Don't get too far away, tomorrow


Jimin has entered Yoongi's life for more than 4 months now and for the first time ever, Yoongi feels a surge of panic rising up in his chest. It's not in the way Jimin invades Yoongi's privacy that worries him, it's not in the way Jimin always manages to make him smile. Instead, it's how Jimin looks at him. The younger looks at him with complete adoration and it scares him. Yoongi was taught that people like him didn't deserve to be loved, and Jimin was drowning him with so much of it Yoongi felt like he was going to suffocate. But each time he wants to push the younger away, he will always stop and ponder.

Do I look at him like that too?



Yoongi was up thinking, again. It's become a habit now. Yoongi comes home everyday to find himself having trouble falling asleep. His mind was in shambles and he felt so ing tired. 

But sleep just wouldn't come to him.

So instead, he stays up and thinks. Yoongi tries to reorganize his mind, he tries to sort his feelings out. But he would find himself drowning even deeper within himself. Yoongi was this close to tearing his hair out when he heard his bed room door creak open.

"Hyung?" Jimin's timid voice resounded through the room. Yoongi sat up straight, fingers combing through his own hair.

"Jimin? Why aren't you asleep?" Yoongi asked, watching Jimin shuffle closer with the white bear he won for him clutched tightly to his chest. Jimin didn't say anything and climbed onto Yoongi's bed silently. Yoongi's breath hitched as he watched Jimin come closer and closer. He's feeling those butterflies in his stomach again. He doesn't know what it is but his heart is thumping so hard he thinks it's gonna jump out from his chest. Jimin makes Yoongi put down his guard and honestly, Yoongi's afraid. He wants to tell Jimin to stop, he wants to tell Jimin to stay away from him. But just as he opened his mouth, the words got stuck in his throat.

Jimin's got his arms wrapped around Yoongi's neck tightly.

"Hyung, please go to bed. I don't like seeing you tired in the morning." Jimin whispered against his collarbone, arms tightening his hold around Yoongi's neck. Yoongi sat there with his arms frozen to his side. Jimin felt so warm and he felt like pulling him into a hug. But something's holding him back. And he knows perfectly well what it is.

Min Yoongi is afraid of falling in love with Park Jimin.

He's afraid that he's going to hurt him. He's afraid that when he falls in love, Jimin's going to walk away. He's afraid that he's going to be left with nothing again. Yoongi doesn't want Jimin to be another one of his broken dreams.

"Hyung, please, stop thinking." Jimin whispers as he leans up to place a kiss on his forehead. Yoongi felt his chest swelling with a feeling so foreign he couldn't help but let out a soft whine. He could feel his resolve breaking away bit by bit as Jimin pulled Yoongi down onto the bed by his neck, curling against his side. He could feel hands sneaking their way around his waist and he could hear Jimin's voice that was still soft as ever.

"I like you, hyung."

Yoongi didn't believe in love, but having Jimin in his bed tells him otherwise. He's dangerous for s sake, but that doesn't stop Yoongi from throwing his arms around Jimin, pulling the younger closer. Jimin laid his head on Yoongi's chest, listening to the rhythmic thumping of his heart. Jimin really likes Yoongi, and he knows how feelings scare the older easily. So Jimin waits for Yoongi. Jimin waits for Yoongi to be ready, he waits for Yoongi to return his feelings. Jimin's eyelids were already drooping close when he felt soft lips against his forehead. He couldn't help the smile that bloomed across his face as he snuggled further into Yoongi's embrace that was shielding him from all the harm.

Yoongi watched Jimin fall asleep slowly, fingers brushing away stray hairs covering his face. He could feel sleep coming to him too. He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on Jimin's forehead, feeling the younger one snuggle against his chest. Yoongi thinks, maybe it's alright to throw away all those worries for now.

Jimin-ah, I think I like you too.

That night, Yoongi falls asleep effortlessly with a smile gracing his lips.



Yoongi wakes up the next day to an empty bed and finds his bed feeling a little more wider than usual. He sits up slowly, hair haphazardly sticking out in places. Jimin wasn't anywhere in his room and his bear was laid beside him carefully. Yoongi reaches under his pillows and grabbed his phone. He smiles at the lock screen; a picture of him and Jimin when they went to the carnival for the first time together. Jimin made Yoongi win him a bear and Yoongi has came to a conclusion on the spot that the younger absolutely at playing rides. The first time they played the roller coaster was a complete disaster. Jimin had screamed even before the ride started and Yoongi has to stop himself from throwing the younger off the ride. But after the ride, Jimin stuck to Yoongi like glue and he isn't really complaining that much anymore. Yoongi smiles at the recollection, fingers brushing over Jimin's face on the lock screen carefully. The younger looked so happy, and Yoongi's glad that he's able to make Jimin smile like this.

However, Yoongi's train of thoughts got broken by the smell of something burning wafting into his room and it smelt awfully like burnt pancakes.

