Just the one time he needed a day off...

That One Day Sunggyu Decided to Slack Off

Being the leader of Infinite means that he was always the one responsible for everything that happened. Which means he was always the one worrying and constantly checking and double-checking everything. He checks schedules, performances, varieties, interviews and not to mention solo activities of every members.


Being the person in charge might be demanding for some people, but Sunggyu honestly enjoys it. He likes being in control. It kind of feels like he’s the one with the power. Like a super hero. Sunggyu likes being a super hero. So it’s all worth it. Also the fact that being the one responsible give him nagging rights and that is something that Sunggyu approve of very much.


In conclusion being Kim Sunggyu rocks. Being Kim Sunggyu is awesome. Not only he gets to boss people around, he gets to boss people around in a job that he loves. Sunggyu always have a love of performing and creating music. He always had known that this is what he will do for the rest of his life. Expressing his creativity towards music. Being in the limelight just comes with it in a package deal, but Sunggyu finds out he doesn’t mind it too much. In fact he is comfortable to say that he enjoys his popularity. Whether he is creating a perfect image for his fans, or showing off his more natural charms and being himself, he finds out that being famous is an art of its own. 


It is safe to say that Kim Sunggyu is passionate about his work. And when people are passionate, they tend to spend most of their time with their work, and when people spend a lot of their time with their work, other people tend to call them ‘obsessed’. Sunggyu would usually meh –ed that comment away. Because the truth is, he is not that much of a work-a-holic. Although he is willing to slave off for his work on occasions, Sunggyu also likes resting and relaxing like a human being. He love the days where he can stay in bed, with fizzy drinks on the side table, a supply of chips and choco-pies under the bed, and his phone by his pillow connected to the earphones he’s wearing, and tumblr on his laptop.


Days like today.


Sungjong is mc-ing on that program. Woohyun and Sungyeol are on that drama. Myungsoo and Hoya are on that other drama. And Dongwoo is getting married.


Lol no jokes, inspirits calm down.


Dongwoo is tagging along with the mc-ing maknae.


Which leaves Sunggyu wonderfully alone with his tumblr. He swore this morning that he’s not going to stay in bed. Despite the lack of working schedule, there is still stuff to be done:


  1. There is a pile of dishes in the sink.
  2.  It has been ages since anyone cleaned the bathroom.
  3. He did Promise Woohyun he will come by the drama set and bring food.
  4. The other dorm is running out of food, and the manager had asked him to do some grocery shopping.
  5. He also should probably visit his mum.


But as they day progressed he developed some theories:


  1. The pile of dishes is pretty small. He is sure Sungjong can handle it when he gets home.
  2. The bathroom is not really that dirty. If any cleaning needs to be done, Sungjong can probably handle that too.
  3. He can count how many times last year Woohyun backed out of his own promise to bring him food when he is on his solo promotion. Surely he should have his revenge.
  4. It’s not even his dorm. Why is he responsible for the kids’ groceries? Beside they should diet anyway. Myungsoo is getting a bit chubby.
  5. He can always visit his mum tomorrow.


And that’s how his blissful laziness began. At the moment he seriously thought it would last forever.


At least until manager hyung burst through the door.


“Sunggyu-ya wake up I got a schedule for you.” Sunggyu lets out a loud groan.


“No Hyung! You said I have absolutely no schedule for the rest of the week.”


“Well this is not the first time we have a surprise schedule isn’t it.” The manger tutted.


“But this is the first time ever I get to relax.” Sunggyu then puts on his best aegyo pout. “C’mon hyung I never get to have a day off.”


“Me neither.” The uncaring manager replies. “What are you talking about, nobody ever get days off. Now get dressed.” Sunggyu drops his aegyo attempts and pursue to sulk instead. Maybe if he looked dissatisfied enough the manager will change his mind.


And that of course, is a stupid plan that did not work.


“What’s the schedule hyung, and why is it so sudden?” Sunggyu lamely asks as they stepped in the car.


