A small surprise

Baby Fansign

Cameras flashing, videos recording; they were all focusing on one man on the stage sitting besides his group members. His company strongly disagreed with his decisions but with much efforts and persuasions, they finally let him have a press conference; one that was going to change his life forever.

Moon Jongup took a deep breath before he leans towards the microphone in front of him and stared out at the eerily silent hall filled with reporters; all of them looked like they’re about to pound on him once he opens his mouth like a lion silently waiting for its moment to attack its prey.

“I think it is finally the time to tell everyone about this. This might come out as really shocking news especially to our fans, who have loyally stick with us after all this years and been through a lot because of us” Jongup takes a deep breath and lets out a long sigh. “I’m married” sounds of gasps and whisperings starts to wildly break out in the once silent hall. Jongup quickly but calmly held his hands out in front of him, “before you start asking me questions, allow me to clarify myself.” He let his hands fell down to his sides once again and resumed talking. “I have been married for almost 2 years now and my wife and I have a beautiful one year old son,’ Jongup clears his now dry throat. “They’re the reason why we’re all here today. 2 months ago, a couple of fans rudely broke in to our house and threatened my wife and my son. I was unfortunately not in the country at the moment so I didn’t know anything about the incident not until a few days ago when I noticed an already fading bruise on my son’s body when I gave him a bath. I had to force the truth out of my wife and what I came to know devastated me deeply.” Jongup straightened his back and puts both his hands on the table, clamping his fingers together. “I found out that the fans that broke into our house verbally and physically attacked both my wife and son, threatening their life. They hit my wife and my son and that distraught me. I was mad that our fans would do such a thing to my family and it made me madder that I wasn’t able to protect them.” The eldest of the group put his hand on the younger’s shoulder and give it a squeeze to remind him to keep his calm. “I didn’t want the same thing to happen again and this is why all of you were called upon today, to help me inform this piece of news to everyone concerned. As of now, I will not reveal my wife and son to the public yet.” Jongup grabbed the glass of water and gulp the water down in one shot. “I guess that’s all for today” as soon as he said that, the reporters started to bombard him with never ending questions and as expected of Jongup, he calmly answered them all with the help of his group members.



“Thank you” Jongup had been repeating that word for a countless amount of time with a bright smile on his face. He was relieved and glad that their fans were able to receive the news about him being married and having a child. After the press conference was released to the public, he received numerous mentions on his SNS; he saw positive and negative comments about him on various online news articles. He didn’t pay much attention to the bashings that he received because all that matter was the fact that he was able to show his wife and son to the world now proudly.

For the past hours of signing their albums for the fans that came, Jongup kept receiving baby’s clothes, toys and lots of other stuffs given by his fans. He found it amusing that fans were now giving gifts to his son instead of him. After the last fan finished getting her autographs, all the members of B.A.P stood up to say their thanks and goodbyes. After doing their group’s signature greeting, Jongup cleared his throat and held the microphone near his lips. “I’m guessing all of you know why we’re here today, right? But before that, I would like to say a few words of appreciations to all of you guys,” Jongup smiled at the crowd in front of him as. “To our wonderful fans, thank you for still accepting me and the rest of my members. I know what I revealed a couple of months back shocked everyone but I’m thankful that all of you are still willing to come here and join us here today,” he said as calmly as he could because he could feel his heart pounding so fast he could hear it in his ears. “I received a lot of baby’s stuffs today,” picks up a paper bag and pulls out a baby jumpsuit inside. He chuckled and held it up for everyone to see “I’ll make sure my son wears this all the time. Now, I guess I better stop rambling and get straight to the point,” Jongup looked at the crowd nervously. “Both my wife and my son are here today and they’re just behind us,” Jongup smiled as he heard fans started cheering. “We want to meet them!” one fan shouted. “Bring them out” another one chanted and soon the rest of the crowd followed. Jongup and the rest of s just smiled and laughed towards their fans’ reactions. “Should I go get them now?” Jongup playfully asked the crowd. With unison yes from everyone in the hall, including s, he excitedly climbed down the small steps and went backstage.

Backstage, Jongup’s wife was busy playing with her son, distracting him from the loud noises. Despite putting on a cheerful smile to the staffs and especially to her son, she was still feeling nervous. “Jonghwan yah, don’t pull on Aunty Hanna’s hair,” she said to her son who was in one of B.A.P’s staff arms. The little boy was tugging at the staff’s long bleached blonde hair. “It’s noona, not aunty okay” Hanna said as she squished the boy’s cheek. She looks at her son lovingly but she was still feeling nervous about the fact that both of them were going to be “revealed” to her husband’s fans. She let out a deep sigh and stretched her arms out to take her son back. Jonghwan giggled and flailed his arms around when she felt a strong pair of arms snaking their way around her waist. At the scent of the familiar cologne, she immediately knew who it was but of course who else would put their arms around her instead of her husband? She smiled when he pecked her cheek and she took Jonghwan from Hanna. She turned her body around to face Jongup and held their son close in between them. “Say hi to daddy,” she said as she lifted their son to Jongup. Jongup gave off a wide smile to his son and took him in his arms. “Hi there, little fella” he kissed on his son’s cheek as the little one put his small hand on his father’s nose. “Are you ready to meet your aunties, Jonghwannie?” Jongup chuckled as the little boy continuously pat his father’s nose. “I’ll take that as a yes, then” he smiled and averted his attention to his wife next to him. “Well, how about you? Are you ready?” His wife gave him a slight smile but he knew this was clearly bothering her. He closed the gap between him and his wife with their son in the middle; he leaned his head close to her and bumped their forehead together. “Hey, there’s nothing to worry about. Everything’s going to be alright, I promise” he smiled and kissed her nose. She couldn’t say anything to object because she knew that her husband was going to still bring the both of them to the stage.

She held Jongup’s hand so tightly that her knuckles turned white. She could hear her heart beating fast as she tried to keep herself calm. Jongup squeezed her hand to ensure her that everything’s going to be fine and kissed her on the lips. With Jonghwan in his arms, they walked together to the stage. As soon as the three of them appeared, fans immediately screamed and squealed in excitement.


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