Chapter 2

Bitter and Comforting


The movie didn’t interest Jonghyun at all, and he found himself sitting forward in his seat so he could examine the stranger, Minho. He was so animated with his reactions; he expressed himself more than anyone Jonghun knew. He looked ridiculous, Jonghyun decided, handsome and ridiculous. Minho was good looking; that much was obvious and totally undeniable, but he looked so silly Jonghyun decided that maybe he wasn’t so jealous after all.

The movie was over in what, to Jonghyun at least, felt like hours and as soon as the lights were on, he snuck past Minho and Jinki, who took their time collecting their things and waiting for others to go first. He made his way to the car and sat on the pavement beside it holding his head with his hands for a moment while he waited for them. The night was cold, and usually he hated the cold weather, but tonight the shockingly cold air was a welcome contrast to the stifling theatre.

Jonghyun reached into his pocket and pulled out a box of cigarettes and his lighter, and slipped a smoke between his lips so quickly and easily it felt like he’d never given up. Like second nature, he cupped his hands around the end as he lit it and breathed in.

“Didn’t think you’d be the type to smoke.”  Minho stood behind him.

Jonghyun jumped and looked up for a split second before sighing.

“I gave up for a while, but there’s not a lot of point in it. Just caused me stress.”

“It’s bad for you, y’know. Thought you were a health freak.. at least that’s how Jinki made you sound. Eight hours of sleep, two servings of fruit, five of vegetables... That kind of guy.” He smiled.

“This is my one vice.” Jonghyun offered a slight turn of his lips back. “We all have something, right?”

“I guess we do.” Minho’s answer was short, the smile had disappeared from his voice, and Jonghyun didn’t know how to respond. The silence stretched on for what felt like minutes, but in reality could only have been a few seconds.

“So, Jinki.. where’s he?” He flicked ash onto the pavement.

“Hm?” Minho seemed to be shaken from his thoughts. “Oh, he just went to the bank across the street, apparently where we’re going doesn’t take card. Who, in this day and age, doesn’t take card?” Minho laughed but it sounded a little strained.

Jonghyun laughed along, because he knew exactly where they were going.  


When they arrived at what was inarguably Jinki’s favorite samgyeopsal restaurant, Jonghyun wasn’t at all surprised. As soon as he’d heard ‘no card’, he knew. Jinki had been coming here so long he knew most of the staff by name, and he smiled warmly at them as he ordered enough for the three of them and sat down next to them.

“Minho doesn’t drink, so I just ordered enough soju for us both.” Jinki explained as he sat down and the waiter brought out only two bottles.

Jonghyun nodded and carefully adjusted the hot plates.

“I’ll do that, I’m the oldest!” Jinki playfully slapped his hands away, picked up the tongs and smiled.

“I was thinking of dying my hair back to brown, what do you think, hyung?” Jonghyun completely changed the subject. He twirled a strand between two fingers; he guessed maybe it was getting a little long. He should get it cut too.

“I dunno, I kind of got to like you with blonde hair. It might take a bit of getting used to.” Jinki said, as he took the meat and placed the long slices on the grill.

“I just feel like a change. Plus, I don’t really think I can be bothered dying my hair once a month anymore. It’s fried to a crisp, look.” He pulled a few hairs out and snapped them as demonstration.

“I guess. If that’s what you want, but I think it suits you. Don’t you think so, Minho?”

“You’re one of the few Asians that can pull it off.” Minho agreed.

“Maybe you should take better care of that hair damage.”

Jonghyun shrugged. Maybe he should just let it grow out. Maybe it didn’t even matter anymore. He didn’t have Kibum to nag at him about it anymore. Did it really matter if his hair wasn’t perfect? Who did he have to dress up for anymore?

“Is the meat ready yet?” He asked, peering over at the food.

“Pretty much.” Jinki took the scissors and began cutting the meat, and turned the hot plates down to a heat that would just keep the meat warm and not burn it. “So Jonghyun, what’s going on with your job?”

“I’m on leave for a few more weeks.”

Jonghyun worked as a receptionist at a local doctor’s office. He had started a degree in nursing, with Jinki, but he couldn’t afford to continue past the second year, so he’d gotten a job. He told himself at least until he could afford the rest of university, but now he could easily afford the tuition and he’d just lost motivation. Jonghyun envied Jinki a little for that.