“We need an Infinite representative for the male role on Lovelyz music video.” Of course, their pretty dongsaengs are finally having their debut. Of course they are needed for marketing purposes.


“Why me…” Sunggyu softly groans as he curses the universe.


“Well everyone else is not available. Trust me, you were definitely not the first choice.” Sunggyu smiles bitterly. Their manager sure knows how to lift his self-esteem.


“Do they really need a male role? We didn’t have a female role in our debut.” The manager just sighs heavily and glares at the very childish leader.


“Give it up Sunggyu. You are going to shoot this mv whether you like it or not, it’s been decided and even the CEO agrees to it.”


“He did?”


“Yeah, he said you’ve been inactive for too long we need to give an update to the fans that you’re still alive.” Sunggyu sighs in defeat. He guesses it does make sense. Well they can force him to shoot an mv but they can’t force him to be happy about it.


And Sunggyu is definitely not happy. Especially not after they make him put on some lipstick.


“Hyung they put lipstick on me.” Sunggyu whines. The manager rolls his eyes.


“This is not the first time they put lipstick on you.”


“But it’s the first time the lipstick is so red! What is this! I thought I’m supposed to be the male character! With this thing on, I might as well be Hyuna!”


“Stop being so cranky and start acting like a professional. This is the director’s request. It’s part of the concept.” Sunggyu is still not happy about it, so he starts planning a long complaining speech for the director.


It turns out a speech was unnecessary. The Director turns out to be a rookie, a young director fresh out of film school. He mentions that this mv is his debut as much as it is the girls’. Sunggyu smirks when he realizes this. He knows very well how to work with newbies.

Sunggyu sat on the side while the girls shoot they’re part. They look very nervous in their itchy flower crowns and uncomfortable positions. Sunggyu can definitely empathize with the debuting girls. It wasn’t that long ago, he was the one standing in front of the camera for the first time, trying to awkwardly move his lips to the song, sweating underneath the huge lights. It takes him back through the memory lane, the time when Infinite was just created, the time where everything started.


Basking in his reminiscence, Sunggyu spend his time chatting with some of the nervous girls, making faces behind the camera, helping Kei with her hair when it gets tangled to the crown. However, this joyful, caring Sunggyu ended when it is his turn to shoot. He quickly remembers that he is supposed to be all cranky and whiny.


“Sunggyu-ssi are you ready?”


“Yeah, sure.” Sunggyu tilts his head arrogantly as he walk to the set. He decided to give this new director the attitude.


“Great can you please stand over here?”




“I’m sorry?” the young director chokes. Sunggyu smirks.


“I think I’m going to stand right here, thank you very much.” It’s quite obvious the director did not expect this.


“Umm… why not Sunggyu-ssi?”


“Because I don’t want to.” The director has no idea what to do. There is nothing in his textbook about how to deal with a cranky diva idol.


“Sunggyu…” the manager growls as a warning. Sunggyu quickly switch his tactics.


“But the lights over here is way better! Come over here cameraman, and show him!”


The cameraman did pan the camera over to Sunggyu. Sunggyu then guides it to lift in an angle slightly above him, slightly to the left. He then directs the lighting people to move the lights along. The result is quite a nice close up shot of Sunggyu with a dark background and moving light shining across of his figure.


Even the director shows signs of slight approval.


“Well I guess that looks alright.” The Director admits. Sunggyu smiles in victory. He then continues to direct his own shots.


“Now you can shoot a side profile of me while I stand by this window thingy.”


“Uh, excuse me Sunggyu-ssi…” The director tries to interrupt. “ Won’t it be boring if you just, you know, stand there?”


Sunggyu racks his brain to think of something to make the mv more interesting without him having to move a muscle. Cause he’s still lazy like that.


“I got it! You! y make up noona with the red dress!” Sunggyu suddenly points to the specific person who put lipstick on him early on. “Why don’t you come up here on the set.”


“Wait Sunggyu-ssi are you sure of this?” Sunggyu sighs at the director. He decided to put on a Sharpay


“I’ve been in this industry for 4 years, how many music videos have you shot?”


