ing Beautiful

The Thin Line of One-Shots (Exo Edition)

Baekhyun’s pov:

I sat on the lumpy and very messy bed, my hands resting on my lap. A sigh had escaped my lips as I stared blankly at the photo that was hanging from the tip of my fingertips. The photo that contain the night before, the photo that a fan had taken. I cringed staring closely at it. The other members who had all been smiling before the announcement was made and when we all basically ran up to the main stage. Of course everyone had started to pour their eyes out.

We won, who wouldn’t cry about this? Who wouldn’t want to shed some happy tears at the thought of winning something amazing.

My eyes had stared much closely at the photo, laughing quietly at how funny yet awkwardly handsome my boyfriend looked. His eyes close as he was hunch over trying his hardness not to cry out, kind of like how Jonghyun-hyung was doing. The rest of the members had their backs turned from the fans, their hands covering their mouths as they let out small huffs trying to keep it together.

Then there was me… The eye-liner prince standing on the stage with the rest of the EXO members. Only I wasn’t crying, I had held it in the whole time. Even when we came back from the MMA, even when Chanyeol kept bugging me about it. I had simply told him:

“Crying makes me look ugly”

Gripping the photo as I remember the small argument we had right after I had went and said that.

Honestly speaking I have always been afraid of how I looked. I badly wanted people to think of me as the ‘pefect’ member. You know, that one member who looked good in anything, had the best hair and make-up. When I had joined EXO I was glad. Glad, I was going to exceed in my dreams to become a singer. Standing on the stage in front of many fans. But that had changed from the first live show we had.

When I saw all those photos on the web, the ones of how horrifying I had looked and how ugly my face expression had begun to turn out after another. My mind had did a flip inside.

Have you ever stared in the mirror in the morning, hoping you look okay and when you see your reflection…You just regret ever looking through it? Well, that’s exactly how I felt. That morning after I went and looked at myself, I didn’t see the beautiful Baekhyun that the members knew who loved singing. In the reflection I had saw the most ugliest human being…if you would call it a human being…staring back at me.

It was like in the past when I had told my family I was going to become a singer. My father laughed at me and so had my mother. But my brother was the worst of all. He … He would always come to the practice room to pick me up afterwards. Always making me feel like with the words that left those horrible lips.

“Stop singing it makes you ugly”

“Stop smiling it makes you look stupid”

“You shouldn’t cry you’ll look ugly and stupid…”

My eyes hazed down staring at the mattress underneath me. The photo had long fell from my grip landing on the soft bed without a sound. My hands made their way to my head, clutching at my brown locks. Pulling the hair harshly.

“Wh-why?” I whispered out quietly to myself, rocking on the bed. “Why?” I repeated out louder; the pulling growing harsher. Grabbing the photo , I crumbled the paper up throwing it harshly on the floor. My head turned in all directions noticing all the photos of me in them.

My stomach started to hurt, running to the closet one, my hands shakily moved to snatch the image down, ripping it into pieces. My mind went blank and so did myself. I didn’t remember why I did so, but now I sat curled up on the floor, my hands clutching my head as the tears had started to pour down my face. My body was rocking on the ground in some hopes that it will all be over. “WHY?!” I shouted out louder.

Without thought my legs picked themselves of from the floor. Stumbling lightly on my feet as I made my way to the restrooms. My fingers locking the knob a wave of fear went through me at a sudden thought.

The mirror, it was mocking me the mirror that foretold the truth. The mirror that when you looked through it you see what you wanted. Not for me though. It never showed me what I wanted.

“Th-this is yo-your fault” My voice had come out hoarse as I stood in front of the mirror glaring at my reflection. “Why couldn’t you be more beautiful?” my fist clutching to my sides. The reflection as always doing the same, but in the mirror it looked ugly and unsatisfying.

In a second the mirror was scattered in pieces, the broken parts all over the bathroom’s floor. My eyes still pouring out tears as my legs gave in right after. Falling on the broken pieces, my hands had a mind of their own reaching out for one of the broken mirror pieces.