He enjoyed his job, though. Jonghyun had always liked people, and this job kept him busy. When he’d broken up with Kibum, he just couldn’t keep up with it though, so he’d taken a three month paid leave. He hadn’t taken a holiday in the two years he’d been working, and a little bit of pity from his bosses had worked wonders.

“I thought you were a student. You’re the right age.” Minho commented.

“I was. But I dropped out for a bit, and now I just like working, so I’m not going back to school.” Jonghyun explained a shortened version of the mess he couldn’t be bothered telling almost a perfect stranger.

“He was studying nursing just like us.” Jinki explained a little further. “Do you have any plans for the rest of your holiday?” he asked, turning his attention back to his distracted friend.

Jonghyun shrugged again.

“Not really, but I want to rest. Probably just mooch around the house. Think about some stuff.” He tried to send the mental message to Jinki that he needed some more time to work through his Kibum-issues. Alone.

“You should go out with Minho sometime.”

Jonghyun nearly spat out a mouthful of meat and lettuce.

“I mean to the gym or something, I think you two would be good friends.”

“Uh, yeah, maybe.”  Jonghyun wanted nothing less. He liked Minho, the boy seemed nice, but he wished Jinki would stop trying to cultivate friendships for him. He was doing fine. He wasn’t exactly the most popular guy around, but he had his group of close friends and he liked them.

Jinki glared.

“Sure.” Jonghyun quickly changed his answer. Jinki was easy going, but he didn’t feel like another lecture on how he should ‘put himself out there’ more.

“Great, how about this Saturday? You two could go to the gym like I said earlier, you both like exercising.” Jinki beamed, apparently very pleased with himself. He dipped some pork in the gochujang and chewed on it happily.

Just when Jonghyun was about to protest that he didn’t need help with his social life, Minho smiled.

“Sure, it sounds good. How about in the morning, Jonghyun? Is nine okay?”

“Nine thirty.” Jonghyun didn’t rise before nine for anyone, let alone someone he didn’t even know. Nine thirty was pushing it.


“I’ll see you then.” Jonghyun stood up. He’d just about had all the forced social interaction he could take for one night. He didn’t want to give Jinki the chance to arrange anything else. He’d just broken up with his first boyfriend, of four years, couldn’t he just sit around the house for a bit to get over it? Okay, sure he’d been doing that for almost two months, but it wasn’t that unreasonable.

“Come on, Jonghyun, it’s only nine.” Jinki tried to reason. He knew exactly what Jonghyun was doing, he’d been doing it ever since the breakup. “There’s not even any bus running at this time of night, I should drive you home at least. I dragged you out here.”

“Of course there is. There’s one that leaves in about ten minutes from just down the road,” He hadn’t checked his phone, and he was fooling no-one. “I’d better run.” Jonghyun picked up his phone. “Nice meeting you.” He told Minho and left before either of the other men could say a word.

Jonghyun had no intention of going home straight away, and Jinki was completely right; there weren’t any buses running around this area at this time of night. Jonghyun needed a long walk around some busy streets to clear his head.


“What’s up with him?” Minho asked casually when Jonghyun left.

Jinki glanced at the door just to double check that Jonghyun was really gone before he told Minho in a hushed voice.

“He just broke up with his first partner, it was pretty rough. They left him for someone else, he’s torn up about it. I’m trying to get him out of the house, but he’s been so down ever since.”

Minho nodded.

“Don’t tell him I told you okay? He’d have my head.”

“How long ago?”

“About two months, give or take. That’s why he’s on leave from work.” Jinki took a second to swallow the food in his mouth. “Give him a chance, he’s really funny and outgoing usually, sometimes he just gets in these moods.. He’ll be over it in a few months. It was the same when his parents split up and when he dropped out.”

“I liked him fine. He seemed like he had a sense of humour, he just seemed.. down. Like you said.” It was clear to Minho that there was more than just a simple break up on his mind. In high school, Minho had dated around a bit, and he knew that that wasn’t what was bothering Jonghyun. Well, not entirely.

“Okay, well just give him time.”


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cookiesband #1
looking forward to this :)