ty Junhoe

You're such an




            “I’m back.” Junhoe entered the living room.

            “Ew.” Jinny whispered but loud enough for Junhoe to hear.

            “I heard that.” Junhoe took a seat and began eating.


            “Why are you guys even here?” Junhoe munched on some ramen.

            “We were invited here.” Jinny crossed her arms.

            “Well Ara was then that thing tagged along.” B.I pointed at Jinny.

            “Yah.” Jinny shot glares at Hanbin.

            “Why are you inviting this new chick to our dorm already? What’s so special about her?” Junhoe raised his brows. I had to admit that hurt a bit. My anger rose but I kept myself from talking back.

            “Yah Goo Junhoe.” Jinhwan warned.

            “I mean when have we ever brought any other girl trainee to our dorm? We just met her today and you guys are already so hyped up about this chick. You guys seem to think she’s some an angel but I don’t see it.” Junhoe shrugged.

            “Goo Junhoe what’s wrong with you? Why are you acting like such a ?” Yunhyeong glared at him.

            “What reason has Ara given for you to hate on her so much?” Jinhwan asked.

            “I’m not hating, I just don’t understand why she’s getting so much special treatment when she’s not worth much.” Junhoe spoke in a bored tone.

            “Just don’t listen to him he’s just probably in a bad mood or something.”

            “Nah its okay, I’m used to getting by ty people.” I simply stared blankly at Junhoe with my arms crossed. I was sick of the others defending me when I should be doing it myself.   They’ll get to know me soon or later so I should end this stupid sweet girl act right?

            “What did you just call me?” Junhoe leaned over the table and shot daggers at me.

            “That’s what you are right? You talk about everyone but you’re pretty much the same as them.” My expression was stone hard. “You may have the talent but so do these guys and a lot of other people. I need help on my singing and my dancing? Well I can fix that with more practice, who’s going to fix the nasty personality of yours?” I crooked my lip upward and gave him a sly smirk.

            “Woah.” The rest of the IKON members stared at me in astonishment. They didn’t know to react to this sudden new side of me. Should they be scared? Offended? They didn’t know. 

            “What do you think you are to talk a sunbae like that?” Junhoe grunted.

            “Who do you think you are to talk to anyone like that? You need to learn how to respect others just saying.” I crossed my arms.

            “Says the person who just called me .” Junhoe glared.

            “Only because I was fed up with all the rude comments you’ve been giving me today. I respect you and how you think of me, but there’s no reason for you to tell me I’m not worth much right in front of my face.”

            “Guys calm down.” Jinhwan sat us down.

            “Thanks for ruining the mood dickhead.” B.I rolled his eyes at Junhoe.

            “If she didn’t talk back to her sunbae, the mood wouldn’t be as bad now would it?”

            “I was defending myself, am I not allowed to defend myself now?” I raised my brows.

            “Aish, you two seriously gotta stop.” Jinhwan’s anger rose. “We were just trying to get along, why are you being so rude Junhoe? And don’t call Junhoe if you don’t mean it Ara.”

            “But-“ Junhoe and I said in union.

            “Shut up, here’s $50, you two go buy us some ice cream from the market nearby. On the way fix your goddamn problem, if we’re going to be working in the same company we should try and get along right?” Jinhwan slapped the $50 in Junhoe’s hand and smiled, showing his kind side again. “Hurry up with our ice cream aight?” Jinhwan shoved us out the door.

            “But Jinhwan-“

            “But hyung-“

            “Shut up and get us our ice cream.” B.I screamed from the table.

            “But I barely ate!” Junhoe banged on the door.

            “Buy something to eat on the way back!” B.I shouted from the other side of the door.

            “Aish.” Junhoe and I cried in union. I glared at him only to receive the same glare back at me.

            “Because of your nasty attitude now we’re locked out till we get the hyungs their ice cream.  Junhoe growled and began to walk to the elevator.

            “Excuse me?” I was taken back. “Hold up, my nasty attitude? If you were nice to me in the first place none of this would’ve happened. I was only standing up to your rude behavior.”

            “I only told you the truth.” Junhoe glared.

            “So did I.” I growled back.          

            “I’m your sunbae, you have no right to act like this. Do you want a bad reputation?”

            “What are you gonna do? Tell everyone I have a nasty attitude? That I called you ? Then I’ll just have to tell them what you did.”

            “Like they’ll believe you.” Junhoe scoffed and entered the elevator.

            “They will because unlike you I treat everyone kindly like they should be. They know how much of an angel I am compared t o you.” I crossed my arms.

            “Angel?” Junhoe raised his eyebrows and laughed. “Look at this confidence you have. You, an angel?” Junhoe laughed loudly. “Yeah right, you’re one fugly looking angel.”

            “Yah! I stomped on his toe.

            “Agh!” Junhoe cried out in pain.

            “You have no amount of manners whatsoever do you?” I glared at him before stomping out of the elevator and heading to the market.

            “Yah wait, Ara! Aish.” Junhoe wobbled out of the elevator still in deep pain.

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Chapter 10: come oooooooon you need to update
_btsfan_ #2
bulbme #3
Chapter 10: Aw, sassy june as always. Looking forwrd for more and frequent updates. Can't wait for fluffiness development between ara and june.bae.
Chapter 5: HAHHAHAH the "Junhoe shut up no one likes you" line rly cracked me up HAHAHAHAH
Ulzzanggirl5000 #5
Plzzz update x(((
YellowlipStick #6
Chapter 10: Update juseyoooo~~
luvkpop10 #7
Chapter 10: I hope i will see the next button soon it is really intresting :))
Chapter 10: i always and will always like sassy!june. lookin forward to the next chap!
Chapter 9: I love your story! But you are making me hate Junhoe. I LOVE HIM, but seriously he is pissing me off here! Great chapter. <3 <3 <3
Chapter 9: I like ur story sooooooo much...no love ur story sooooooo much ;) .. + hanbin is also my bias and i hav no problem of him being the main character but it would be more interesting if sassy june is instead of hanbin...i guess :D