"," Yoongi cursed before tossing his sheets and phone to the side, taking large strides down the hall and into the kitchen where he finds a wide eyed Jimin covered in batter and thick smoke coming from the pan. Yoongi hurriedly pushed Jimin aside before throwing the pan into the sink, filling it up with water and reducing the burning down into a sizzle. Yoongi turned around swiftly to find Jimin's gaze lowered on the floor. Yoongi sighed before moving over to him, cupping Jimin's face and forcing him to look up.

"I'm sorry I burnt your pan." Jimin mumbled, eyes averting away from Yoongi's and the elder sighed audibly- Jimin looked like a kicked puppy. But he isn't that concerned about the pan anyway.

"I don't really care about the pan. Are you okay Jiminnie?" Yoongi asks softly, wiping away the batter on his cheeks tenderly. The younger looked unharmed and he was glad. Jimin gave a slight smile at Yoongi's reply, nodding his head and pulling Yoongi into a tight hug, rubbing batter all over his face in the process.

"Yah yah you're getting it all over me!!" Yoongi yelled while he pushed a laughing Jimin away.

"Hyung you look so cute!" Jimin giggled, coming in closer to comb his fingers though Yoongi's bed hair. He loved the elder like this, so disorientated and grumpy. He looks like a big brown bear and Jimin was ready to pounce on him anytime.

"You little . I'll do the cooking next time, stay out of the kitchen." Yoongi flicked Jimin's forehead, rolling up his sleeve and walking over to deal with the burnt pancake. He pretends he doesn't feel Jimin's arms around his waist while he was washing and he pretend he doesn't notice the way his heart beats a little faster.

They basically spent the rest of the day laying around on the sofa, with Jimin on top of Yoongi watching the elder play video games. Jimin would occasionally sneak quick pecks on the elders cheek before reclaiming his position across his chest. Jimin somehow fell asleep on Yoongi's chest, but he woke up to find himself on the sofa with a blanket thrown messily over him. Jimin rubbed his eyes, focusing on the shadow in front of him. Judging by the darkness around the hall, it was already quite late. Jimin sat up only to realize that the shadow in front of him was none other than Min Yoongi. The elder was shrugging on his jacket, keys jingling in his pocket. Jimin got a tight feeling on his chest because Yoongi looked like he was about to go out again.

"Hyung?" Jimin's wavering voice caused Yoongi to sop arubtly in his actions. He turned around, only to be greeted by Jimin's somehow soft yet pleading gaze.

"You're going out?"

"Yeah, don't wait up. I'll be back home soon." Yoongi walked over to ruffle Jimin's hair, hands sliding down to thumb at Jimin's cheek. The younger looked unsure and Yoongi hated himself for it. The last time Yoongi left he came home covered in bruises and he vaguely remembers the tears streaming down the boy's cheek as he cradled Yoongi's head. He made a promise to himself not to see Jimin cry again, and he isn't going to break it any sooner. Yoongi turned and headed for the door, refusing to look back at Jimin because if he does, he's afraid he would want to stay. Jimin pursed his lips as he watched Yoongi advanced towards the door.

Just as the door slammed shut, a few stray tears escaped Jimin's eyes.



"Hyung, you're still smoking?" Namjoon asked as he kicked a body near him. Yoongi leaned against the wall with a cigarette in between his lips, knuckles swollen and still pulsating. The bodies laying beneath him doesn't seem to bother Yoongi as inhales the smoke, momentarily remembering what Jimin said to him before.

"Hyung, don't smoke. It's bad for your health."

"I won't die Jiminnie."

"But you'll die earlier, hyung. I don't want that to happen."

"Alright, I'll try to stop."

"This is my last stick, Namjoon." Yoongi whispered as he threw the bud onto the floor, brushing past Namjoon to get to his bike. He wants to go home as soon as possible and his job here was considered done. Yoongi was just starting up his engine when Namjoon spoke up.

"You've grown soft, hyung." Yoongi's eyes widened at what he said. The last thing he wants to hear is him growing weak and not being able to protect Jimin.

"Not in a bad way though. Is it because of him?" Namjoon asked, walking over and leaning against the back of Yoongi's bike.

"Piss off, Namjoon."

Said guy chuckled at his hyung's comeback, smiling a little at the familiar accent dripping heavily through his words. Yoongi must be tired already.

"You know, it's not that bad to leave behind all these to start a new." Namjoon implied, making Yoongi's chest clench painfully at the thought of leaving all these behind. It was something he has grown accustomed to, something that bought comfort for him when no one could.

"It's not easy to leave behind something that you're attached to Namjoon."

"But you're attached to him now, hyung." Yoongi growled, causing Namjoon to burst out laughing. But he couldn't help but agree with what Namjoon said. Yoongi would rather kiss Jimin all day instead of smoking, he would rather be with Jimin in the morning instead of being out alone at night. Jimin makes Yoongi's day a little brighter each time he smiles, and right now he has to make a decision of leaving behind his daily routine for something foreign, for something Yoongi isn't sure he can cope with.

