
Morning Depression


"Yah," Zitao shakes Sehun a bit more forcefully just to wake him up.

"Sehun wake up. We have something scheduled for today. We don't wanna be late."

Sehun opens his eyes to Zitao. He meets Zitao's eyes that is very different from the person that would normally wake him up.

"Mm, give me a minute."

Hearing this, Zitao immediately leaves the room and gets himself ready. Once Sehun is alone, he sits up and feels a wave of sadness crash onto him.

He remembers seconds before he awoke, it's Luhan who's waking him up in his dream. He actually expected to see him once he opens his eyes. But then he realized it won't be him anymore who'll he see first thing in the morning. 

He's used to waking up to see this pretty boy in front of him.

His sparkling eyes that's very enchanting to see, his ruffled bed hair that Sehun considers y, and his god damn perfect smile.

Seeing those first thing in the morning would instantly lift his mood. It's like an energy boost for another tiring day. No one could ever do it without giving the same effect on him.

He misses those and it hurts as every time he is reminded of them. He yearns to see them once again and feel his presence by his side.

He suddenly wonders if Luhan misses him as much.

"Hyung, I miss you."

He's on the verge of tears, something that he's starting to get used to every morning when he remembers Luhan.


He hears another call from Zitao which snapped him back to reality. He drags himself out of the bed, preparing for another hectic day.

He would need to face another day without him. He still has this hope that they'll see each other one day. Accidentally or planned, he doesn't care. It's the only string of hope that he's hanging on to.




a/n: hii i hope you liked this very short angst. don't forget to upvote if you liked it! ^^

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taemisol #1
Chapter 1: It's soooo sadddddd TT_TT
Chapter 1: Awwwww poor Hunnie. It hurts too see him like that. :( They'll meet again for sure. Time will show. :))
kookiemilk #3
Chapter 1: T A T this is just unbearable!! I need hunhan