

He is lying on the bed while hugging a frame on his chest , a picture of a girl with a wide smile and a guy who stand beside her .  Tears roll down on his cheek,  muffle sobs can hear from his lips,  his hair mess . He already be like this almost one week after she left him . He ignore all people around him . He just lay on the bed and crying like tomorrow never exist .

"Can I go back to the past ?"

"Can the time stop and turn to other side ?"

"I want her beside me again ."

He say to no one . His heart shattered when he know Haejin will never be on his side again . 

"I'm sorry for not trusting you Haejin ."



Today is the day , where Haejin's journey begin . New school again in the middle of June . It's not her fault to change school again . It's her mother fault because of her work . This is the first and last school she will be enroll . 

She was standing infront of her new classmate while her new homeroom teacher talk about her .

"Okay , you may introduce yourself !" the teacher exclaim happily .

'Here you go . Take a deep breathe and smile at them .'  

"Hi ! I'm Oh Haejin ! I'm new student . Please be nice with me ." She bowed after she introduced herself . All her new classmate smiled at her . Some of them whisper to each other . Well , when a new student come to your class , some of them will gossip about the new student .

"Okay Haejin . You can sit beside Chanyeol . Chanyeol , please raise your hand !" Mrs Kim ordered him .

The said guy raised his hand . Haejin walked and sat beside the said guy which is his name is Chanyeol .

"Hi ! I'm Haejin ." She took out her hand to shook with Chanyeol .

"Hi ! I'm Park Chanyeol but you can call me Chanyeol !" Chanyeol shook her hand while smiling .


And their relationship started after they introduced to each other. Firstly , they became a friend . Then , they became a bestfriend .


"Haejin-ah ! Where are you going after this ?" Chanyeol asked her as they walked out from the school building . 

"Hmm . I don't know . Maybe I will go to my home ."

"How about we go to bubble tea shop ?" 

"Really ? Am I not bother you ?"

"Yes , I'm the one who ask you out . So why are you thiking you're bothering me ?" he laughed .

"I'm just asking ." She pouted .

"Aww , you're so cute when you pouting.'" He pinched Haejin's cheek . Haejin madly blushed of the sudden compliment .

"Ohmygosh , you're blushing ! "

"No ! I'm not !"

"Yes you're . You make me wanna kiss your face ." He smile and then he closed his mouth when he realized what he had just said .

"I-I mean um." He agitated .

"Uh , Let's go now or we will be home late ." Haejin tried to covered the awkward situation .

"O-okay ." They walked to the bubble tea in silence . No one bothered to broke the silence . As they arrived at the said shop , Chanyeol broke the silence . 

"What flavour did you want ?" 

"I want chocolate ." 

Chanyeol order for him and Haejin .

"You go sit first . I will treat you today ." He smiled .

"Yay thank you ! " She gave Chanyeol a bear hugged . Then , she walked to the further sit in the shop . 

Chanyeol felt his blood racing up to his cheek .

"Aww , the two of you so cute . I will give you two free bubble teas ! No need to pay "  The cashier smiled and handed him their bubble tea .

"Thank you !" He smiled before he walked to Haejin .

"Let's go . I will walk you home ." Then they walked together to Haejin's house .  

"Haejin-ah , I had fallen on something ." Chanyeol said while looking at her .

"What ?"

"I had fallen on you ." He bend down (bcs he is taller la) and he closed their gap .

Haejin on the other side fluttered of the sudden movement . Their breathe was mixed .

"I had fallen on you from the first time you talked to me . Your beautiful face always in my dream every night . I can't think about other things . My mind keep thinking about you . I felt like I'm the happiest man in this world when you talk or laugh or make a joke with me . I felt jealous whenever you talked or make a joke with other guy . Sometime I felt like my heart broken when you ignored me . Sometime I can feel my blood racing up to my cheek when you touch my skin . I know you're my bestfriend but I can't push my feeling I had toward you . You're my first love and my first crush I confess to ." he take deep breathe and continue his speech . "So , can you accept me as your boyfriend Haejin-ah ?" he stare in her deep brown eyes .

Haejin nearly cried after se heard his confession . No words escape from her lips . She nodded as she saw Chanyeol was waiting her answer .

