{ .02} -- 00:00:00:00:00


Making time pass, Naeun decided to go to Yeouido Hangang Park. She took the subway and traveled the rest of the way by foot. When she arrived there, there were several people and children playing in the water despite the cool autumn temperatures. A part of her worried for the children. But she walked through the park, smiling at the strangers who passed by her. There was a moment where she sat on the large steps onlooking the Han River and spent the rest of her time there thinking about what was to come and how she was going to react. Naeun took a glance at her wrist after what felt like two hours. 00:00:00:12:31. This caused the girl’s breath to hitch in ; it was nearly time. She stood up from the steps and made her way to the middle of the park. 10:50. Her feet were stuck to the pavement, she didn’t want to move because she was afraid she’d miss her chance. 09:32

Naeun found it ironic that where she was, was nowhere close to what her dream foreshadowed. But a part of her was relieved that it wasn’t in the middle of a busy sidewalk because she wasn’t fond of the idea of a lot of people witnessing her special moment. Taking a deep breath, Naeun continued her walk deeper into the park, her shoulders squared back and her eyes analyzing every person walking by. 05:29 She kept on walking to keep her racing mind from getting the best of her. Her palms began to sweat and her stomach began to churn. 02:15 She brought her wrist up for her to easily look at. The timer counted down. The numbers grew red as it approached the one minute mark. 00:57 

Naeun held her breath as she watched the last fifty seconds go down. She started to count down with the clock when it hit twenty seconds… “Nineteen… Eighteen… Seventeen…” she glanced around her to see if anyone was approaching her. She walked away from her spot, her wrist still up and mouthing the numbers in descending order. “Five… Four… Three… Two.. O—” She was cut short when a body collided with hers, knocking her down to the ground. Her eyes shut as she roughly hit the concrete, a weight on top of her body. “Hey! Watch where you’re going next time!” she exclaimed as she opened her eyes. Caught by surprise, there was a male peering down at her, his arms on either side of her head. The deep red color of his hair shined in the sunlight, her eyes traveled down his face, stopping at the mole that was right on his bottom left eyelid. 

Their eyes stayed locked before she curiously glanced down at the male’s wrist, his timer blinking 00:00:00:00:00. She gasped quietly when she peeked at her wrist and hers was matching. “You’re—-” Her heart was racing and her cheeks were on fire. A nice smile formed on the males lips, his teeth showing as he pushed himself off the ground and back on his feet. Extending out a hand towards Naeun, smile grew wider. Biting her lip, she reached for his hand and let him pull her up back onto her feet. “Your soulmate... Mark Tuan,” he introduced himself politely then bowed. Never letting go of her hand.

"Son Naeun…" she shyly spoke. She was enraptured in his smile as they slowly shook hands. The numbers on their wrists kept blinking up at them. Naeun nervously chuckled, pushing back her hair behind her ear with her free hand. A smile slowly formed on her lips. "So you’re my soulmate?" she asked quietly. Mark’s eyes traveled down the girl’s body, before he nodded, his smile still on his face, "So it seems. We met right at zero… I do apologize for bumping into you like that. I wasn’t paying much attention because I was too busy looking around who would be—" The two never stopped holding hands as he trailed off and rubbed his nape.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you… Not really a good first impression," she glanced down at their hands, their fingers now entwined. Mark stepped forward, letting go of Naeun’s hand and encircling his arms around her petite body. "God gave me a beautiful soulmate," he spoke, his chin resting on the top of her head. Naeun enjoyed the warmth radiating from the hug, her arms soon wrapping around the male’s waist. The two stood in that position, causing bystanders to wonder what was going on until they caught a glimpse at the ever glowing numbers on their wrists. 00:00:00:00:00



Well, now you know who Naeun's soulmate is. 
Did it surprise you guys?
I hope you all will support me in writing this story. This is actually the second half of the post I wrote on Tumblr, so all I had to do was edit this.
But I will start writing more tonight or maybe tomorrow. We'll see~
Please look forward to the next update!


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bluezea0 #1
acmiyus #2
I'm curious about this time wrist, so I decided to follow this story to find out!! Please update soon author-nim!