But if it's for Jimin, Yoongi was sure he could try. And it's only when Namjoon brought it up then Yoongi realizes how much of an impact Jimin has on his life. He isn't going to let someone like Jimin slip through his fingers again.

"I hate you, Kim Namjoon."

"You're welcome hyung."



Yoongi came home in the break of dawn to find Jimin still asleep on the sofa. He sighed as he walked over to the curled up boy, slipping off his jacket on the way. Yoongi picked up Jimin slowly, careful not to wake the younger. But Jimin was awake even before Yoongi made it to his room.

"Hyung?" Jimin croaked, hands making their way around Yoongi's face to look for any bruises or sorts. He smiled slightly to find the elder's face free of any bruises. Yoongi placed Jimin back onto his feet, drawing in a deep breath as he tried to remember what he wanted to say to Jimin.

"Jimin.. I.." the words were stuck in Yoongi's throat as Jimin gazed at him fondly, a tired smile tugging at his lips.

"Yeah hyung?" Jimin pushed on, watching Yoongi open and close his mouth like a fish out of water. He knew it was hard for his hyung to express himself and he knows to not expect too much, but he couldn't help but feel a little excited at what Yoongi was about to say.

"I... Every time I look at you, I have butterflies in my stomach and I feel like I'm about to throw up. Every time I'm around you, I want to do nothing more than keeping you in my embrace. I don't know where I'm going with this but I don't want you to get hurt. I think I like you. no, I think I love you Jimin. I don't..." Yoongi's unintelligent ramble got cut off by soft lips against his. Yoongi's eyes widened as Jimin smiles against his lips, arms curling around the older's waist.

"I love you too, hyung." the smile on Jimin's face was enough to make Yoongi's worries disappear in a second. Maybe it was going to work out after all. Yoongi returned the smile, scooping Jimin into his arms and pressing his lips back on his again. Yoongi isn't going to let go of him and Jimin's here to stay.



Yoongi doesn't wake up alone in bed with the smell of burning pancakes drifting into his room- he wakes up with Jimin's arms and legs thrown over him. Jimin was already up and smiling at the older, brushing his nose against his cheek.

"Good morning hyung," Jimin greeted Yoongi, rolling over to sit on his stomach. Yoongi groaned, trying to push Jimin off him. But instead, the younger leaned in closer and tickled his chin.

"Get off me you're heavy."

Jimin laughed at his hyung's remark and was rolling away from Yoongi when he felt arms creeping around his waist. Jimin let out a small squeak as Yoongi pulled him into a tight hug with both their legs tangling togther beneath the sheets.

"Mhmm.. much better." Yoongi mumbled against Jimin's hair, ignoring Jimin's complain about the older being too much of a sloth. His complains soon died out as Yoongi started leaving small kisses along the span of Jimin's neck. Yoongi then moved to kiss every spot on his face, leaving his lips for the last. Just as Yoongi was about to reach for Jimin's lips, he stopped and stared into the younger's eyes. Jimin still has that same spark in his eyes when Yoongi had first found him, and he finds himself getting lost in them yet again. He leaned down and left a small peck on his lips, smiling at the slight flush spreading across his cheeks.

"What do you want to do today Jiminnie?"

"Can we stay in bed hyung?" Yoongi chuckled as Jimin snuggled against his chest in an attempt to hide his burning face.

"Sure, whatever you want Jiminnie." Yoongi placed his chin on top of Jimin's head, eyes slipping shut again as he pulled Jimin in closer. Yoongi thinks he could get used to mornings like this. Everything was at peace and so was Yoongi's mind.



"I'm hungry."

"You're a little , Park Jimin."





Although Yoongi still stands alone in his broken dreams, he knows Jimin will be there for him. The younger manages to pick up the broken shards of Yoongi's dreams and fixes them together to form something new, something that Yoongi never thought he could have.

Jimin was now Yoongi's new dream and he would do whatever it takes to keep it that way.



I'm sorry this took so long! I hope it didn't disappoint! (i can't believe i got like 60 subs for this omg i love you guys)

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conniemar #1
Chapter 1: This was really cute. N
It wasnt dramatic or ridiculous and i like how you portrayed Jimin. He was innocent but not naive. It was great *imagine fire emojis*
HallyuFiction #2
daddy-jjong #3
Chapter 1: Feels overflowing
TypicalFangirl09 #5
Chapter 1: I don't have a legit reaction (can't contain the feels) so...

Very adorable
Chapter 1: That was so beatifully written <3
Kpopluv2 #7
Chapter 1: It was so fluffy and sweet I think I reduced into melted sugar. ♡♥
hyperhopeu #8
Chapter 1: ugh this is so cute;;;;;; it's really fluff and my type hiks i can't /sobs/
good job author! and it doesn't matter if it takes a long time if for a very good ff like this:))) /hugs jiminnie/
Chapter 1: Oh my god !! I'm so happy about this sequel. This is so cute and perfect with so much fluff. And I'm so happy you posted it ~
Good work again author-nim ♡
eyesmilegyu #10
Chapter 1: Nawhh that was so cute! ;;