The Book

Favorite Book





Jin flew through the doors and stomped his way to the table he always used in the back of the Library. Throwing his bag on the table, not too hard to make a great deal of noise, he made his way to the Poetry section to find his favourite book to help calm him down.


Jin’s fingers brushed along the spines of the books he past until he got to the one he was looking for.


Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein


Jin smiled to himself, already feeling some of the negative emotions fly away, leaving him with the good. This was his book; this was his childhood. As he walked back to the table where he left his bag, he reminisced on the times where his mother would read these poems to him at night, before he fell asleep. He remembered most of the poems in this book. He read it so much, he could recite them from memory.

Flipping to a random page, something slipped out of the books’ pages. Surprised, Jin quickly picked it up. It was a folded up coffee stained page. Curious, he opened it to slanted handwriting and skimmed over the lyrics that littered the page.


Positive words of encouragement, that’s what they were. They spoke of surviving day by day, beating the odds, being human; alive and breathing. How we are all born premature without knowing how to walk or even stand, but we overcome it eventually.


When Jin finished reading, he felt something. He didn’t feel frustrated anymore, felt strong, stronger than he was before. Without thinking twice, he pulled out a pen and some paper from his forgotten bag next to him and wrote a small note himself.


Thank you for those words of encouragement.


Jin quickly slipped the note into the same place between the pages where he found the lyrics. Closing the book, he stood from his seat and walked back to Poetry section. Sliding the book back in its place, he stood there, clutching the coffee stained page in his hands. Folding it, he tucked it into his pants pocket and strolled back to the table.


Jin threw his bag over his shoulder and left the Library with a wide toothless smile plastered on his face.


I hope they find it, He thought.






Two weeks passed, and Jin was curious. He wondered if the person who left the lyrics had found his note, thanking them. So, during his study period, he wandered back to the Library.


Going through the same routine like last time, he set his bag quietly on the table and made his way to the books.


Fingers over spines, he stopped at the right place.

It’s here.


Grabbing it, Jin turned each page until he found the right one. Instead of finding his note, he found another piece of paper in between the pages. He rushed back to the table and sat down. He closed the book and set it on the table, then opened the paper. It had the same handwriting as last time. And he read it again.


There were more wise and inspiring words this time. It was a poem about life. About how it was like a marble block that you can carve and make your own.


This time, Jin felt like he had the power he needed to get him through things. The smile that made its way to Jin’s face stayed, even when he wrote his own note with nice words and put them in the book. The smile only got bigger when he placed the book back on the self and left. His smile was wide and lively as he folded and slipped the paper into his pocket once again, before leaving the peaceful Library.






This went on for weeks between the two. The words from this mysterious person always made Jin feel tougher and better than before. He always kept the notes, and always wrote back.


Along the way, Jin felt himself falling in love with the anonymous person. He felt as though these things were written specially for him.


He thought about it, and realized he couldn’t buy this person anything. He couldn’t take him out for coffee or anything, so he came up with his own way of messaging and gifting the other. He picks flowers and places them inside the book, hoping that they’re enough.






The next time Jin enters the Library and opens the book, he quickly reads the three sentenced note left for him.


I love you. 
That is the beginning, 

And that is the end. 
That is everything.


And Jin can’t stop the way his eyes water. He can’t stop the way the tears silently fall down his cheeks. He knows that they aren’t tears of sadness, but of happiness. This anonymous person told him something. He feels the same way that Jin does.

He loves him, and Jin loves him too.






Jin is a patient person.  He could wait for weeks to receive something in the mail. He could wait for hours before his friends come over to his house. He could wait for whatever. Today though, he’s really impatient.


Sitting in class, Jin’s fidgeting and occasionally disrupting his friend, Yoongi, from sleeping.


“Dude, could you calm down? You look like you’re about to wet yourself. You’re disrupting my learning.” Yoongi whispered sleepily. Jin scoffed.


“What learning? You’re sleeping, you idiot. Something that you shouldn’t be doing in class, mind you.” Jin whispered back.


“Whatever, Mr. I-follow-the-rules. I’m sorry I didn’t sleep much last night.”


“Yeah, well, you would’ve had enough sleep if you didn’t have Jimin over.” Yoongi’s eyebrows raised, then furred together.


“Hey, how do you know about that? And what are you implying?” Jin rolled his eyes.


“You know what I’m implying. Don’t act stupid. Jimin has been bouncing through the halls all day, glowing like the freaking sun. Everybody can tell. Just ask Jungkook. He may be the youngest, but he’s not blind. Even he knows what you did during your little sleepover.” Yoongi blushed and hid his face in his arms that were laying on the table.


“Shuddup.” He mumbled. Jin chuckled quietly, then tried to go back to focusing, which he wasn’t successful at. All he could think about was getting to the Library later.






Instead of waiting the usual two weeks or so to get to the book, Jin decided he wanted to check it now. And it had only been about four days.


Getting to the Library in haste, he set his things down at the usual table and practically ran to the bookshelf. He reached out and plucked the book from its place and opened it. Looking inside, he saw that his flower and note were still in there.


Jin closed the book and sighed, biting the inside of his cheek in slight frustration.


I knew I should’ve waited, He thought.


Suddenly, he heard footsteps come his way. Looking up, he found someone standing close by, staring wide-eyed at him. He was tall, a little taller than himself, with silvery-white hair. His dark eyes flickered down to the book Jin cradled in his hands.


Biting his lip, Jin held the book up. The stranger’s eyes widen in recognition. Jin takes a deep breath in.


“H-hi,” He stutters, smiling. The other man smiles softly and steps forward.


“I’m Namjoon.” He says. His voice was deeper than Jin thought, but it sounded amazing to his ears.


“Jin.” He says, taking a couple steps closer, until they are practically toe-to-toe. The man’s smile becomes bright, and dimples form on his cheeks.


“Thank you for the flowers Jin.” Namjoon says.







Wow. So, I finally wrote it. It didn’t really take long, but I hope you enjoyed it. 


Here is the link I said I'd find! >>>

I pretty much wrote what it said in the tags, but with a little more detail...?

I hope the person who posted it doesn't mind.

Full credit to them!





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KiwiPrincess #1
Chapter 1: So sweet..beautiful..makes me smile..thank you.. :)
rawrzilla #2
Chapter 1: Why is this story so simple yet so sweet? You did an amazing job of making my day! Thank you. Do write more stories. :)
hoodbyart #3
Chapter 1: What a nice story. Would u mind making a sequel to this? >< and thank u for a nice fic ♡♡
Chapter 1: This was so so cute >.<
KcuLL22 #6
Chapter 1: how cute ><
KpopMoreLikeJesus #7
Chapter 1: OMG this is so cute I can't even comprehend!!! >.<
Chapter 1: Such a short but sweet story!
O_f_t_94 #9
Chapter 1: Such a beautiful story! Thank you for this :)