Chapter Two


Tiffany saw her twin brother, Tao, standing in front of his locker with a stack of books in his arms. “Oh, Tao,” she said, Running over to him. “I have the most amazing news!”

   Tao shifted the books to his hip and positioned his red cap on his head. He didn’t want to be late for homeroom, but he was curious. “What news is that?” he asked Tiffany.

   “Only the most exciting and fantastic news,” Tiffany told him. Leaning back against the lockers, she hugged her own book close to her chest. “News that we’ve been waiting to hear forever.”

   Looking at his sister, Tao’s mind raced with possibilities. “We got called back for our dance number for the country variety show?” he asked, full of excitement.

   Tiffany’s face melted into a frown. “No, not that, blond hair to make sure it was still in perfect waves.

   “Bigger?” Tao asked. He stared at Tiffany. What was she getting at? Some statewide variety show? Or Maybe . . . national?

   “Oh, come on! Think!” Tiffany yelled, exasperated.

   What was taking Tao so long to guess? She wondered. She wouldn’t be able to wait for him to figure it out at this pace.

   “My shot at the big time!” she finally blurted out. “I am going to be the star of a TV show!”

   Just at that moment the second bell for homeroom rang, signaling that anyone still in the halls was late. Tao continued to stare at Tiffany. “What?”  he asked. He wondered what had happened from the time they had walked into school together until then. But he’d have to wait until homeroom was over before he got any more information. Tiffany turned before going into their classroom, raised her eyebrows, and smiled. Then she gave her brother a wink.

   Tao shook his and followed Tiffany into the room. He ducked as he took a seat. Ms Seohyun eye him for his tardiness and then cleared .

  “All right, students,” she said to her class. “Please settle down. And pay attention. As always, there are some important announcements this morning. Listen carefully.”

   The intercom system crackled a bit, and then Principal Chanyeol’s voice bellowed into the classroom.

   “Good morning, Wolf. We have an important announcement on this Wednesday morning, “the principal said. “We have a wonderful opportunity for a group of students to compete in a baking contest for the television show, Bake-Off.”

   Tao smirked. Was this the big television break that Tiffany had been talking about? Had his sister totally lost it? She didn’t even know how to turn on an oven, let alone how to mix cake batter. He eyed Tiffany sitting at her desk across the room, admiring herself in her compact mirror as the announcement was made.

   “The competition will be filmed this Saturday with the esteemed chef Xiumin as the host,” Principal Chanyeol continued. “Chef Xiumin is here now to explain more about the show.”

   “Hello, Dream High!” the chef said enthusiastically. He had a deep voice, and Tao could tell he was used to talking into microphones and to large groups of the people.  “ We’re looking forward to baked delights produced by the best young chefs when they compete in this Saturday’s challenge. The show will have Dream high competing against Skies high.”  

   “If you’re interested,” Principal Chanyeol said, “see Ms. Seohyun in the home-economics room to sign up to be part of the Dream High Team. Go Wolf!”

   For the rest of the homeroom, Tao did not listen to any other announcements. He was thinking about his sister’s plan. How could she possibly participate in this show? She knew nothing about cooking. In fact, Tao was pretty sure she’d never baked anything in her life!

   When the bell rang, everyone gathered up their books. Tao met Tiffany out in the hallway.

   “See what I mean?” Tiffany gloated. “I’m going to be a television star!”

   Tao stared at his sister. “You’re planning on going on this baking show?” he asked.

   “Of course!” Tiffany cooed. Her brown eyes were sparkling. She started to walk away. “I know a good opportunity when I see it.”

   “Tiffany!” Tao called, catching up to her. “You don’t even know the difference between Baking soda and Baking powder. What make you think you are going to be part of this team?”

   Waving her hand in front of her face, Tiffany dismissed Tao’s foul attitude. “Everyone likes to watch good looking people on TV. I’ll be perfect. Especially with Kris as the head chef.”

   “Ahh,” Tao said. Now he understood his sister’s master plan. “You’re going to get Kris to do all the work while you strut around the stage.”

   Flipping her hair back, Tiffany pouted. “Well, clearly I will help, too,” she said. “I am a talented person, of course. I can whip butter as well as anyone else.” Then she rolled her eyes at Tao’s lack of knowledge. “You know, presentation is a very important part of the dining experience.”

   “Of course,” Tao said, humoring her. “I am sure that you will make yourself very useful.”

   “Oh, Ryan!” she cried, not listening to a word he was saying. “It’s just the best news.” She began thinking of all she had to take care of before the show. “I have so much to do before Saturday! My hair, my nails.” She counted off on her fingers. “And I need to go shopping!”

   Tao watched as his sister headed to her next class. He was happy that she was so excited, but he had to wonder, could Tiffany stand the heat in the kitchen?

   Down the hall, Kris, Taeyeon, and Luhan walked together to their first period classes. Kris was unusually quiet, and he looked like a little kid standing on the edge of the high diving board.

   “Hey, bro!” Luhan called. “You all set for the big bake off?”

   “Oh, man,” Kris said. “I can’t believe this! This is my total dream! You have no idea. Xiumin is my idol!”

   Taeyeon smiled at Kris. She wasn’t used to seeing him so charged up off the basketball court. Kris was a huge competitor. Being on the varsity basketball team, he had a drive to win but this was different. “I wonder who you’ll be up against from Sky High,” Taeyeon said.

   “Doesn’t matter,” Luhan told Kris. “My boy here is going to win. No problem.” Luhan gave Kris a slap on the back.

   “Thanks, man,” Kris said. He appreciated the vote of confidence. Suddenly, he started feeling a bit better. He was ready to take the dive. “You guys are going to sign up, right? You’ll be part of the team?”

   Both Taeyeon and Luhan nodded. “We’re totally on your team, chef,” Luhan told Kris.

   Kris smiled. He was glad his friends were going to be there.

   “Have you been thinking about what you’ll make? Taeyeon asked.

   “Maybe something chocolate. My grandma Emma always makes this amazing cake when I visit her in Korea. It’s really rich and pretty awesome.”

   “If it’s chocolate and you make it, we are golden!” Luhan cheered. “The Wolf are going to pounce on those Dream High Knights!”

   “What is it about Dream high that makes everyone go crazy?” Taeyeon asked. Still a bit new to Sky High, she didn’t completely understand the whole rivalry with the school across town.

   “We’ve got history,” Luhan explained, “Our basketball teams have been battling it out on the court for years. And well, Wolf have a mighty roar.”

   “Even in the kitchen,” Taeyeon said with a grin.

   “Yeah,” Kris added, smiling. “Definitely in the kitchen!”




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