do now? Should I just run away? No, I can't just run away. Act like nothing happened? No of course not... UGH!" you wailed in frustration as the angel you and the devil you continue to fight it out inside your head.

Feeling a headache coming, you shake off your thoughts and composed yourself before walking back to the office.



You sighed for the umpteenth time as you walked into your apartment.

"That's the thing about our relationship! Why are we so stubborn when it comes to things like this oppa?" You admitted wistfully.

Taekwoon chuckled and your pout grew. Having called to asked about the situation and offer his help (yeah right, he is really just rubbing it in), you have been complaining for close to 15 minutes already with the occasional snide remarks from the quiet man that you deliberately choose to ignore.

"You know, you should know better than to interfere with Hakyeon and Sohee relationship. I mean that's how they work, they have to quarrel to keep to relationship going you idiot!"

"Opppppppppa" you whined at the reproach but you stopped when you heard a familiar voice over the receiver.

"Who are you talking to hyung?"

You bit your lips at the familiar voice you missed so much.

"Y/n AH! Y/n AH! Are you okay? YA answer me y/n ah! Are you alright there?! What do you mean you burnt down your kitchen!" You heard Taekwoon's panicked voice and you frowned.

"Oppa what are you....." You paused after you heard a loud bang.

Taekwoon laughed out loud and it clicked inside your head.

"He just dashed out y/n ah, he will probably be there in 15 minutes. Good luck." Taekwoon uttered out and hung up.

, OMG GOD DAMN IT WAIT WAIT DONT PANIC Y/N AH don't panic okay first thing first. Change y/n change your clothes, oh my god you looked like ! You need a bath yes a bath.

And a bath was what you took to calm yourself down (that's what you thought)

Ding dong. The doorbell rang and the anxiety set in again.

Ok y/n ok don't panicked, you got this...

A chain of bell ringing ensued, followed by a series of anxious door knocking and occasional shouts of your name.

And so you panicked.


"Ahem" you cleared your throat awkwardly and glanced at the man sitting in front of you, face unreadable and you looked away, stopped trying to read his mind.

"I will get you something to drink," You announced and walked into your kitchen, not waiting for a reply.

You let out the breath you wasn't even sure when you held in as you stood in front of the sink. You grabbed your favourite mug (the couple one you have) and filled the kettle.

Where did this unnie put the coffee geez you wondered as you searched through the cupboards before spotting the bag, so innocently stacked on the highest shelf and you made a mental note to scold your roommate for the almost impossible reach (well for you anyway).

You tipped your toes and reached out for the bag, fingers barely touching it and you sulked at the failed attempt.

Bent on getting that coffee, you reached out once again, the man in your living room completely forgotten.

Wonshik suppressed his laughter as he watched your failed attempts to get the coffee. He crept up silently behind you, arm circling around you and reached out, noticing you tensed up in his arms.

Wonshik took down the coffee with ease and set it on the counter before winding his arms around you, hugging you for the first time since the fight. He caught a whiff of the citrusy shampoo scent infused with a little of something so uniquely you and he sighed.

"Why did we fight y/n ah? It’s so not worth the cold war we had. I missed you so much and I just...." He paused as you turned around and finally looking at him for the first time since he stepped into the apartment.

You palmed his cheek and he nuzzled into the touch like a lost puppy and you melted. Without any words, you pulled him down and smashed your lips together. He wasted no time in responding, immediately pushes his tongue into your warm cavern, one hand palming your cheek and another, on your hips, drawing you closer to him.

You gasped as his hand slide down to cup your and you felt giddy by the quick change of events. Feeling the lack of air in your lungs, you pushed his chest, a silent sign for him to stop. Wonshik broke the kiss and you panted urgently. Not taking a break, the rapper nibbled your ear and showered kisses along your jaw while you struggle to catch your breath. He caught your lips again thinking you have had enough air (you don't mind because seriously who does) and his hands wandered under your thin worn shirt (his, by the way). His touch feels scalding hot on your skin, and your heart races at what's about to happen.

The kettle whizzed, signaling the end of its purpose and you jumped (for the nth time today). Wonshik chuckled and you glared at him, stepping out of his hold to switch off the switch.

"So, coffee?" You asked teasingly, eyebrows raised as if you weren't having the kiss of your life just moments ago.

"Are you kidding me?" Wonshik replied dramatically, before picking you up, heading towards the bedroom and you laughed for the first time since the fight.



"CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?! He attempted to make me do what?!" Sohee exclaimed and you sighed wearily, this sight all too familiar to you.

Your phone blinked to life and you smile at the caller.

"Yes Mr Kim, what can I do for you today?" You said with the sweetest tone you had and the said man snickered.

"Hi baby, just calling to tell you not to listen to whatever Sohee is telling you. Can you believe it? They are fighting again! I swear to god this couple is the bane of our existence..." Wonshik babbled and you couldn't hold back your smile.

"AND I am coming over tonight. I'll bring takeaways, so you can prepare...the coffee alright baby," he whispered the last sentence and you blushed, mumbled your agreement and hung up with a satisfied smile. You can't wait for the night already.

"Are you listening to me at all y/n?!"

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