
You're my worst nightmare!
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"I saw you in my dreams."




/cough cough/

"Pardon me?" I lift my left eyebrows, waiting for his explanation. I dreamt about him and he dreamt about me. Coincidence? Naah, I think not. Let's have babies together, Kim Taehyung.

"I think I saw you in my dreams." He said. "Many times."

I swallowed, not knowing what to answers. Oh me too? What are you dreamt about? Let's have babies?


Wake up Eunri, wake up. You are one of student council okay. Behave!

"Wow, weird. We just met today." I smiled awkwardly and he just rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah, but I really remembered it. Totally. We went out together and once we kis--"

I look straight at his eyes. Ahem. Kissing?

"We cursing each other. Yeah, cursing." He laughed and opened his notebook, avoiding my gaze. I sighed silently. I know he meant kissing, not cursing. Oh hello he being sweet in my dream and yeah we once kissing... or he really meant cursing...



"Turn to page 142."

...since when the teacher came?



Last period -

"Before class dismissed, please finished up the math game project. You will be paired with your tablemate." Mr. Yoon said, making all of us groaned. Including me. 

Yeah. Me.

Math GAME project? Heh. Math is not a game mayn. Give me a break.

"Class dismissed. Hand in your project next month."

I packed my things into my bag and carried the rest of my books on my arms. "Eunri-ahhh"

Call me again with that y voice of yours.


He showed me his iPhone 6. Em. Is he trying to judge my phone? "Can I have your phone number for our upcoming project?" 

Ohoo very smooth young man.

"Sure." I said as I tapped in my numbers into his phone. I passed back to him and bowed, ready to leave.

"Goodbye Eunri! Byee!" He waved happily and smiled.. wait. is that considered as smiling. "Bye."

I watched Taehyung skipped happily to Jungkook. I shrugged and walk to my locker ; arranging my books in it.

Should I or shouldn't I stay in the student council's room?

My mind screamed no. NO. But I saw D.O at his locker, so I better ask him is there any work to do instead of listening to my mind.

"D.O-yaaa is--" "There is but I can finished it by myself."

/insert evil grin here/

"Gomawo!" I bid my goodbye and walk straight to my dorm. 

No work for today. No work for today.

"Anyeonghaseyo!" I greeted happily and went inside. I look around the living room, no one. Oh well, I'm hungry. Yeah, curse me for not eating lunch.

...and curse the fudging fridge for not havi

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