Positive + Negative = L.O.V.E

Positive + Negative = L.O.V.E

Taemin P.O.V:


They were close behind me, very close. I tried hiding behind old trash cans and storage boxes, but when I heard the same voice over and over again yell "THERE HE IS!" I told myself I hadn't found the right spot to keep myself hidden and decided to continue running. Since it happened many times before, my legs were extremely strong and I could run for hours, but then I thought, so could they.


The running finally stopped when I hit a dead end. A wall, an unforgiving brick wall, staring at me in the face, screaming at me, ordering me to turn around and face them like the man I was growing up to be, which isn't saying much.


I turned around and a hoard of about 6 large men stood over me. One in particular looked very familier. One spoke out. "Your time is up! Give us what we want!" the low voice yelled, directed at me. "I told you! I don't do drugs. I don't know how to get them. Please, if you let me go, I'll get you whatever you want next time!" I pleaded. I prayed in my head that they weren't going to hurt me. . . . Too late. Before I knew it, one of the men towered over me at punched me square in the face. The last thing I remember is the loud crack I heard in my ears when the huge fist knocked me to the ground. The next thing I remember was laying down, in the same place I was before I was knocked out cold. I felt a sharp pain in my cheeks. My jacket was gone, my nose was bleeding, and my pop tarts were gone. F***!! That was my dinner! I got up and grabbed a rag I found on the ground. Of course it wasn't sanitary. But then again, what choice do I have? I continued to run, thinking they could still be watching me. I had to get out of this place, the worst place to be in Seoul if you weren't protected.. Or even welcomed. I should stay somewhere else. But of course, if I change my position, I have to tell Kibum, just in case he wants to come and find me. I need him for support. He's like a mother to me. Well, I better get there fast. It's getting dark. Or it could just be the alley. No matter what time of day it was, this alley always made everything look dark. And if I knew what time it really was, It would look a lot more brighter


Kibum P.O.V:


I woke up on the ground of my kitchen table, with a sharp pain in my arm. My dad was gone, must've left to get a drink. My mom was on the couch, watching T.V., petting SooYoung, our skinny, sick cat. I swear, I was ready to take that cat to the hospital myself. It wasn't until I stood up that I realized my left leg was in a great deal of pain as well. I started limping to my room. When I walked past the couch, where my mom was sitting, "GO CLEAN YOUR ROOM, YOU PIECE OF S***!!!!" she yelled as loud as she could before she threw a glass bottle at me. Fortunately, she missed and the bottle shattered against the wall. I started to run at this point. When I got to my room, I layed in bed, staring at the ceiling, when I heard a rock hit my window. I walked over to my window and opened it swiftly. "Taemin?" What's he doing here? "Hey, Kibum. I came to let you know that I-" "Don't call me that anymore! Call me Key" I said, cutting Taemin off. "Key?" he asked with the funniest confused face I've seen. "Yes... Please?" I asked. "I hate my name!" I pouted. "Why? I'd rather be you than Taemin" Taemin laughed. "Because my y mother named me Kibum" I spat. "I'll try and remember. I came to tell you that I'm not staying in alley #6 anymore. I'm moving onto a better place to stay. Do you have any suggestions?" Taemin explained. Since I was a good friend, I decided to help out. I thought, and thought, and thought. Then it popped into my head. "SM Avenue" I beamed


Minho P.O.V:


I slowly opened my eyes. I finally woke up to my clock that read 1:00 PM. I really have to stop sleeping in so late. I stretched and got up, brushed my teeth, took a shower, and got dressed. What should I do today? I asked myself as I walked in the hallway of the living room. My mom passed me, not looking at me. I beamed. "Hi mommy!" "Minho, water the garden for umma" she said calmly, still not looking at me. She didn't even glance, and before I knew it, she disappeared into appa's office. I sighed to myself "Yes, ma'am"


Jonghyun's P.O.V:


"Don't you think Jinki is a rather dumb name?" Jinki said to me. I only sighed.We were on our way to Minho's house. It was a really nice day today. But coming up with a nickname for Jinki has been the only thing we've focused on for the weekend. "I told you last night that your name is fine! And besides, nicknames don't work for me. I'd forget and start calling you Jinki again" I explained. "Just help me think!... What about Thunder? Or... G.O?? Does that sound cool?" he asked enthusiasticly. I thought.. I had something good. But it was only on the tip of my tongue. Then it hit me. "What about... Onew?" I asked. I'd think he'd like it, since he was desperate. "That's sounds... ridiculous! I'm sorry Jjong, but you at making up nicknames!" He said laughing at my failed attempt at creativity. I only sighed in defeat. We continued to walk to Minho's house, when I looked across the street to see a rather small child. The thing about him was that he was extremely dirty, covered in all sorts of verman! What is he doing in this kind of neighborhood? He was walking very slowly, looking at every house he passed by in shock, as if he's never seen a real house before. I ignored and just continued to walked with Jinki...Or... Onew.