The pain that went through my body couldn’t compare to the unbearable pain I was feeling from before. The way the small glass slash through my skins, the way it felt afterwards as I watched my blood peeked out of the cut. The blood that fell silently onto the once white tile floors.

A soft and painful chuckle had left my lips, moving the glass once again across my face as that one word began to repeat in my head.


The world around me began to disappear everything turning in a fade of blackness.

Like a blanket covering my face.

Everything had turned to darkness.

Chanyeol's pov:

 Walking back to the house, I felt something inside of my switch. Something is wrong, I ran as fast as my legs could take me. Dropping the bag of ice cream that Baekhyun had basically forced me to get.

My hands fiercely trying to open the door, only to stupidly realize that the door was locked. “Such a babo.” I could already see Baekkie laughing at me. I smiled a bit forgetting the horrible feeling inside my guts. Once I took the key out I was welcome to an awfully quiet and awkward atmosphere of the rooms.

Shouldn’t Baekhyun be here? Blasting Girls’ Generation through the house, singing and jumping on his bed as Taeyeon’s voice had started to be heard. I walked over to our shared room. There was no sign of the brunette boy dancing and singing along to his favorite girl group inside. Only a messy room. The pictures that I had took, all laying on the floor crumbled up in pieces.

Range filled my body as I walked inside picking the photos up, why did he do this? I need to find that boy and have a word with him. “Baekhyun!” My voice shouted through the whole house as I slammed every door open, not finding him in any of them

“God damnit Baekhyun, get out here” I shouted out once again standing in the middle of the hallway. My eyes scanned the area only to find the small light of the bathroom on. Dashing toward it; my hand went up ready to bang on the door only to be stop from the voice inside.

It sounded so sad, so depressed. My hand and body stood frozen in spot hearing the sound of something being broken. That sudden feeling I had inside came back, this time my hand did bang on the door. But not with anger I needed to get inside the bathroom now. My fist had started to bang on the door trying to force it open with all my might.

“Baekhyun! Baekhyun!” I shouted out.

Nothing, no response only a soft chuckle was given out. I rested my head against the door still desperately banging on the wooden thing. My voice still shouting throughout the house. “Baekhyun”

The key…my eyes widening remember the last time Lay forgot he locked the restroom door on the inside, so we decided to get a key for it. My hand reached over the door frame filling for the small key. Once I had found it, I shakily shoved it into the lock hole. But my hand froze once again

What if I open this door and find … No I cant think that way. Baekhyun is alright the mirror probably was getting old. I nodded to myself trying to keep a positive mind. Twisting the key in the hole; hearing the clicking of the door being unlocked

. I shove the door open.

Standing in shock, my heart raced and my whole body began to get cold. I moved my feet over to the boy. The boy that laid on the shed of glass, the blood…blood?! “Baekkie!” I shouted falling on my knees before him, picking him up in my arms as I cradled him in my arms. The tears would stop as my fingers ghosted over the bloody cuts on my boyfriends arms.

“W-why?” I whispered to myself.

That night I carried Baekhyun over to the hospital, they wrapped the cuts up, telling me he had to rest for a while and had to stay overnight. Of course I stayed with him, holding on to his hands my eyes still puffy and red from crying the whole time. The thought of almost losing the only boy I could ever love.

“Why would you do such a thing Baekhyun?” I whispered placing a soft peck on his pale cheek. Caressing the soft skin with my free hand.

No one's pov:

The sudden touch had caused the smaller male to whimper in his sleep trying to move closer into the warmth of the hand, his eyes fluttering open trying to sit up in the bed. A firm hand stopping him before he could lift his head up . “Rest Baek” The voice sounded so deep that it lure the boy back to sleep.