"Thank you for accept me ." Then Chanyeol's lips lean on Haejin's lips . He tilted his head to the right side to deepen their kiss . They pulled away as their lungs scream for oxygen . Smile can see on their own face . Chanyeol took Haejin' hand .

"Let's go my girlfriend . We are late now ." 


and they become a couple after that .


Day by day they become more close . They will got out for a date-movie . They will spend their time together at Chanyeol's house since Chanyeol live alone . Sometime they will walk to the nearest park or stargazed together at night . They will stick together wherever they went to. Their friends know about their relationship . They congrated them after Chanyeol told them about their relationship . 

But one day ..


"So , today we will go to my house ?" Chanyeol asked her . He was standing beside Haejin's locker .

"Yes ."

"Great ! We can cuddle together or do a new things ." He smirked .

"Park Chanyeol , don't be so ert ." She rolled her eyes as she slammed the locker .

"Oh come on . You're my girlfriend now . So , we can-"

"Yeah yeah fine ."

"Great ! Now let's go-"

"Wait here . I left my book in my class ." She ran to her class , leaving Chanyeol alone .

10 minutes passed but Haejin still not seen nowhere . So Chanyeol decide to go to her class . As he opened the door , a gasp escape frome his lips .

"WHAT THE HAEJIN !" he spat out as he saw a guy was kissing her .

Haejin push the guy to the side and ran to catch Chanyeol .

"Wait ! I can explain "

"Explain what ? You're in love with the guy ?" Chanyeol stopped from walking and turn around to face Haejin . Angry was the main emotion he had after he saw Haejin .

"No ! Let me explain first !"

 "You don't have to.  We're over. " Chanyeol  walked out from the building,  left her alone at the hallway.  

"Chanyeol-ah!  I'm sorry. " Haejin whisper. Her body crushed on the ground , become more weak . Tears rolled down on her cheek as she keep calling Chanyeol . Then , she unconscious .


It's already had been two months since Chanyeol left Haejin . Haejin didn't call or message him after the incident . Part of him keep telling him to meet Haejin , other part of him telling him to not meet Haejin . He miss her but his ego control his body . So , he decide to ignore her for a month .


In the evening of weekend , many people are using their leisure time with their family or friends . Chanyeol always spend his time with Haejin but now everything changed .  


When he was watching a tv , he got a call from unknown number . 


"Hello ?"

"Is this Chanyeol ?" 

"Yes , who are you ?"

"I'm Haejin's mother . Son , can you come to the hospital now ?"

His heart beat so fast when Haejin's mother mentioned hospital .

"Why ?" 

"Haejin w-want to say g-goodbye ... b-before s-she d-dead." A soft sobs can heard from the phone .

His vision became blur as he heard what Haejin's mother said .


"No ! She can't leave me !" The phone were put in his pocket as he got out from the house . He run to the hospital instead taking a cab .


After he arrived at hospital , he asked the nurse where Haejin's room . The nurse told him the room and he ran to the said room . As he found the room , he enter the room without knock . 

He was greet by a thin and fragile girl who is lying on the bed . A woman in middle of age was sitting beside her while held her hand . The woman look up and saw Chanyeol standing infront of the door . It's was her mother .

"Are you Chanyeol ?"  Haejin's mother asked him .

"Y-yes ." 

"Come here . You take care of her for a while . I need to go to some place ." Her mother got up from her seat and kiss her forehead .

Chanyeol nodded and walked to the sit place . Her mother smile at him and left them alone . He took her hand and look at her eyes .

"W-what h-happened t-to y-you?" His voice broke . He can't believe what he saw . Her skin so pale , her frail body was connected to various machine .

"Brain tumor." She smiled weakly . "I don't have much time left ."


Because of one word , his world crash down . 

Haejin will leave him .

Leave him forever .

No joke with her

No laugh with her

No smile from her .

Everything will be over soon .



She only had 1 week left . Doctor said there is no way they can save Haejin . She was on the last stage . The stage that near to death . Chanyeol felt stupid , there's a sign she showed to him such as headache , sometime she lost her memory for a while and so on . If he realized that she confront with her illness , he will brought her to a good hospital . But everything had done . He can't do nothing .