When we got to Minho's place, Minho was outside watering his umma's garden. "Making you water the plants again, is she?" Onew laughed. "Hey guys. just walk in and make yourself at home. I'll be inside in a minute" he glanced up at us once and looked back down to the colorful lawn that needed water. Onew and I walked in up the stairs of the door, but I stopped. "Oh! By the way, Jinki's nickname is Onew now!" I said with a smile. Minho only looked back and smiled. "Niiiice". "NO IT'S NOT" Onew yelled laughing.


Taemin P.O.V:


I walked into SM Avenue, what an amazing neighborhood! What have I been missing?! Either I've been living in hell all these years, or these people are spoiled rotten. As I walked, I looked across the street to see two kids talking to one another. They looked like they belonged to this street. One of them looked sort of like a dinosaur, the other one looked like a bunny when he smiled. Haha! I guess nobody is really perfect. I continued to stare at the houses on my side of the street when I decided to cross the street. I looked both ways and started running. My umma always told me to look both ways, it was my sister who told me to run. I made to the other side of the street until my foot met up with the sidewalk and I tripped into somebody's lawn, which was abundant with colorful flowers that smelled amazing. I couldn't help but smell them since I was now covered in them. I saw a figure towering over me with a face red with anger. "YAH!! Who do you think you are!?! You just ruined my umma's garden!! She's gunna kill me!" I heard the figure yell at me with a low, angry voice. Great, I'm in trouble again! The figure picked me up by my shirt. Man, was he strong! "Why don't you do me and yourself a favor and--" he started to yell, but stopped by looking at me. His expression of anger dropped. My expression of fear dropped as well... When I saw his face. Oh my goodness. What a handsome guy. He is... beautiful. The first thing I noticed was his huge, big, brown eyes. Wooooow. He lowered me down to the ground. He gulped. "M-my name is Minho" I didn't know what to say. I was completely speechless. "My n-name is T-aemin-n" I stuttered. Wow, nice move. "I-i'm s-s-sorry I fell in your-r garden-n" I managed to say. All I could think was... Oh, my god. Was this love at first sight?


Minho P.O.V:


I picked up the boy by his shirt, and what a skinny boy he was. He was so light! I was so pissed, and worried at the same time, but more mad. "Why don't you do me and yourself a favor and-"... Wait.. W-w-woww. Who is this guy? He was so beautiful. I've never seen a boy so good looking! I finally put him down. His expression of shock made me wanna say something, but what? "M-my name is Minho" I said out of no where. Oh no, why did I say that? "My n-name is T-aemin-n" he stuttered violently. Ahhh, it was so cute. My jaw dropped to such cuteness. He's mastered it! "I-i"m s-s-sorry I fell in your-r garden-n" he barely managed to say. Poor boy. He didn't seem like he was from here. His clothes were slighty torn and he was covered in dirt. I wanted to say it was okay, because it was now, but he tried to run away. "WAIT!" I blurt out to make him stay. He stopped in his tracks. "Do you want to come in?" I asked. My parents wouldn't dare let a guy like him in our house. But I could tell he needed help. "Yes.. Please" he said quietly. So adorable. Is all I could think.


Jinki(Onew) P.O.V:


"So.. ONEW... Do you want some banana milk?" Jjong smirked. "I told you, that's a dumb nickname!" I said again, for the 100th time it seemed. "Hey, you said you wanted a nickname. And I think it's perfect for you! And I keep saying it because I don't want to forget. Trust me! It's a cool nickname" He explained. Good point. He does forget a bunch of stuff... Like... NICKNAMES! I only sighed, when Minho came in with a boy that I didn't recognize. He looked nervous, covered in dirt, his clothes filthy. Poor guy. "I've seen him! He was walking in our neighborhood today!" Jjong yelled. He was? "His name is Taemin" Minho said dreamly, not taking his eyes off the boy. "Where is he from?" I ask curious. "I...Well.. I.. Umm" He tries to explain. "Don't ask him questions he doesn't have to answer, Jinki!" Minho yells from the front door. "Onew! His name is Onew now!" Jjong yelled through the room. I just rolled my eyes. "Taemin, why don't you go upstairs and take a shower?" Minho asked... Taemin. That's a cute name. "I can?!?!" he asked surprised. "Of course" Minho chuckled, they gazed into each other's  eyes for a few seconds.. until Taemin smiled and ran upstairs. "If he knows how to USE a shower anymore" Jjong joked. "Not cool Jonghyun" I said, shaking my head. "Jonghyun! This boy needs help! And you're gunna be mean like that?!?! How dare you!!!" Minho spat to Jjong. Wow, I didn't know Minho could be so protective of a boy he just met. "Do my ears hear the sound of.. LOVE?!" Jonghyun said, smiling and nodding. Minho blushed. Awwwww



