
Give me attention!


"Whoa! You eat so well! Come here, I'll give you more~! Whoa, you're sooooo fluffy!"

I sighed.




Since Tae has bought that cat home, he spends his whole day playing with it.

It is a female cat. He has called it "Chrystal" 'Because it's eyes are shining and very pretty' (His explanation)

The heck, those eyes are the same as other cat's... I don't get it.

Actually Tae wanted to call it something related to snow, because Chrystal is snow-white, but he thought that 'Chrystal' sounds cooler.

(He probably just wanted to call her after that one Celebrity... what was her name again?)


I don't want to say, that I am jealous of that cat, but I am his boyfriend and he should at least care for me a bit.. just a bit.


While he was sitting on the floor playing with her, I sat on the couch and looked from a far.

What's so cool about cats? Dogs are much better...


"Waaah~ you're soooo cuuuuutee~!" Taehyung said and caressed it's fur.

 Chrystal purred.

I pouted. 'I'm not jealous, I'm not jealous, You are not Jealous, Jeon Jungkook. It's just a cat. JUST A CAT'


I sighed.


"I'm going to get you some milk, ok? Wait a bit~" Tae stood up and walked towards the kitchen.

As soon as he was away, Chrystal turned around to me and glared. Was she smirking now?

I went to her.


"Don't think, that you can do that forever...! Taehyung is mine, ok? Mine! And this is my house, too, So don't ever think you can behave like that..!"

Chrystal looked at me and then suddenly jumped into my face.

"Ow..! Stop! It hurts!" I hissed.

I pushed her away from me and attacked her.

Our little fight continued till Tae came out from the kitchen with some milk in his hands.


"Yah! What are you two doing!" He pulled Chrystal out of my hands. "Jeon Jungkook! Chrystal!" He said and furrowed his eyebrows.

"She started!" I said and pointed on the scratches on my face.

He looked at Chrystal.

"I have told you before, you can't hurt Kookie!" I smirked at Chrystal while she was glaring at me.

Tae was about to scold Chrystal more as I saw that Chrystal was looking at Taehyung with those eyes again. Taehyung is someone really nice and when Chrystal does those eyes, he always forgives her.

When she once kicked down the flowerpot he didn't scold her, when she once tattered his t-shirt, he didn't scold her.

And this time too.

Chrystal purred one more time and then Taehyung said nothing and just gave her the milk.

"You must be tired right? Drink a bit" He just said and caressed her fur again.


This cat...


"Kookie, do you want anything? Should I make you some hot choco?" I flinched when he turned around to me.

Finally, It's my time now. Was this the first time Tae started a conversation with me?

"Yes" I answered and smirked at Chrystal, who was staring at me.

Tae went into the kitchen and I mumbled to Chrystal:

"Now, he is focusing on me~"

She just glared and ran into the kitchen after finishing her milk.

Chrystal was on Tae's shoulder.

And I thought, it's time for me now..

"Here" He said and gave me the cup.

"Thanks, Tae~" I said and hugged him from behind.

"Whoa, what's with that skinship suddenly? How many money do you want?" He said jokily, but didn't move.


He sat down on the couch and Chrystal sat down on his lap.

I snorted and sat down next to them.

Tae began playing with Chrystal again and didn't even dare to look at me.

I let my head falling on his shoulder. He didn't move or did anything.

I fumbled on his shirt. He didn't do anything again.

I ruffled his hair. He didn't do anything.




I snorted and let my head fall down on his shoulder again.


I give up.

Chrystal won.

Cats are probably the only thing that can make Cat-lovers more happier than their boyfriend..


"Kookie?" Tae suddenly asked.

"Hm..?" I asked.

"I kind of noticed that you and Chrystal... don't like each other that much"


You don't say.


"You know about the relationship from me and cats. They all hate me."

"But, Chrystal is so nice. I don't get it." He pecked her head.


I repeat it:


Sometimes I ask myself, who you like more, Me or that stupid cat...

Ahhhh! I'm going crazy!


"Hmm.." I just mumbled and tried to ignore that lovey-dovey sh*t next to me.


"Look, touch her fur, It's so fluffy!" He took my hand and lead it to Chrystal.

I tried to get out of the grip and Chrystal, too, didn't look that happy.


But because we both like Tae so much, we just did it.

I caressed her fur quickly and put my hand away.

"There. Are you happy? It's fluffy" I lied and Tae nodded while smiling his usual cute smile.




"I'm going shopping a bit" Tae said as he was about to leave.

"I'm going with you!" I said.

Someone else purred. Chrystal wanted to go, too.


"No, you both stay at home. And when I'm back, I expect you two to be closer" He pecked Chrystal's fur and nodded at me.

Seriously? I kind of feel like those third wheels.


I'm your boyfriend..!


As he left the house, I turned around to Chrystal, who glared at me.

"Ok, I don't really want to be close to you. And I know, You don't want to, too, but I don't want to see an upset Tae, and I think you don't want to see that as well, so, don't even think of bothering me"

I left her sitting in the corridor and went upstairs to my room.


What should I do?


------ 1 hour later -------

"Why isn't he back yet?" I mumbled as I stared at my phone.

Suddenly I heard someone meowing.

"What do you want?!" I asked.

She purred.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not Taehyung, I don't understand anything what you're trying to say"

She jumped at me.

"Ouch! HEY!"

So we started fighting again.



"What are you doing?! I said 'NO FIGHTING' and now, when I open the door, I can hear you both fighting again. Jeon Jungkook! Don't you understand me? You are korean, right?" He sighed as he caressed Chrystal's fur.

"Aish, and I thought, that at least you would try" He turned around and went downstairs.

"Come, Chrystal, I bought some fresh milk for you~"




After an half hour I went downstairs to see Taehyung laying on the couch and Chrystal in his arms.

I felt upset again.

"hahaha, woah, you know what? I love you soooooooo much~" He cuddled with her.

"Come let's make a photo and send it to Jimin to make him jealous!" He laughed and took out his phone.

He took several photos with her. In some of them, he hugged her, In some he kissed her and with every photo, My hands started to cringe.

I coughed to make my existence presentable.

He looked over. "Oh, Kookie"

He patted on the couch next to him.

"Sit. I make some tea" He quickly rushed into the kitchen, which shocked Chrystal and made her jump up.


I sat down. Tae came back with two cups of tea and we drank in silence.

Chrystal took place on his lap again and Tae petted her.


"Tae, can I ask you something?" He nodded.

"Why do you like cats so much? I mean, you.. It feels like you like her more than me.." I looked away from him in embarrassment.

"Kookie, don't tell me... you were jealous?"

"because you keep playing with her... she hates me"

Tae patted my head. "Are you stupid? I would never love her as much as I love you" He said and smiled.

I got red.

"And you know why I love cats so much?"

I shook my head




"Because they look like you."




"Woah!, she's soo cute!! Hyung, Look, Tae's cat! Her name is Chrystal! Isn't she cute???"

"Hm.." "Can we get a cat, too?? Please!"

"Don't be dumb, never, Ji"

"But I want a cat too!"





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minjiminie #1
Chapter 1: Omgg that Yoonmin moment killed me xD
yoong23 #2
Chapter 1: author more vkook pleaseee .....jjang <3
boyfriendfan1 #3
Soooooo cute!!!!