The War Of Girl Groups


Everyone in EXO have different tastes - whether it be on food, clothings, tv shows... the list goes on. There is never a big conflict or a fuss about it - until now. The members - more specifically Baekhyun and Chanyeol - are left desperately searching for allies to help with claiming the attention of the judge of fairness. This is war.


Title: The War of Girl Groups

Author: yoyoyo90

Rating: PG-13? Idk around there

Genre: Failed humour?

Word Count: ...

Summary: Everyone in EXO different tastes - whether it be on food, clothings, tv shows... the list goes on. There is never a big conflict or a fuss about it - until now. The members - more specifically Baekhyun and Chanyeol - are left desperately searching for allies to help with claiming the attention of the judge of fairness. This is war.


I'm not sure if this should be a oneshot or short chaptered.... eh we'll cross that bridge when we get there.

I tried to make this funny...but all it ended up being was weird.

First fanfic so I'm sorry if it isn't that good.......Sorry this is my first time so I'm still a bit awkward. Mianhe.

I'm in the midst of many projects and the first chapter is a quarter finished?

But I promise I'll try to update soon and I will try to get my important things done and update this.

The first chapter should be up soon if I'm lucky.

Anyway, this will have Baekyeol, Xiuhan, Taohun and a special surprise couple.

This will be a war between the members as to which girl group in their opinion is the best. I won't spoil the surprise mcuh but i'll tell you how many in each team and how many judges:

Judges (1)

SNSD (3)

2NE1 (2)

f(x) (2)


Apink (2)

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Chapter 1: Update soon!! I'm ready for the fight!! Let the fight begin;!
Catalina390 #2
Chapter 1: Yeh fight begin!!