Kibum(Key) P.O.V:


Where has Taemin been? He's been gone for a few days. Has he found a place to stay? Perhaps that one park I told him about that one time. I suddenly hear a knock at the door. To my surprise, it was Taemin. But I could barely recognize him. His hair was clean.. Everything was clean. He had new clothes, new hair, and there was no dirt anywhere. He had a smile on his face. "Hey KEY!" he laughed. How did he go from smelly Taemin to sweet smelling Taemin? He also had an expression on his face, that could not go away. An expression that I only saw in romance movies. "What happened to you?" I asked laughing. he looked great. "I need to bring you somewhere!" he smiled. "Where?" I was so curious, more than ever. "My boyfriend's" he laughed in delight. "WHAT?!?!" Taemin has a boyfriend?? What has happened in the last four days?! I was gunna ask him what was going on, but before I knew it, he had me by the arm and we were on our way to SM Avenue


Taemin brought me to a huge, amazing house. What have we been missing? He knocked on the door. When we started to hear footsteps come towards the door, Taemin started to fidget happily. I wanted to know who this Minho guy was! The door opened, and before me, was the cutest guy I have ever seen in my life. Dark brown hair, even darker brown eyes, and a beautiful smile. "H-hi" I said, stuttering. "H-hey" the boy said. Wooow. What a beautiful voice. "Hey Jonghyun. Where's Minho?" Taemin asked, as if he was all too familier with the boy, which made me a tad jealous. "H-he's in the kitchen" The boy, who obviously goes by the name of Jonghyun said to Taemin, but was looking at me.. His brown eyes, staring into mine. I couldn't take my eyes off of his. All I could think was.... "Wooooow"


Jonghyun P.O.V:


"Hey, Onew can you pass me that-" "Okay, I get it! Onew is a cool name" Onew said, cutting me off. "YES!! YOU FINALLY ADMIT IT!!!" I yelled in the living room. Minho, in the kitchen making cookies for his loooooover, looked back and smiled. There was a knock at the door. Since Onew was too lazy for his own good, and Minho was listening to his iPod and couldn't hear it, I had no choice but to answer. Before me, was Taemin, I was gunna say Hi and tell him where Minho was, but I was distracted by the boy who was with him. He was.. Woooow. Why didn't Taemin ever introduce me before? "H-hi" he stuttered. Could it be possible that he likes me back!? "H-hey" I say. He was so cute, waaaay out of my league it seemed. He looked very similar to Taemin when we first met him. Dirty in most places, his hair looked like it hadn't been washed in weeks. His clothes weren't as bad, but they were still filthy. "Hey, Jonghyun. Where's Minho?" Taemin asked. What's his name? Where is he from? Is he gunna stay? Questions started to cloud my brain. "H-he's in the kitchen" I said pointing behind me. But I couldn't take my eyes off of Taemin's friend. Taemin ran straight towards the kitchen. "I'm Jonghyun" I asked as sweetly as I could. I'm Kibum, but call me Key" he replied, in the same fashion I had. What a unique name. I loved it "I'm sorry. I'm terrible with nicknames" I smiled and sighed. "That's okay" he said smiling. I let him in. "Would you like to take a shower?" I laughed. Onew was watching from the couch. "Love to, Thank you" he said, still smilling as he ran up the stairs. "If he even knows how to use one anymore!" Onew laughed. I immediately start to feel my face burn red. "SHUT UP!!" I yell. "Not as funny when it's thrown back at you, is it!?" Onew shrieked with laughter. Ughhh. I hate karma.


Minho P.O.V:


I hear my friends yell and laugh at each other. I just ignored and resumed making cookies. I was listening to Super Junior when I felt somebody hug me from behind. I take out my headphones. "Jonghyun, I don't care how much you kiss up, these cookies are for Taemin!" I protest. "YAAAAY!! COOKIES!!" Taemin yells behind me. I immediately beam out of happiness and turn around. "TAEMINNIE!!" I yell loud enough for Onew to pay attention to us. I squeezed Taemin! He's finally here! Yaaay! I couldn't stop smiling. I give him a kiss on the cheek and he claps and jumps up and down. Onew smiles from inside the living room. "Hey, Taemin" he calls out to him. "Hiya!" Taemin says happily. I look over to Jjong, who's looking up the stairs, like he's ready to walk up them. "Uhhh.. Jonghyun.. Are you okay?" I ask him, my arm around Taemin. "Just fine" he said, not looking away from his focal point. "You know... When he's done with his shower, you should talk to him." Onew said to Jjong. Jonghyun nodded. "Hey, Taemin, can I bring you upstairs? I wanna talk to you about something" I said in his ear. "Of course" he said with a smile. But it seemed faint. I brought him upstairs. Well, this is it.