“This would be the first…” The director gulps nervously. Sunggyu smirks.


“And this tells us that…?”


“That you know what you’re doing…” The director answers timidly.


“I’m glad you acknowledge that. Now, Noona I want you to walk past me. But not on the camera side, walk on the window side. And special effects dudes! I want her hair blowing in the wind!”


The special effects dudes ends up using old scripts to fan the lady as she walks. 


It can be concluded that Sunggyu pretty much enjoys his day of bullying the director. He directed more scenes of his lazy doing as little as possible. He manages to direct a shot of him walking backwards and him sitting down, leaning on a wall. And then he had enough of moving so he declares the shot is finished. The director had a mini breakdown as he doesn’t have enough shots for the whole song and he can’t replace it with the girls because they already went home. It’s not until the cameraman advice him that he can probably use slow motion to lengthens Sunggyu’s shot and perhaps add random clips of the moon, which the director finally calms down.


“You are an .” The manager hiss as they climb back into the car.


“Well that’s what you get for disturbing my day off.” Sunggyu is very eager to get back to the dorm. If they get there soon enough, it might be possible for him to continue his lazy time.


Nobody seems to be present when Sunggyu hurriedly enter the dorm. He breathes a sigh of relief and jump back into bed.


His heaven is destroyed 30 seconds after.

“Hyung the toilet is blocked. When was the last time we cleaned it?” Hoya walked in the room with only a towel on, startling Sunggyu into a jump.


“Gosh Hoya! When the heck did you get home?”


“Awhile ago, we finished early.”


“Ew hyung that’s gross, don’t expect me to clean your toilet.” Sungjong exclaims as he peek by the doorway linking arms with Dongwoo. Sunggyu sneers at the maknae.


“Why don’t you go back to your own dorm?”


“I can’t, we don’t have any food. Manager hyung said we should stay here for dinner.”


“I’m thirsty.” Myungsoo pops in as well. “Hyung I’m going to drink your milk from the carton okay? All the cups are still in the sink.”


“Uh your dishes are piling, don’t expect me to do those as well.” Sungjong pipes in again.


“Hey guys what’s for dinner?” Sungyeol shouts loudly from the front door.


“Oh no, don’t tell me you guys finished early as well.” Sunggyu groans.


“Nope,” Woohyun answers. “We asked to go home early because we’re hungry, because someone didn’t bring us food like they promised to.”


“Hey hyung there’s some chocopies under your bed.” Dongwoo joins in happily. “Can we have it for dinner?”


“Great! I love chocopies!” Sungyeol shrieks.


“Ew, I’m not eating that.” Sungjong flinches in disgust.


“Yeah hyung, it’s not good for my diet.” Myungsoo agrees.


“You should probably go buy something hyung.” Woohyun suggests.


“Hey what about the toilet? It’s still blocked!”


Sunggyu think this cannot possibly get worse. But then the phone rings.

His mum is calling.



The End 

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Chapter 1: I'm not really into Lovelyz. The only reason I watched the MV was because of Sunggyu and I like it. Both the MV and the song. And of course Sunggyu. This story just make it more fun.
Chapter 1: I was like, spending a minute laughing my off at how unfortunate Sunggyu had become eventually xD This was a good read! I love your ideas of the possibility of Gramps life!
Chapter 1: it's been so long since i last read a fanfic and this one was the very first that brought me back into the fanfic world and i've gotta say, yours sense of humour is gr8 and i think it matches my sense of humour and i really enjoyed this thank u so much. ((i wasn't here for sunggyu btw, i was here for specifically lvlz. really.))
daeyeolli #4
Chapter 1: Wow OMG. It was the funniest fic I've raed recently. Thank you authour-nim
Chapter 1: pmsl XD
i like this very much.
and since kei is my bias and she's especially mentioned-- i can't help not to squeal ; ; ♡
Chapter 1: LOL this totally explains Sunggyu's life :P Not to mention it explains what the heck Gyu was doing in that mv..
hyumi7 #7
Chapter 1: This is so funny