House Of Mystics ╾ APPLY OPEN


not all those who wander are lost

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FULL NAME : This is pretty common, your name can be an english name or japanese or anything you want. But don't get crazy on this section. I like names like 'Alexa' , 'Felixia' and 'Mira' those three names sounds like a myth and a very very very fantasy-like name. I like it, if some of your names sounded so fantasy and folk, 50-50 you'll be chosen.

BIRTHPLACE & BIRTHDAY : For this section, I don't need her birth year, just leave that out. I only need her birthdate, her birthplace and just her age. The age range shoulde be 18-16. (NOTE: If I ever see all of the applicant's age is 16, I might reject them.).

HOMETOWN : Can be somewhere around the world. If you're a half. So just be specific.

LANGUAGE : PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! Tell me her native, her fluency and her basics in languages, I've seen other applyfics that some of the applicant saying that there are two fluents in language but one basic in a certain language. Just be fair like, Korean is your native, English is your fluency and Japanese is your basic, this is what I want and what I like because it shows me that this person is being natural and shows what her lack in some language. I hope you get my point.

FACE CLAIM : Your face claim can be an ULZZANG, IDOLS and a SINGER. NO CUTESY CUTE ulzzang with big eyes, it scares the hell out of me, I want the ulzzang that has a beauty that shows that she's mature and wise (?) whatever, but please don't use an ulzzang with big eyes, ulzzang like Song Ahri, I'm not being judgy and all. I like her, but she's too cute and has big eyes. As for IDOLS, it can be from any group even if one of their member left (Let us show them our support) so yeah, feel free. (Jiyeon T-Ara is taken)

CLASS : It's in the plotline and there are three. So, one plotline must have two applicants. No, I'm not saying that you could apply 2 times, once is enough. So let me explain you wisely.:

  • The FULL MOON class is where the highest rank students, whose knowledge is the highest among all the classes, they are wealthy, classy and are very organized. The students are 80% spoil and arrogant and 20% kind and respectful, So, you can be a very rude spoil rich kid or a very kind and gentle student. Your choice and nobody's perfect.

  • The HALF MOON class, is for a student whose marks isn't really high and isn't really low, but they're marks are just average. What I'm trying to say is, sometimes they get number one and sometimes they get the lower rank. So they kind of like, a studious type and a friendly and joyful type. They are very competitive and good at sports the most. So this section for your character's personality is freelance. But make sure they are sporty and have love for sports. (/confusing/) sorry~
  • The CRESCENT MOON class, the lowest rank, all of the students in this class are a bit agrressive and intense, they are the rule breaker kind of like a gengster, even if the teacher enter their class they don't pay any attention or even care a thing about learning. A disrespect class and a very rude class. They do what they want by what they want they use their powers just to prank people or bully them- either way- well you get my point. So make sure they are like, mischievous and intense or something like that, your choice. (But please, tell me their soft side)

​And that's the points and explanation for the three classes, although, it looks confusing. But it's okay, you can ask me by sending me a PM. So, anyway, use a back-up it's very important. Choose a class that interest you. Thankyou for reading.

ABILITY : Your powers, tell me what ability she can manipulate. If you don't have any clue of what ability she should use, you can check it here.  It can also be useful for the love interest. you can have three powers, because.... I want you to have fun with your powers. Lol! (Geokinesis and Naturakinesis is taken [for meh] Pyrokinesis and Atmokinesis are taken for my love interest)

PERSONALITY : Absolutely no MARY SUES, if her personality is Mary Sue than it means that you didn't check your app twice or more than twice. So suggest for you to read your app twice or more. Please be detailed and make sure it fits your ability and your face-claim. Why? It's easier for me to write about her. This section is important. Just give me parts (One paragraph for the positive and one paragraph for the flaw) for your personality.

BACKGROUND : Tell me about her childhood life and how she discovers her powers. Also, tell me how she got into the academy. Is because her parents is the teacher or something? Or is it because the master found her? Explain. Your background doesn't have to be too sad, I find it very annoying (I realized it yesterday that there are a lot of applicants have sad backgrounds during their childhood days) so I suggest your character to have a happy and fun background, that way your character won't fall into depression and stuff like that. Also, her parents doesn't have to die. Not all parents must die, because it would make your character sad and I don't like it at all, but I don't have the power to even choose your own opinion it's just my suggestion you can do whatever you want with this section. (I still prefer it to be a happy family). Also, tell me if her family ever gets into a war or fighting against their enemy. (Action is the best part in background XD).

LOVE INTEREST : I'm not comfortable with and yuri. It doesn't feel right, so I don't allow your love interest to be a girl. It can be from EXO but only these five (Chen, Suho, Sehun, Kai and Kris) Yeah, I put Kris, I want us to still support him and I want it to be five because I took Chanyeol :p, Your love interest can have two or three abilities as I said at the ABILITY SECTION. And feel free to get crazy for their powers. Also, your love interest must be from: Infinite, Block B, BAP and Bangtan Boys.

P.S: Make sure their personality suites they manipulation, if your love interest is from exo, just add his power if you want to and put a bracket for his age. He has to be OLDER than you.

PASSWORD : In the rules.




While you are working on your app, make sure to read this cheatsheet at the same time, cause it'll help you to survive through the app. Thankyou.

P.S: Forthe family section and the friend/rivals section, replace the personality into an occupation. The personality is not needed, it was just a mistake. So replace it into an occupation.


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Chapter 1: I'm halfway done already! (not exactly XD)
Don't put your hopes high though, I'm trying my best >.<
Chapter 1: Expect my app author-nim XD
Gosh, I'm feeling excited already :)