Chapter 16 : A bit from the past

My One True Love

Chaerin and Dara graduated highschool at the same school, they both plan to take up college in USA but their plans change when Sandara's dad told her that he needs help with regards with thei business. It's hard for the two lovers to have a long distance relationship but they know that they can make it. Chaerin didn't forget to call her gf everyday


"Are you going to ask Dara to marry you?" Seungri asked his sister, she's preparing herself to call he girlfriend, in nearly 2 months she will go back to South Korea


"Shut up Oppa, don't make me nervous.." Chaerin answered


"I think she won't say yes. Oh poor Chae.."


"Mom! Oppa's annoying me again!" she shouted, Mrs. Lee went inside her daughter's room and sits on her bed


"Seungri stop annoying your sister, you know that she's dying to see her precious Sandara again.." Seungri laughs when Mrs. Lee winks at her, they like Sandara for her, she's the number one inspiration of Chaerin, those sometimes they fight, have misunderstandings, they seem to surpass the 5 years elationship curse and manage to stay stong together


"What time will Dara be on?" Seungri asked her, Chaerin looks at her watch and said


"In about 15 minutes.." she answered, excitedly


"Okay Seungri, we better leave your sister for a while. Come on.." Mrs. Lee said


"But mom!" Seungri protested


"No but's young man, off you go.." their mother said, Chaerin stick out her tongue at her brother who also did the same. She waits patiently for Sandara to be online and after a few seconds, she saw he name appears


Chaerin's_Baby : Hi my love! :)


Chaerin smiles as she saw her message, she immediately type in some wods as her reply


Sandara's_Mi_Amore : Baby! I miss you so much! Do you miss me? ^^


Chaerin's_Baby : of course I do! Every damn day! I always wish that it's time for to go home :'(


Sandara's_Mi_Amore : Hey don't cry Dara, you know I don't want you to cry because of me


Chaerin's_Baby : I know that. So how's school?


Sandara's_Mi_Amore : Nothing new. Uhm baby, I'll sent you some of my homework, can you help me with it?


Chaerin's_Baby : Sure thing. Send it to me now 


Chaerin thinks million times before sending it, she can hear her heart beating out loud. She told her that her webcam is not working at the moment


What’s taking her so long to reply???


Sandara’s_Mi_Amore : Baby? Are you still there?


She waits for a few minutes before she send a message again


Sandara’s_Mi_Amore : Hey Sandara!!


But then Sandara’s username went offline


‘!’Chaerin whispered, she then grab her phone and dials her number but she’s not answering, she ended the call and dials it again


‘Please pick up! Please pick up!’but Sandara is not picking up her phone, Chaerin slumps her body on the bed, she covers her face with a pillow and starts to cry


Maybe she doesn’t want to---


Her phone interrupted her thinking when she heard it ringing, she immediately grab it and answer Sandara’s call


“Baby?”Chaerin said then she heard a scream


“Is this for real?? You’re asking me to marry you?!”she heard Dara’s voice, she smiles because she knows that her baby is too happy at the moment


“Sheez! I thought you are mad at me!”Chaerin answered


“Huh? Why?”


“You went offline all of a sudden!”


“Oh sorry baby, I am happy that after I saw the file you sent to me and read it, I immediately run towards my parent’s room and show it to them!”


“Haha! Silly you! What did they say?”


“Well they are happy for me but you need to propose again in front of me!”Chaerin laughs and shook her head


“But you haven’t answer my question..”Chaerin said to Sandara while looking at her wallet, there’s a picture of her and Dara inside


“Of course I’ll say yes! Lee Chaerin, I will Marry you!”Sandara said, Chaerin screamed and jump up and down on her bed then the door to her room opens and saw Seungri and her mother


“What’s wrong?”Her mother asked her


“Nothing mom! Sandara said YES to me! We’re gonna married when I come home!”Chaerin happily said, her mom smiles at her while Seungri pulls his sister from the bed and took the phone


“Are you sure about that Sandara?”Seungri asked her but before Sandara can answer, Chaerin take the phone back


“Just a couple of months more baby and I’ll be there with you again. This time we won’t be too far away from each other” Chaerin said


“I know and I’ll wait for you..”Sandara answered


“We we’re both 20 that time. We will adopt a child once I get back..”


