02 : Moving on.

Take me out of my nightmare


Your POV

' It's been 3 years since Kyungsoo left Canada, I wonder how's he doing in Korea... Good? Bad? Does he miss me? '  You and Kyungsoo didn't contact each other after sending him off at the airport as he changed his phone number and so did you.

" Honey! Can you come down to the living room? " Your mum shouted for you.

" Ne[1] umma! " 

You went down to the living room in your onesie that you wore to sleep, seeing your parents sitting on the sofa with a letter on your mother's hand. Your mum saw you and pat on the empty seat beside her. 

" Come here and sit honey. "

" It's only 7am and also it's the Saturday, can't I get more beauty sleep? I work all night for my Science project you know... " You whined to your parents for waking you up early in the morning and you only slept at 3am which is not enough beauty sleep for you.

" We got a good news for you and us too! " 

" What is it umma? " 

" We are going to move to Korea! Ain't you excited honey?! Oh and this letter is an acceptance letter from your high school in Korea. We enrolled you in one of the good high school in Korea, SMtown High School. " 

" Wait... W-what?! We. Moving. To. Korea?! Am I dreaming? "

Your parents nodded in agreement. " YAY OMG KOREA! " You scream in joy while jumping on the sofa. Your parents know that you want to go to Korea ever since Kyungsoo left Canada. ' Finally to Korea, Kyungsoo I'm coming to find you. ' You and your family are moving to Korea in 2 days time which is enough for your family to pack the luggage and ship the furniture to your new house in Korea. After 4 hours, you pack finished your luggage with tons of clothes inside of it, ' that's a lot of clothing but I'm a girl who cares. '



2 days later 

" Mina, quickly if not we will miss our flight! " 

You quickly rushed down to the living room after a 20 minutes of choosing what outfit to wear. 

" Sorry hehe was choosing my outfit... " 

" Whatever you wear is nice honey! Come on, let's not miss the flight. "

After reaching the airport, you sit at the waiting seats while your parents check-in. Looking thru your photos in your phone, you saw you and Kyungsoo childhood picture. ' I really miss the times we had together.... '



Kyungsoo's POV

' How are you Mina? I miss you... ' 

* Scrolling thru the photo album < Memories > in my phone *

It's been 3 years I left Canada and now I'm in SMtown High School together with my group of good friends which we call ' EXO ', well we are the kingka(s) of the school as we're rich and handsome. It's normal for the students to crowd around us everyday in school due to our popularity, and the queenka(s) coming to us to flirt which I really hate them and find them disgusting. I barely talk to anyone except EXO. 

" D.O hurry up, we cannot be late for class! " Suho hyung[2] shouted at me as the others are at the main gate of the school already. Oh and yes, my nickname is D.O given by my friends.

I ran towards the main gate as fast as I could. " Sorry hyung, was just... " 

" I know looking at your childhood friend's photos, you do that almost everyday you know D.O. Why not contact her if you miss her! "

" I told you before already she changed her number and so did I so there's no way I can contact her. " I sighed, Suho patted on my shoulder to assure me. I gave him a smile to show that I'm ok. 

" AHHHH! Omg it's EXO " Students gather around us as we enter the school. ' Here we go again... ' 

I push my way thru the crowd and made my way to my locker, and saw Bomi standing near my locker. I mentally face palm myself, ' really not her again. "

Bomi turned her head and saw me, " D.O OPPA[3]! "

' ! ' " What you want Bomi? " I said with a cold tone. Bomi always come for me, everyone said that me and Bomi are a match which I hate a lot. She just a nuisance to me, I don't even like her from the start. 

" Oppa~~ Don't like that to me... You know that I like you right~ " Bomi said it in a cute tone and pouted. 

I mentally puke out my breakfast, " please don't call me oppa, Bomi. I don't like you. " I open my locker and took out my books for my History class, and quickly walk away to my class 2-A to avoid Bomi. Once I reached my class, I sat down beside Chen. 

" D.O, I saw you and Bomi together at your locker there~ So what happened? " Chen teased me about it as he always do this to me.

