3 Facts

3 Facts About Jessi

3 facts about Jessi:

1) She's JessBian ONLY to me. 

"Fany-ah! Where have you been? I miss you~" Jessi pouted adorably while hugging me from the back. 

"What? I just went to the toilet, honey." 

"But it's been 5 minutes since I last saw you." Jessi raised her hand and showed her five fingers. 

"You're so cute." I cooed. 

"Hey, Jess!" Hara suddenly appeared out of nowhere so Jessi has no choice but to let me go. I frowned at the loss of contact. 

"Oh, Hara!" she beamed enthusiastically. Just wth is she doing? I was left standing beside her awkwardly? I know I'm her girlfriend, but I really didn't like to be a third wheel. 

"How have you been? I haven't seen you in months!" Hara exclaimed rather loudly. Is she doing this on purpose? I swear I'm gonna---

"Tiff? Do you mind if we catch up things first with each other? I promise I'll be back." Jessi showed me her puppy eyes. Damn. How can I even resist that? No one in their right mind could ever resist the urge to just kiss--- hey. What am I thinking. 

I looked up and saw Jessi staring at me expectantly. I sighed and nodded at her. It's just for a few minutes, right?

"Waaah! Thanks, Tiff! See yah~" she winked at me before linking her right arm with Hara. I clenched my teeth in frustration. No! I can't be jealous. 

They're just friends. I repeated like a mantra in my head. 

Oh well. Since most of the artists here are enjoying, I'll just go to our (mine and Jessi's) room and rest. I'm exhausted. 


I stirred lightly when I felt someone hugging me from behind. Hm? I panicked, but immediately calmed when I recognized the faint smell of her perfume. Jessi's back? 

I looked at the clock and it reads 23:11. Oh. It's late already. 

I turned around and stared at her face. How can I be so lucky to have such an angel in front of me? 

"Honey..." Jessi suddenly mumbled while scrunching her eyebrows cutely. 

"You awake, Jess?" 



"I'm JessBian only for you." she was mumbling JessBian in her sleep. What was that about? 

She suddenly smiled and hugged me tighter. 

"I love you, Tiff." 

All my jealousies were washed away and I slept with a serene and a contented smile plastered on my face.


2) Her cold and enigmatic behavior disappears when she's with me. 

"Shika-yah! Pleaaaaaseeeee!" Taeyeon pleaded Jessi with so much aegyo that I think my girl's gonna puke rainbow and unicorns at any minute. 

"Plain gross, Taeng. Ask either Sunny or Joy for lessons." Jessi stated nonchalantly. But Taeyeon being Taeyeon...

"Shika!! Pleaaase! Let me borrow your book! Just this once!" 

"No! The last time you borrowed a book from me, I saw a page of it on Ginger's . Why is it even there?" Jessi glared hard at Taeyeon and goes back to surfing the net. 

"Oh, that. That was just, ugh. I promise! I won't do it again!" Tae Tae was now so close to getting down to her knees. 

Why is Jessi so stubborn anyways? 

"Jess." I sat beside her on the couch and grabbed her phone. 

"What?" she blinked at me in confusion. 

"Just let Tae Tae borrow." I demanded. This is like risking my life, y'know. You don't really like it when HellSica comes out. 

"But Tiff~" she unexpectedly pouted at me. Woah. I swear she was mad just a second ago. She pointed at Taeyeon accusingly and stated, "She's not even reading them!" 

"I read them, okay?" Tae Tae defended herself. 

"Okay? What book do you want to borrow anyways, Tae Tae?" 

"Romeo and Juliet."

"See the absurdity of it? She can't even understand English, for heaven's sake! And for her to understand Shakespeare's work? It's gonna be a miracle." Jessi sputtered and blabbered while I just stared at her. Why is this girl talking too much? 

I pecked her lips while she was talking and she immediately stopped. Her cheeks instantaneously burned and she fanned herself. 

"A er for Fany's kiss, eh? Whipped Shika!" Taeyeon hollered. 

"What did you just say, Kim Taeyeon you midget?!" 

"OOPS! I didn't mean to. Sorry! AAAAACCCCCKKKKK! Fany, help me!"

"You're asking for HellSica, aren't you? And there she is." I shrugged and just let the two oldies bicker. 


3) I am her life and vice versa. 

"Fany! Cuddle with me. Pleaaase!" she opened her arms wide and stared at me expectantly. 

"You know I can't say no." I replied. 

"Cause I'm just too hard to resist, right?" 

I nodded. 

"I know!" she replied then laughed gleefully when I slapped her arms because of her conceitedness. She snuggled closer to me and nuzzled my neck. 

"Hmmm. You smell so nice, Steph." 

"Are you trying to get into my pants?" 

"Are you kidding? Of course I'm not!" 

"Waaah! You're cute when you're shy." I cooed while pinching her cheeks which are currently blushing. 

"Shut up." she embarrassingly stated and nuzzled my neck further. 

"Yaaah! It tickles!"



"How can you imagine yourself 5 years from now?" 

"Hm. We'll be old already?" I answered hesitantly. 

"That's it?" 

"Yeah. As long as I'm with you, I'm contented." 

"Cheeseball." Jessi giggled lightly. 

"How about you, Jess?" 

"Me? I can imagine you and me." 

"What? I don't get it." 

"You and me. YOU and ME." Jessi pointed at me and at herself. 

"That's it?" 

"Yeah. Just you and me and no one else can even separate me from you. I will never allow them. Because you are my life, y'know. Without you I'll never be the same." 

"Awww. That's wonderful, Jess. You're making me fall even harder for you." 

"It's hard not to, right?" 


"Kidding. You know it's the same for me, too. Every single day, my love for you goes higher and higher." 

So, ever wonder why it's three facts? Because it's less than three. Gets? 

Well, my mind can't either, but my heart can. 







Sorry if there's any grammatical errors. I didn't proofread cause I'm too lazy. 

Hope you like it, though. Please comment. 

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it’s been so long since i last read this story
Jeti48 #2
Chapter 1: So cuteee,...
Chapter 1: Jessie so cute and adorable
Chapter 1: <3 this is too much sweetness.. but I don't mind.
write more!!!
Todd37 #5
Chapter 1: Hahaha~ JeTi~
Chapter 1: you story make my day, and yeah JeTi feels .
Chapter 1: Oh so funny jessi for being whipped XD bless her pride also! This story made my day! ^^
cheshire95 #8
Chapter 1: took me a minute to get the less than three part lol hahaa this is really cute whipped jessi hahaha .

lol at "let the two oldies bicker" fany you're just a few months younger lol .
Chapter 1: Oohhh i didn't get the last thing.... BUT THEN ma eyes accidently snapped to the comment under mine and BAM! I GOT IT! <3 >~<

Jessi's just DA CUUUTEST SOULMATE EVER!!! I can feel an imaginery red thread, no, a rope that's tangled ALL AROUND THEM JeTi! ;D