Her dad was died last year so she only had her mother and Chanyeol . Chanyeol always came to visit her everyday while her mother stayed beside her .


Chanyeol always went to the hospital , to spend his time with Haejin untill her last breathe . He will brought a bouquet of flower , a cake , some novels and so on . They will cuddle together , spoke abaout school and their childhood .


"Chanyeol-ah." she called him as they were lying on the hospital bed .

"Yes ?" Chanyeol took her hand and caressed her back hand .

"Did you remember when we got fight because you saw me umm kissing a guy ?" She hesitated whether to tell Chanyeol or not .

"Y-yeah." he know Haejin want to explain to him . So , he decide to hear what she want to say .

"The guy came to me and talked about you . He said you don't deserve to be my boyfriend . I tried to defend you but everything went wrong . He pulled me and kiss me . Then you came to my class and saw everything. I'm sorry ." She cried .

"Shhh , it's okay . I'm the one who should apologize you for not trusting you ." He hugged Haejin . "If I let you explain , I can spend more time with you . I'm sorry ." 

 "I forgive you ."



Each day Haejin became more pale , breatheless , her body became more thin and weak . Her condition worsened than before . Many various machine connected to her body . This sight make Chanyeol's heart shattered . Chanyeol knew she will leave him soon . Soon .


They were lying on the bed , hugging each other . No words were spoke , just hugging and feel each other warmth . Many emotions were felt by the couple like waves pushing them deeper into the sea . Haejin snuggle into Chanyeol's neck as Chanyeol her back . 

"Chanyeol-ah ?" she whisper , no energy to talk a loud .

"Yes ?"

"If I die today-"

"No . Don't say it ." Tears were gathering in his eyes . He still can't accept about this . Death and lonely .

"I need to . I need to tell you this before I leave . Are you listening ?" She felt Chanyeol nodded slowly . She took a deep breathe and continue "If I die today , I will die with no regrets because I will die in your arms . I felt pleased when I saw you came to here , to meet me before I leave . I know you love me and I love you too . There's no word can describe how much I love you . " She paused and looked up to see Chanyeol face . She cupped his face and kiss him . Chanyeol felt salty in their kiss as he look their tears were flow to their mouth . Breaking their kiss , still looked into his eyes , Haejin continue again . "If you miss me , just close your eyes and I will be in your dream . Look into your heart and I'll be there for you . As long as you remember me , part of us will be together . I hope you will never forget me ." She smiled while her eyes became glassy . She knew her time had come .

Chanyeol looked into her eyes while tears still flow on his cheek . He saw Haejin's smile at him . 

"I love you." She mouthed . Her energy already gone .

"I love you too ." Chanyeol whisper . 

He felt time was stopped . He felt his breathe was stop too .

Haejin closed her eyes and her smiled still on her beautiful face .

She gone like a whisper .

He hugged her and cried hard . He knew she already gone . Leave him forever .

The doctor came along with Haejin's mother , confirming her death . The nurse came to the room and took Haejin away . Chanyeol sat on the bed , not moving nor spoke . He eyes still closed . Weeping and sobbing can be heard in the room .

It's already 1 week after Haejin left him .  Lifeless is the main condition he had . He didn't attend school for a month . He still not ready to face everybody . Some of his friends come to his house and try to cheer him up but there's no worth . 

Tears will flow when he recalled their memories , their precious memories . He will close his eyes when he miss her . Haejin will appear in his dream every night with her wide grin .


"I love you Haejin , forever ." he say to no one but he know . Haejin heard him ..


Author note : yay ! Finally I already update this story . I'm sorry if I'm too rush >< (sorry if there's grammar mistake bcs english is not my first language)





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I think I can update today . Sorry . Maybe tomorrow ?


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Hey, there. I’ve read your story and it’s pretty amazing.
You’ve done a good job.
Thumbs Up! (✿◠‿◠)
zazazazzz #2
Chapter 1: it's a bit rush...
it needs a little bit more, maybe small details
but i like it, you have to move on, Yeollie-ah :)
zazazazzz #3
Thank you authornim, you are Jjang ^o^
Fighting author nim !