" Nothing, she just confessed again. Ew. " 

End of school, me and EXO members went to Suho's house to play as usual. 


Your POV

" Thank you for taking Korea Airline XX and we hope you have a nice day ahead. "

" Finally we are here in Korea! " You heard your mum said with happiness.

' Ya, here in Korea. It's been a long time since I came back to Korea after moving to Canada for like 13 years. '

After almost 14 hours of flight and another 2 hours to your new house. You were dead tired, just want to quickly go to your bedroom and sleep. You saw your new house from the outside, " Wow... It's so nice... " You grasped at the pretty view of your house.

" Pretty right honey? " Your mum asked you and you nodded in agreement. You are excited to see your bedroom as your parents took a long time to choose the new furniture and look for your room. You ran up to second level to the room near the end of the second level and open the door. Your mouth dropped by looking at the modern and simple design of your room, it's designed in your favourite colours black and white with an in-door closet and a balcony. 

You open the door again and shouted " Thanks umma and appa[4]

" Welcome honey, hope you really like your room. "

" Ne! I really like the room~ "

Feeling tired, you went to the bed and took a nap. After 5 hours of sleep, you woke up and went down to eat dinner. You looked around the house and no one is home. ' That's weird where's umma and appa.... ' You walked to the kitchen and saw a post-it on the fridge : Honey, me and appa are going to the office to settle stuff and won't be home early. I made dinner, it's in the fridge and remember to reheat it and eat! Love you. - umma. You took the dinner out and reheat it, and went to the dinning table to eat. Suddenly you hear sounds of the main door opening, ' umma and appa won't be home early so that can't be them... Or maybe it's a thief! ' You panic and took an umbrella which is near you, and slowly creep to the living room. 

" BOOOO! " 

" AHHHHHH! " You screamed out loudly and start waving the umbrella around which eventually hit onto someone.

" Ouch.... " You heard the person yelled in pain and quickly on the lights, and saw the person who is your brother : Kang Joon. ' ttt... It's oppa, I'm died. '

" Oppa, are you ok? " 

" Do you think I'm ok? " As Kang Joon points at the bruise on his forehead which you used the umbrella to hit.

" Sorry oppa, I thought is a thief as umma and appa are not home. And why are you here? "

" I guess omma and appa forgot to tell you that I'm coming over. " You shook your head to show that your parents didn't inform you that your brother is coming over. 

" Well, I'm moving back here since you guys move back to Korea and staying alone is boring! " You quickly help him to his room and took an ice pad with you to reduce the swollen bruise. 

Your brother told you he's in the same school as you and will be in charge of touring you around the school, and not to tell others that you're his sister yet. As other students thought he's the only child of your parents, you chuckled at that. Nodding in agreement not to say it out. The day ended quickly after sharing your days in Canada with your brother and him sharing his life in Korea when you and your parents were at Canada. You went back to your room to sleep as school starts tomorrow for you. But you didn't know that your nightmare starts tomorrow too. 

What will happen to Song Mina?



[1]  Ne is yes in korean

[2]  Hyung is older male ( to males )

[3]  Oppa is older male ( to females )

[4]  Appa is dad 




A/N : 

2 updates in a day, yay! Hi readers, thanks for the support and please do subscribe to me~ Silent readers and comments are always welcome here~ 


Do you guys watch Roommate season 1? I really like Kang-Yeol travel agency~ 


" Yah! Author-nim, why make me get a bruise on my forehead! "

" Sorry Kang Joon, it's in my plan if you don't want get a bruise then I have to change a character to someone else instead of you "

" Ok ok sorry author-nim, I love you. Don't change me out. " * Kang Joon does a pout face "



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Chapter 4: aww update soon
Chapter 4: Aww Jong Suk is so nice and sweet <33 ^^
elle87 #3
Chapter 3: Why is kyungsoo avoiding her?!
Btw new reader! I'm liking this story! =)
Chapter 1: haha Mina is so scary! She's using a baseball bat to whack Kyungsoo~~ Poor Kyungsoo XD
HanaKyungSoo #5
Looking forward to this author-nim! <3 Fighting :D