“Haha! Why?”


“So we can have a baby as soon as possible and no one can take you away from me!”


“No one will take me away from you, they need to kill me first before they can do that..”


“I can’t wait to see you again, Sandara. Please wait for me..”


“I will wait for you, Chaerin. I’ll wait for you whatever it takes..”







Seoyeon is looking at Chaerin’s face, she don’t know what she will say to her, Chaerin asked her again about the things that she said but something interrupts them


“It’s my wife..”Chaerin said and look at Seoyeon who seem confused, Chaerin push the receiver button and put the phone on speaker mode


“Hi baby!”they both heard Sandara’s voice, Chaerin looks at Seoyeon and saw that she’s surprise to hear her, not because she’s alive but she feels that Seoyeon knows that this is another person


“Hey sweetie, why’d you call?”Chaerin asked her


“Oh nothing, just checking if you’re okay..”Chaerin smiles though a lot of questions is running in her mind


“I’m fine baby, I’m just waiting for some papers then I’ll go straight home..”


“Okay, I’ll cook something for us and please hurry. I am missing you already..”


“I miss you more. I Love You..”


“I Love You..”then Chaerin ended the call


“That’s Sandara, my wife. Why did you said that she’s dead?”Chaerin asked her, Seoyeon opens but then closes it again


“I’m sorry Chaerin but I think someone made a prank call to me and said that she’s dead..”Seoyeon answered but she knows deep inside that is not Sunhee but her twin sister Sandara, how Sandara got there and be with Chaerin? That’s the thing she needed to know


“Okay Auntie Seoyeon, come home with me. I’m sure Sandara misses you a lot..”


“Ah no, maybe some other time..”


“I insist Auntie besides, Sandara needs her family now..”Seoyeon looks at Chaerin and nods at her. The two are on their way to the house; they both think what will happen once they get there. Seoyeon is so nervous, things are still unclear to her, where’s Sunhee and how Sandara got there. As for Chaerin, she looks at the folder sitting on the passenger seat beside her, she wanted to cry but she knows she needs to be strong and try to understand everything that she already knows. Chaerin parked her car on the side of the road and open the door for Seoyeon, they both went inside without saying a word to each other. She knocks on the door and hoping Sandara will opens it and to her luck she did


“There you are!”Sandara said, she hugs her wife and kiss her on the cheek, Chaerin hug her back but then look at Seoyeon


“Come in..”Chaerin said, Sandara smiled at the person following her wife from behind


“Darin is at the back playing with your mom and Seungri. Haeun left and said she’ll be back later tonight..”they heard Sandara said, she starts to walk ahead of her when Chaerin speaks


“Have you forgotten something baby?”Chaerin asked her


“Huh? Forgot what?”Sandara asked her, Chaerin looks at Seoyeon and said


“You haven’t said hello to your Auntie Seoyeon..” Sandara furrow her eyebrows at her


“My Auntie? But she’s not here..”she answered then without a word, Chaerin pulls Seoyeon gently and let her stand in front of her


“I don’t believe that you forgot that this is your Auntie Seoyeon? Or you really don’t know nor remember everything you had in the past.."



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Chapter 25: I miss your stories :((((
ahille #2
Chapter 25: Updateee
ahille #3
Chapter 25: Plss update
ahille #4
ahille #5
Will you update?
ahille #6
ahille #7
Chapter 24: Updateee pls
mikichow11 #8
Chapter 25: no problem, waiting for good stuff is worth
Snsdxxi #9
Chapter 25: We will wait . Take your time author nim fighting
2addicted2ne1 #10
Chapter 25: Thank you. Hope to see an update soon. Take care