

This just popped out in my mind during my lecture. So i just started to write my first very short story. Hope you guys like it :)

Please do comment!

It is not really a one-shot, the ending is left open-ended for readers to think and I will update this story if any idea struck me. 

so, enjoy and comment on my writing! 


Original characters:

male:Jung Sung Won

female:Han Min Hye


*Just to say, the stories are not all related to each other. If related, their title will be "...1st" and following "...2nd" and so on. 

*I will be writing some stories that are one-shots with the same characters.

*Please don't be confuse with the chapters as some are NOT related to each other.

I got ideas suddenly and some from my lectures' materials. 






Jung Sung Won 


Han Min Hye


Romantic experiences.


Fateful meetings. 




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