Chapter 1

Love in the Time of the Ice Princess


I was floating on soft, fluffy, clouds and you can hear a harmonic melody in the background. Everything was so dreamy and it felt so good sleeping on clouds. It felt like I was in heaven, I swear!! Sleeping is the most heavenly thing in the whole wide world and it was so peaceful. Everyone should try it. While I was floating on my fluffy white cloud, out pops a cucumber. 



While I was screaming at the cucumber, a face started to appear in the cucumber and the only face that will fit with a cucumber is the cucumber devil, a.k.a. my little sister Krystal. 

I woke up to find a cucumber 5 inches away from my face. 


Omg, I thought I was going to die. I was screaming like a mad lady who had just been attack by a cat who landed on her face. or something similar to that. And then I heard a devilish laughter in the background. It's HER!

"HAHAHAH! Oh my gosh, Jessica!! You should have seen your reaction!! It was hilarious! I swear, I should have recorded it and send it back to America Funniest Video or something. I wonder if they will accept applicant from Korea..." 

"KRYSTAL!! WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU DOING?! How dare you attack me with that alien looking cucumber thing!" 

"Calm down sleeping beauty. Mom kept yelling at me to wake you up because you are going to be late for school and I tried everything, from screaming at you, pushing you, tickling you, plugging up your nose, jumping on your bed, and stuff but nothing worked!! But then I had a brilliant idea and it worked beautifully!" said Krystal with a huge grin on her face like she just won the Nobel prize.

Just looking at her smiling disgusted me because it reminded me of all the time she attacked me with cucumbers. How can someone so tiny be so full of evil inside? It reminded me of the people who goes to Seoul Academy with me. Seoul Academy is full of evil kids like my sister but they are worst. I wish I can go to a normal school with normal people who aren't evil. School with normal people... OMG SCHOOL?! I AM GOING TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL! 
"You better hurry up Sleeping Beauty because I do not want to be late for class AGAIN! You don't want to be sleeping with cucumbers do you?" smirked the little devil.

The second the word cucumber came out of , I glared at her so hard I think my eyeballs could have fallen out of my socket. And then Krystal just skipped out of my room like nothing had happen. 
Why must I have a devil for a sister?


*at Seoul Academy*

I was running like the wind into my classroom not wanting to be late. As I barely made it into the classroom, the teacher was already taking roles.

"Ms. Jung, would you please go to your desk quickly and don't interrupt me while I am taking role. The next time you are late for my class again, you will get detention so take this as a warning," said Mr. Soshi.

"Yes Mr. Soshi. I promise this will be the last time I will be late..." or I hope this will be my last time.

Just as I was about to sit down in my chair, guess who is there to make matters worse. The only and only annoying "Prince" JaeJoong.

"Looks like the Ice Princess finally decided to come to school for once. Or was the Ice Princess to busy being an Ice Princess to even come to school?" said Jaejoong with an arrogant smirk on his face.

"Oh shut up stupid wanna be Prince and stop talking about yourself. You are the one being too full of yourself to even care about school." I said without even thinking.

Oh crap.

Those words just happen to fall out of my mouth with me not even thinking. 

"What did you say Ice Princess? Do you know who you are talking to? " 

"Of course I know who I'm talking to. I'm talking to the spoil brat who can't do anything for himself but..." I didn't get to finish what I was saying as Mr. Soshi interrupted me.

"Hey! You guys are both getting detention for causing a scene in my classroom! This is no way to welcome the new student!" yelled Mr. Soshi. 

New student? Since when did we get a new student? I turned around scanning the classroom for new faces and stop as I was facing a short haired girl with moon shaped eyes. When I looked at her, she glances back over at me and gave me a cute eye smile and her eyes completely disappear, turning into a crescent moon or the top of an umbrella.

"Now, since all the commotion has stopped, why don't you introduce yourself to the class Hwang MiYoung." said Mr. Soshi.

"Annyonghaseyo! My name is Hwang Miyoung... but I rather you guys call me Tiffany Hwang! I am from LA and I just moved here from the US, so my korean won't be that good."

blah blah blah, I am so sleepy right now. Stupid Krystal, how could she keep attacking me with those hideous cucumbers!

"I like the color pink, hello kitty, cute boys, making friends, and stuff like that."

Hmmm, I can't wait for today to end. Then I can go home, lock the door to my room so Krystal won't come in, and sleep all day.

"Oh! By the way! Jaejoong and Jessica is it? Anyway, I think you guys make a cute couple besides the fighting! Are you guys going out or something? If you guys aren't, then you should because you guys would make the perfect couple! I should know I'm the love doctor!" she winked after she said that.



As usual, I was dazing off until I heard my name. When I looked up, I heard a chuckle coming from Jaejoong, the girls in my class look like they were going to kill me, and Taeyeon and Donghae with their mouth hanging all the way to their desk. 

Then Jaejoong turned toward my desk and said, "Jessica only wishes that she was going out with me. I don't go out with scary Ice Princesses, maybe next time when Jessica becomes nicer to me, I might let her like me."

"WTF!! Who would want to go out with an arrogant jerk like you! If you were the last boy on earth, I would rather kill myself than go out with you!"

"HEY!! Didn't I tell you two to stop fighting?! You guys will now have to stay afterschool to clean up the room and then serve your detention! Do you both understand?" yelled Mr. Soshi.

"But..." both Jaejoong and I started to say.

"Not a word from both of you unless you guys want double detention!"

And that was what happen during class today. No more commotions, no more starting a scene. The whole class kept quiet, fearing that Mr. Soshi will get irritated and ends up giving the whole class Saturday school or something. The only person in the room that seemed happy was the new girl. What her name again? Stephanie? MiYuck? Tammie? arghh I'll ask Taeyeon later at lunch. How dare that new girl assume that Jaejoong and I will make the perfect couple. She must be out of her mind. The less time I see the new girl, the better my life would probably be. 

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New reader here. Update soon :)
thelostwishes #2
Update soon:)
naydsbeb #4
omo!!taesu is back!!!so i wish so is jaesica!!!!i really like them as a pair!!
sica_ice #5
This chapter was amazingly intense.<br />
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LOLOLOLOL at the Bro Code xDDDDD I totally remember this in HIMYM. The articles are darn funny hahah!<br />
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:( Poor Jessica. I guess she was really heartbroken when Jaejoong stopped being friends with her. But OMG! Jessica likes Jaejoong? I wonder if she can still say this after three years.<br />
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LOL Donghae letting Jaejoong and Sica be together? Not clever, lol. I think a Donghae VS Jaejoong war to get jessica would be great! :D<br />
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I feel like Donghae and Jaejoong are like th two most important people to Jessica. One of them is clearly her BFF and another is her soulmate. Can't choose lol.<br />
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Update soon ~
leafto03 #6
can i suggest the building-up of jealousy to create love triangle for example: donghae see jessica and jaejoong kissing<br />
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tnx <br />
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update soon:-)
zhxzhx #7
I like the Haesica vs Jaesica thing! Donghae needs to give up his so-called compassion for his best friend and just fight for his love! I know I'm too early to say this, but I can't wait for Jaejoong to confess :))))) <br />
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I really don't know who should end up with Jessica. I mean, I want both guys to date Jessica, but in the end, it's up to you to decide who is destined to be with Jessica. I'm waiting for Taesu <333 A triangle love would be interesting, though. <br />
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Please update soon ~ JAEHAESICA <33333
oh,can't believe that i'll read again this story. u know, i've been waiting for long time ago for u to update. and now.. :) great!!! i like. keep updating~! JaeSica and TaeSu. <3