Taemin P.O.V:


"Hey, Taemin, can I bring you upstairs? I wanna talk to you about something?" I hear Minho suddenly whisper to me. Oh no. He's gunna break up with me. "Of course" I try to say without showing the pure fear on my face. We went upstairs to his room. He didn't sit down, or anything. He only closed the door. So how he gunna break the news? Whatever he's gunna say, will make me cry, I already know that. I brace myself for what he's gunna say. "Just say it! I can take it!" I blurt out, my eyes closed. But I didn't hear anything. All I felt were Minho's lips, pressed up against mine. Then, I felt the sudden kiss make the tension and worry fly away. When I was kissing him. I thought. Last week, I didn't know who he or his friends were, I was running from thugs, and stealing food and clothes. He had changed my life. Now, I had friends that were caring for me, I had protection from people who wanted to hurt me, and most importantly, I had Minho. I... I think I love him. We finally broke away from the kiss to catch our breaths. "So that's what you wanted to talk to me about!" I laughed. Minho laughed. "I liked that conversation" he said as he hugged me. "You don't know how you've changed my life" I sighed. "Huh?" Minho asked confused. He didn't know anything about my life in the allies. What did he think when I fell in his garden four days ago? "I'll tell you my story" I sighed. What if he didn't like me after I told him?


Minho P.O.V:


Taemin had told me everything about his life before I met him. And I've never heard such a heartbreaking story. "I'm so sorry" I whispered in his ear to get him to stop crying. "I-I just wish m-my life-e wouldn't b-be so hard-d." Taemin said sobbing, gasping for breath. "You don't deserve it!" I said reassuringly. He started to calm down. "Taemin, I want you to live here, with me." I said, sure about my feelings. Taemin looked up at me, obviously shocked judging by the look on his face. "What?" he asked. "I know I haven't known you for that long.. But you need a place to live, and I need a person to love" I sighed. Taemin cried even harder. "I haven't lived in a house for years! I love you, Choi Minho!" He sobbed. I sighed, almost ready to cry "I love you, Lee Taemin" I quietly said, kissing him lightly on the lips.


Onew P.O.V:


Well, Taemin and Minho were staying in together. I'm so happy for them. Jonghyun and Key are starting something I hope. They seem to really be into each other. It's been 3 weeks since we've met Taemin and Key and we've seen the allies Taemin lived in, and Minho was right, it was heartbreaking. One day, we went downtown, a place where it all started for me. This is where Minho, Jonghyun and I would hang out and it really made me feel like a normal kid. we all walked in single file until we stopped at a bench outside a candy store. All five of us. Me, Jjong, Key, Minho, and Taemin. "Well, this is now our group, right?" Key chimed in. "Yupp" "Oh yeah" "Definitely" we all say the same time. It was such a nice day. Until something caught my attention. One of my favorite songs, I'm yours by Jason Mraz was playing in the candy store. I started to sing along.

"Well open up your eyes and see like me - open up your plans and damn, you're free - look into your heart and you'll find love love love

Then, Jonghyun and Key started to sing along

"Listen to the music of the moment baby sing with me - I love peaceful melody"

And lastly, Minho and Taemin sang together, with Taemin's head on Minho's shoulder

"It's your God-foresaken right to be loved loved loved loved loved"

Oh, did I forget to tell you? We all love to sing

"So I won't hesitate - no more - no more - it cannot wait - I'm sure

One man wearing a suit stopped in his tracks and watched us sing. But we didn't think anything of it.

"There's no need to complicate - Our time is short - This is our fate - I'm yours"

We continued to sing the same lines over and over again, even after the song stopped. The man came up to us after a few minutes. Turns out he was a talent agent, and he wanted to sign us up. I was shocked. And so was everybody else. We were taken to the agency to talk to a bunch of important people. Sooner than I thought, we were signed and ready to start an actual career. "But what will we call ourselves?" Minho asked us. One big important question. He was right. What was a good name for 5 singing teenagers? Jonghyun smiled ".... SHINee.." 


THE END <333

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Chapter 1: I loved, loved it!! Pure amazing-ness!!!!
I really liked this :)
ilovekorea #3
Cute~~<br />
I just did :)<br />
Please add the 2min tag XD