A perfect life

A perfect life


Kris groaned when he felt a pair of tiny hands pull out his hair while another pair tickled his side. “I’m up, I’m up,” he mumbled.

“Daddy! Daddy! Wake up! We’re going to the zoo!” one of his twin sons, Luhan, screamed right on his ear.

Kris grumbled. “Lu, don’t scream on daddy’s ear,” he whispered.

But the 5-year-old ignored his request and continued screaming while pulling out his hair. His twin brother, Sehun, kept poking Kris’ side and the young father had no other choice but sit down on his bed.

He growled at the twins, pretended to be angry and quickly chased after the two little boys who ran away from his bedroom with their high-pitch noise to the kitchen where Joonmyeon was preparing breakfast.

“Appa! Appa! The big wolf is awake!” Sehun screamed while quickly hiding behind his father’s lithe body.

 “Appa, there were two little sheep who disturbed the big wolf’s sleep,” Kris complained while putting his head on Suho’s shoulder.

His husband turned his head a little to capture Kris’ lips. “Good morning, Daddy,” he greeted the tall Chinese Canadian male.

But Kris did not let him go easily. “I miss you,” he whispered in Suho’s earlobe, slightly it that made the tiny guy shudder. But before neither of them could react, they heard screams from the two boys.

“Eewww…. Do you realize that minors are present here?” Sehun asked.

Kris made a sudden growl to scare away his two sons and they screamed again. He quickly lifted them in each of his arms. “Come on, Daddy will shower you. Then we’ll have breakfast so we can get to the zoo early.”

Suho smiled to see the father-and-sons morning chaos. It was a precious moment to see the big smile on Kris’ face and heard the hard laughs from both Sehun and Luhan. They decided to adopt the twins five years ago, right on their first wedding anniversary. Kris reasoned that having children would make their life more colorful. And he was right. Although they both had to juggle their time between works and the boys, they managed to do so.

Suho kept the smile on his face when the laughter and screams from the bathroom did not subside. He was busy stacking pancakes on four plates then pouring maple syrup on top of them. He made hot green tea for Kris and black coffee for himself, poured warm milk on two glasses for the twins.

“Breakfast is ready!” he screamed.

Seconds later he heard rushing footsteps coming near. Kris and the twins already dressed up. Suho chuckled when he saw Kris wearing a matching T-shirt with the word “daddy” printed on the back. Kris saw him and just snorted before sipping his tea.

“It’s your idea,” Kris said, voice unhappy. Suho just smiled. Kris might grumble now but at the end he would still do whatever Suho asked him to do.

“You still look handsome,” Suho praised the taller guy, wishing it would boost Kris’ happy mood for the day.

Kris leaned closer and put on a quick peck on Suho’s pouty lips. “I wish we can celebrate our wedding anniversary in a more private way,” he whispered in Suho’s ear. “If you know what I mean.”

Suho elbowed him because both Sehun and Luhan were staring at them with such an annoying expression. “Boys, you can leave the table if you’ve finished and wait for us at the living room.”

The twins quickly jumped from their stools and rushed to their bedroom to get ready for their trip.

Suho pulled Kris’ collar and whispered in the latter’s lips. “Tonight, I’m all yours.” And he pressed his lips to Kris, molding them in a passionate kiss. Kris smirked in between their kiss. “Can’t wait for it.”

Their intimacy was disrupted by loud shouts from the doorway. Kris stood up to take the kids to the car while Suho cleaned up the table before joining them for the ride.

Both Sehun and Luhan practically dominated their day but the fathers happily granted all their wishes. With Kris working 9-to-5 from Monday to Friday, he barely had time for the twins. Piles of documents on his desk, dozens of emails and reports that he had to reply everyday forced him to work overtime. Lucky, Suho worked from home. As a freelance illustrator, he could work when the boys took their naps or during the nights after he put them in bed.

The day passed with lots of laughters, questions and, of course, pictures. Just after lunch, the twins already showed sign of fatigue and Kris easily lift each of them in his arms. Suho wanted to help but his husband shook his head. “I can carry them,” Kris replied.

Kris put the boys in the back seat, buckled them up to make sure they were safe and drove them back home. The Sun was still shining but perhaps running around in the zoo was too tiring for the twins.

Kris drove using one hand while his free hand was intertwined with Suho’s. His thumb rubbed the back of his husband’s palm hand. Suho smiled at the small gesture. Kris never changed. Ever since they started dating seven years ago, he always showed his love to Suho with sweet words, simple touches and nice gifts. While for Kris, Suho’s sweet smile was the best reward he could ever get. Whenever he was exhausted and overworked, he knew he would get a warm smile at home. He would pull Suho’s tiny body closer to him and his husband would rub his back, whispering a thousand “I love you”s until he could fall asleep. And Kris would only wake up after Suho kissed his forehead, his eyes, his nose and his lips and greeted him “Good morning my prince”.

It was too much for a morning routine. Kris knew it. But he loved being spoiled by Suho. He loved being woken up next to a person who could shower him with abundant love.

Once they reached their house, Kris carried the boys to their bedrooms. None of them made any moves. Sehun and Luhan were already in their deep sleep.

“Now we can celebrate our wedding anniversary on our own,” Kris whispered in his earlobe once they were on their bed.

Suho smiled. He circled his hands on Kris’ nape, pulling the tall guy closer so they can crash their lips together. Their intimate moment was something that they always cherished. It was the time when they realized they needed each other’s presence, that they were complete when they were together.

Kris linked his fingers to Suho’s, making sure he held them tight, while pounding himself into his husband. The view of Suho arching his back while Kris’ name boosted his inner pride, as if only Kris who could satisfy Suho, who could make him happy, who meant the world to him.

They both tried to regulate their breath after reaching their peak. Kris embraced Suho in his cocoon, making sure the lithe body was warm. He kissed Suho’s nape and let his lips travelled to the latter’s temple and forehead before he put a kiss on the lips.

“Happy wedding anniversary,” Kris said, while slipping a ring on his husband’s finger.

Suho, who was about to drift to sleep, opened his eyes wide the moment he felt something on his finger. He pulled it closer and almost chocked from tears. The ring was made of white gold and was in a shape of wings. He looked at Kris’ hand and realized that his husband had the same ring  – he did not even know when Kris put it on.  

“Thank you,” he whispered before claiming Kris’ lips. “And happy wedding anniversary too.”

“Why did you choose the wing-shaped ring?”

“Because you’re an angel without wings, so why not give you one?”

Suho laughed. “That’s very cheesy… But thoughtful. I like it.” And he pulled Kris for another kiss.

Seven years of love, six years of marriage and now with five-year-old twins, Kris felt his life was perfect. 

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Sorayaaaaa #1
2452 streak #2
Chapter 1: OMFG... simple perfection!!!
saraleezz #3
Chapter 1: So perfect !!!
Chapter 1: AWWW the love :3
Chapter 1: “Because you’re an angel without wings, so why not give you one?” Aigooo ~~ so cheesy and makes me crumple my fingers ^^ hahaha..
Anyway, thank you for this sweet cute little bunny story, authornim :) *kiss and hug*
Chapter 1: ㅠㅠ i just love you authornim
i tried to give up on krisho but i just canttt i love them