A few hours had passed before Baekhyun groaned opening his eyes only to be greeted to the bright sunlight. “Cl-close the current Yeollie” The smaller boy whimpered pulling the hospital blankets back over his head. He felt a hand patting his head, before the blanket was pulled down. “The !?” He shouted out trying to move the blanket back over his head.

Chanyeol stood on the side of the bed staring down at his boyfriend. “The ?” His voice came out much deeper then before “Would you mind telling me what these are?” His hand grabbing the other’s wrist gently not wanting to hurt him. Baekhyun gapsed finally realizing where they were as he saw his wrist all wrapped in the cotton.

His body began to shake as he harshly pulled his arm away, avoiding the other’s stare. “I-its nothing” His own voice came out weakly.

“nothing?” Chanyeol laughed out calmly, his own hand cupping the other’s face making him turn toward him. “What’s wrong Baek? You know you can tell me anything”

Hesitating on how to answer his lover, he still avoided eye contact as he stared at the other side of the room. The thoughts from before began to invade his mind once again. “Yo-you wouldnt understand” He had whispered out, his eyes stared to tear up. Trying his hardest to keep it in.

Chanyeol noticed the tearful eyes, he sighed out. “Baekhyun look at me. “ When the smaller male refuse he repeated again but with more force in his voice. Once Baekhyun had turned his eyes staring up at the taller one; he leaned down capturing the soft lips with his own

This kiss was like any other, starting out sweet and full of passionate. But this time it reminded the older boy of their first kiss. The shyly way the taller would try his hardest to make Baekhyun fall in love with it. Of course Chanyeol wasn’t the best kisser he ever had, but he had always wanted to make things perfect even on their first one.

Baekhyun’s tear fell as he kissed his lover back. Once the other had pulled away, Chanyeol wiped away the falling tears from his cheeks, caressing it softly afterwards.

“Baekhyun, you are the most beautiful creature to ever live”

Shaking his head harshly “NO! Im not Chanyeol! You know it! I’m the most ing ugly person in the entire world! You must be ashamed to be with someone like me!” He shouted in the small room the eyes already pouring the tears out.

Chanyeol grabbed the older’s face, before shouting back “Stop thinking that way! You are not the ing ugly! I’m not ashamed to be with you, if any one is to ashamed it should be you for being with a derp like me.” His body shaking with anger


Before he could argue back the taller smash his lips against his own.

“You’re beautiful” Chanyeol whispered in his ear, kissing the lobe “So perfect. So amazing ing beautiful”

Baekhyun whimpered softly, still the tears fell as he let his boyfriend repeat the words over and over again in his ear. His heart had started to race faster clutching tightly onto the taller male’s shirt. His lip quivering before the cries had turned into loud waves of sob.

Chanyeol held his lover close to his chest, gently rubbing the other’s back “You’re the most beautiful person I have ever met Baek. I’m glad I met someone like you. My angel my love , Byun Baekhyun.” He didn’t stop showering the other with positive words. Allowing him to cry his heart out before Baekhyun fell asleep again against his boyfriend’s warmth.

One week later

Baekhyun's pov:

I squealed out feeling a pair of arms wrap around my waist. Already knowing who it was I leaned back against the warmth, cuddling my back against it. “Yeollie~” I smiled looking up at my tall and derp like boyfriend. He smiled back brightly lightly pecking my lips.

The kiss had started out innocent before I turned around, wrapping my arms around his neck wanting it to be deeper. Of course Chanyeol wasn’t going to give up on my option, he wrapped his own arms around my waist pulling me closer to him. Our chest touching each other as how kiss began to get heated.

Pulling away I panted slightly staring up as he stared down. I squeaked being picked up from the ground. Chanyeol carrying me back into our room, his foot kicking the door shut using his free hand to lock it afterwards. He laid me on the bed hovering over my body. I smiled gently as he ran his finger on my sides.

The last words that left his mouth before the small room was filled with cries of pleads and love.

The words that changed everything of how I always thought about myself.

The words Ill forever remember.

In that deep voice of his.

“So ing beautiful”

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