Is This a Dream?

Is This a Dream?

My tired eyes open slowly as I felt a warm body wrap around mine. I look over and see him. Is this a dream?


A smile plastered to his face as his eyes were closed lightly as if he was still awake. Did he fall asleep with a smile?


I close my eyes again to savior this moment. I've dreamt of this moment many of times, but right now it feels so real. Is it real life, or am I dreaming?


His warm breath covered the side of my neck as if it was a sheet of some sort covering my body.


I felt afraid. I don't know what for, but none of this felt right. It may have felt real, but it didn't feel like it was him.


My still body felt as if it was on fire, like someone was burning me to death. His body heat was deadly. My still body didn't move. I was afraid to wake him. He looked like a child done from play.


I enjoyed this moment even if I felt as if I was going to burn to death. I know this this real. I know it can't be false.


His long fingers were curled into a fist while squeezing my shirt. He didn't want to leave me. He felt safe with me near him.


I moved my body slowly to mold into his shape. He groaned as I slowly rolled my body towards his. A heavy sigh escaped his mouth. He has to be awake.

I placed my arm underneath his body and intertwined our fingers together. We were like a cocoon awaiting to hatch. My eyes closed slowly as I fell into a deep sleep. I'm still not sure if he was real or not.




It's morning now. There's no one around. I knew it wasn't real. I shouldn't have kept my hopes up.


I stood up from my bed and slipped my kitty slippers onto my feet and headed towards the bathroom. I walked out of my bedroom and smelt, what it seemed, breakfast?


I sniffed the air around me as my feet swiftly took me downstairs. No one lives with me though.


That's when I saw it. He was standing in the kitchen with a pan of pancakes and eggs in front of him. The man from last night. He was wearing pajamas and making breakfast.


"Who are you and why are you here?" I asked him. I knew who he was, but I just couldn't believe it.


He glanced at me as he shot me a wicked smile. He placed the foods gently onto the plates and handed me a plate. I was still confused.


"Don't worry about it." He said with his deep husky voice as he headed off to the table.


I stood in the kitchen confused as he sat down at my dinner table. He had already had the table set up. Candles, flowers, silverware. It was all there. He patted the seat next to him suggesting me to take a seat.


I slowly walked towards the table and took a seat. As I sat down, he took my hand in his and looked at me in the eyes.


"You probably don't remember me," he said. I shook my head.


"Here, let me explain," he then continued. "About 9 months ago, you had gotten into a car accident. You had major head injuries and was taken to the hospital immediately. They told me some days later that you had been in a coma. I was of course shaken by the news, but I pleaded and pleaded until they helped you. I was worried. Every day in that hospital room I would sit and wait to see your eyes open. I would cry and beg for you to wake up. I thought you weren't going to wake up, causing me to not go to your hospital as often. I doubted both of us when I knew I shouldn't have. I'm sorry that I doubted us." His eyes were tearing, but he shook it off.


I was still confused. "I.. Still don't understand." I said to him. I pulled my hand away from his and set it in my lap.


"You were dreaming last night," he interrupted the silence. "I know you remember. I was there, too. The doctors had finally let me take you home because they knew you were OK. You may not have waken up all of the way there, but they promised me you were going to. I did as I was told and I brought you home. Your eyes had opened, but you seem to not remember anything. Before all of that, I decided to take a visit after a few days and I fell asleep from a long day at work. I saw you in my dream. You were lying on a bed and I joined you. I know this because it felt so real. I knew I wasn't the only one dreaming about this. I had fallen asleep after you in the dream and that's when I awoke. Do you remember that?"


I nodded. "So.. The dream I had; was it real?" I asked.


"No, but I knew you were dreaming of it, too. Were you?" He asks again. I nodded once more.


"It's okay, love. Don't worry about it now. You're back now, and that's really all that matters. Please, eat. I know you haven't for a long while."


I took the fork and cut a corner of the pancake and placed it in my mouth. My mind wandering everywhere at the moment.

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drysmile #1
looking forward to this :)