Chapter 2

New To Dating

"Look man, quit before you're ahead. Stop playing around with the girl before you break her heart. You can't keep pretending you're actually dating her," Chanyeol says, arching a brow that he's actually serious this time. Chanyeol never acts serious, he's a jokester twenty-four-seven. Kyungsoo's a bit concern to see this side of him.

He turns to face the counter of the campus' coffee shop. It's almost his turn, right after the shaky student that looks as if she had too much caffeine in her system that's in front of him. Poor girl must have downed her sixth cup of coffee. Well, it is exam week.
"I'm not pretending! Why would I make this up?" It's his turn to order and he's faced with the most beautiful girl. A wide smile instantly slips across his face and the thought of this conversation is forgotten.
Jongin was just as persistent, claiming that he has never seen Kyungsoo in a relationship before, how in the world can he be in one now. Did all of his friends shared the same thought that he was incapable of dating? It was sort of insulting, but then he remembers that most of his love life was filled with hookups and bad decisions. 
"It's just too hard to believe okay. I've known you since middle school and the only time you ever looked towards a girl direction is when Soohyun accidentally bumped into you and she dropped her lunch on your shoes."
Kyungsoo snorts, remembering the day when his favorite pair of shoes got absolutely destroyed. He held a small farewell in his backyard that day, ending the over-dramatic ceremony by placing them in a fire he built.
"I swear, I thought I saw her turn pale when she saw it was you she crashed into," Jongin continues in the most theatrical tone he can muster. "But back to the previous topic, I just don't think you're taking this relationship that you claim to be in is real, no wait, is this girl even real? You never introduced her once to me, or any of your friends."
He just stands there, shaking his head with a smug look on his face. These kids just never stop asking.
"Don't worry you'll meet her soon."
The bar down town is running a bit slow, only a few customers walking in and out from the establishment. The bartender is no where to be found, probably in the back neglecting his duties of supervising the place and tending to the customers. Too bad, he was in the mood for another round of vodka.
He's sitting down on a stool near the counter along with the other two, Jongin and Chanyeol. They're discussing about the recent affairs at school, basketball team try-outs are soon and they're planning to see the new potential players. The two, including Sehun, are on the team, which sadly excludes Kyungsoo from their conversation about the sport. Basketball is not for him, also he's too short.
His head snaps up when he hears his name being called out in a familiar voice. Chanyeol chokes back his drink and Kyungsoo manages to hold back his laughter when he gets a good look on the duo's faces. Oh, how he wishes he had a camera on him.
Grinning, he stood up from his seat to be greeted with a warm embrace by the girl. "Bomi, what are you doing here?"
"Hey Soo. I remember you telling me that you go to 1004 Bar on Wednesday night. Thought I could drop by and maybe meet your friends." Bomi turns to a still-shocked Chanyeol and Jongin, confused by their surprised expression but nonetheless, bows to both and are followed by a gentle hello.
He could hear Jongin mutter a "Soo? They're on pet names now?" under his breath but ignores his comment when the girl spoke again, softly into his ear. "Is your friends okay?"
"Don't worry about these two. They just thought I had an imaginary girlfriend," Kyungsoo whispers back, and Bomi nodded, finally understanding what was going on. 
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thinkinfree23 #2
Chapter 3: Cute Story~ update soon.
asyilasa #3
Chapter 3: Update soon! Kyungmi <3
sunlight_ #4
Update soon~
Such a great story !