Serenading a Vampire


Your name is Derrick Mun and courting the woman of your heart is never an easy task. Fiona Kim is cool and beautiful, charming you with her sweet cheery smile yet freezing your blood with her sharp tongue. She was ice cold when you first got acquainted, but when you two warmed up to each other, she became your blazing sun. It was Christmas for you in the middle of that summer when she accepted your flirtations. You have been casually dating since then, but honestly... hadn't you only become her daughter's chauffeur? To make matters worse, she's informed you that despite being separated with her ex-husband, that *beep*(because a true gentleman doesn't cuss) still hasn't signed the divorce papers. And as if that wasn't enough, it looks like you've suddenly got a rival?! in love?! suddenly?! Yah who the *beep* is that *beep* what does he think he's doing huh?! How dare he?! Yah!!! .... wait what? What is your girlfriend doing...? Whats happening wh- OH MY GOSH THATS BLOOD /shrieking OH MAI GAD SHES A VAMPIRE?!?!?!


Based on a dream I had in which I was eric lololol

may o may not write this I need sleep

Derrick= Eric

Fiona= Nakama Yukie ((ive been watching Trick and help shes so cute))

Minjin=(((idc this kids name is gnna b a ship name idc get out))) that girl Ariel from shinbang XD



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