knew I have to say it. . .

Waiting for the Spring of Love
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Chapter 03  


“No! no thanks!” Dara turned him down on inviting her back inside the shop.

‘what on earth is he saying!? He met me just now.. so calling me Dara, is just..’ Dara gulped her saliva.


Luhan stared at her, he sure wanted to be friend with the girl,

‘why is she like that to me? Did I do something unpleasant to her at school?’ he thought.


“Anyway, you know there’s no point in you guys coming here, right?” she frowned as she looked away.


“Hmm.. I don’t really think so..why?”


The folds between her brows getting double.  The little V between her eyes, bothered him. He wanted to smooth it away with his fingertip..  



   “..because..” She needs to tell them clearly, before it’s too late. She relaxed before looking at him.


“B-bom,.. is the same as me. I don’t think we’ll fall in love with people like you.”  


Luhan lift his brow in confusion.




“..People like us..?”  



"eh?.. yeah. I mean, aren’t you guys pretty much drowning in attention.”  



Luhan still couldn’t really get what she really meant by people like them. He stares piercing through her.  



“A-and.. maybe it’s because of that, but your attitude towards girls is, kinda cocky, so..” she looked down as her eyes seemed to get trapped by his gaze. “after all that happened yesterday, I was surprised that you’d even come back here.”



He then now understand what she really meant by it. It’s their fault after all, they were kinda rude to her yesterday. He just continues looking at her as she was looking down. He noticed how her eyes were unsettled.




“A-and.. anyway! I can’t deal with frivolous people like you! Even if you keep coming here,’d just be a b-… bother!”  





Luhan didn’t say anything.  




'did I go too far with my words?’ she panicked.  






“We’re not frivolous. Technically, relationships are not allowed on the basketball team.” He left out a soft chuckled.  





“Huh!?    Not allowed..?” she was surprised by what he just said.



'that actually happens in real life?’ she wondered.





“Yeah.” He could tell what she was surprised of.



“Previously, some flashy sunbae, caused some trouble, which is why they made that rule. Some guys say it’s stupid so they don’t follow it. They end up quitting the team, though.”



Dara looked at him and saw how he glazed at her.




“We four will follow that. Because we want to keep playing basketball.” As she looked at him, she saw how passionate he is at playing basketball.




She stares, she noticed that he’s doe-eyed and finds it attractive enough.




The her eyes widened as she realization dawn at her,



"Ah! Haa!” she lifts her index finger and points it to the store. “but your friend confessed to Bom!” she cautioned. ‘ you looked so cool, you almost fooled me! Haha’






  “Ah! Yeah right.”he was as surprised as her. He smiled at her. “then keep it a secret.”



Dara stepped back when he said that.



“You see, she’s his first love.”





‘first love..?’  





"I don’t believe it..!” she retorted.





“It’s true, Baekhyun is a year older than us. But we’ve been friends since we were kids playing junior basketball." He turned at the shop, “look at that.” He points at Beakhyun who was so stiffed as Bom serves him, he couldn’t look or even take a glance at Bom.



"does it looked like he’s used to women?” he crossed his arms and smiled for his friend.




“..No..” she shyly admitted. She glanced at him and he was looking inside the shop. She sighed and looked at the ground again.




"… okay,” she mumbled.  




Luhan tilted at his side when she suddenly uttered something.




".. I won’t tell anyone. But in exchange..”  






“..make sure your and you’re friends fans won’t find out about this place, Luhan-ssi.”



She raised her head to him, “I don’t want them to make a fuss here, since this place is precious to me.”




Luhan’s heart suddenly beats faster when he saw how the corner of her lips turned up at her last sentence.





And her eyes, he now realizes what was itching him since she saw her yeterday; she had those beautiful eyes he had ever seen.    













“Thank you for coming~”



Dara looked at the wall clock and can’t help but wonder, ‘they’re not coming..?’.




"Did their practice end late today?” she asked particularly no one.  





“Dara-yah, Bom’s here so you can get off your shift now.” Her boss called at the counter.




“Arasso Master! I’ll be leaving then.”




She changed back, and get off already.


She walked off feeling a bit unease.



‘hmm, what’s wrong with me?’ she was walking while her minds out of the world.




‘if they don’t come, then wouldn’t that be bes-‘





She stopped near the bush at the court when she noticed 4 guys hiding behind the bush.




“Wah! Wha-.. why are you-”




She couldn’t finish what she was going to ask because Chanyeol covered and pulled him to hide with them too. She struggled at first but Chanyeol Shushed her.




"Ssshhh” then she stopped when Luhan went closer to her face.




"wha-what are you doing!?” she asked angrily at his face but quiet enough for them to hear only.




"Be quiet for a little while.” Luhan whispered so close that his breath brushed to her face.



Chen tapped her, “Look over there.” He said to her.



They rustled at the plants where they’re hiding. When she looked, she saw four girls in fr

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ZeniaMelark #1
This will be my first time reading a fiction here at AFF.. my friend suggested me to try this since I'm a hardcore daralings, well I love this ludarXkrisdaraXchandara ship.. hope to read more fluffy stories like this, please suggest other nice stories too.. :)
Chapter 3: i knew it was Kris! Kekeke
ShaiRa1009 #3
Chapter 2: this is a manga right ?? im actually reading it tho it is still ongoing .. and this made me happy since that manga is really great and actually one of my fave since its fullfill my harem feels!! and i thank u for revising it
krisdara, ludara love them (Y) ^_^
chetski #5
Chapter 2: Yes! It's Ludara ... i like Baekhyun too but not for Dara ☺
Chapter 2: Ludara moment up next juseyo!
charitot #7
Chapter 2: Rude boys tsk tsk tnx for the update im waiting for more :)
IronManLuhan #8
Chapter 2: Rude guys.. Lol! So baekhyun likes bom? I like their ship., hope to see more beakbom moments..
Chapter 2: next chap please hehe! Is XXis KRIS! Omo this is great!
golddennangela #10
Chapter 1: Ihhhhhh I can't wait for the next chapter....