Love Song

The night....

Youjin gazed at herself in the big mirror in her bedroom as she tried to choose a dress for the dinner with Myungsoo.. nothing too y and nothing too simple.. She wanted to look just perfect for him...

The whole day she spend in telling stories to her mother about her relationship with L and how she finally realized that she really and truly likes him.. That he is exactly the type of boy that she needs to be happy..

Now gazing at herself, holding a dress she couldnt find the right one.. the one that will make L just speechless in front of her beauty... She thought about everything earlier... About the hair-do , the make up... the clothes.. This night , like she imagine it, was just perfect for both of them.. the night when she decided to tell him that she doesnt want to play anymore couse she already realized that there are feeling in her...

These days that she spend in the hospital with Sunggyu made her realize that he wasnt the boy she likes, but he was the friend she wants to keep closer...

The door of the room opened and YouJin looked at the doorway, smiling at her mother

"Mommy.. help me to choose a dress.. i cant... its sooo hard.."

Her mother laughed quietly and moved to her bed, sitting down as she looked at Youjin and smiled          "the dress that you are holding is nice enough.. but i dont think you need to wear it.. wear something that will express the real you.. something comfortable.."

She took a deep breath and gazed back at her mirror       "But i want to look pretty for him.."

"Oh come on.. the boys sometimes cant tell you how pretty you are so they cannot look stupid.. but im sure that this boy likes you on the way you are.. even if you wear your simple clothes.. thats enough because you are showing yourself like that.." her mom said and smiled again, patting the bed

YouJin sighed deeply and walked closer, sitting next to her mother and hugged her       "Ahh.. i was so mean with him.. i just couldnt see it clearly.. i thought i like another boy... but... i dont.. i really dont like someone else... and... i want just to show that to him this night..."

"You can just say it" the woman said and trailed her hand along her cheek         "That will be more than enough.. so what is his character? can he handle your foolishness?"

"No i think... he is always angry at me... but i like it couse im doing it.. i need him to be angry couse after that he is getting nicer..and i like it" YouJin replied and giggled quietly       "he is cool, mommy... and.. i feel so... so...ahh.. i just feel like im falling for him.. is it stupid?"

"No its not" she replied and sighed, giving YouJin a smile          "Just dont worry too much.. be yourself and drown in this sea of feelings.. sometimes im too dramatic but its like that.. relax , baby" she added and kissed her forehead            "It will be alright.. "

"i hope so" Youjin said as she heard her cell phone and stood up quickly , moving to her desk and took the phone      "Its him" she said with grin and pick up quickly     "MyungSoo..."

~Yeah its me~ he replied calmly and sighed         ~What.. are you doing right now?~

"um... im trying to choose a dress for tonight.. do you know how many i just throw away couse i know you dont like them... and.. i dont know what to wear.. i said i will be simple, but i feel like i dont want to look like a fool..." YouJin said and smiled wildly       "What can i do?"

~Dont dress at all.. i mean.. dont choose anything~ he said quietly         ~YouJin? um.. i wanted to tell you something~

She frowned   a little as the sound of his voice doesnt seem like always.. there was something wrong        "Um..what is it? are you okay?"

~Okay? You mean.. am i okay? um.. i think i have headcahe~ he said more quickly, correcting himself          ~Yeah, my head hurts.. i was wondering how to tell you this.. im just.. not in the mood.. for a date~

YouJin stayed still with her eyes locked exactly at nowhere as she slowly nodded her head        "Ow..um.." she mumbled and sighed deeply       "Okay... i guess we will see each other tomorrow?"

~Actually we cant~ he replied seriously           ~My.. my dad wants to see me so i will go to sleep early now because i have a lot to travel and you know that it ~

YouJin nodded again as she felt so dissappointed even more than ever.. She bended her head down and sighed again         "Yeah.. i know.. okay... just.. just..." she mumbled and shook her head lightly, gazing at herself in the mirror and exactly on the reflection on her face , thinking that the make up and the hair-do that she made look really stupid in that moment         "Good night then"

~We can call each other, right? its not like im going in the hell.. i will call you when i arrive there~ he replied with the same emotionless voice and sighed            ~Im kissing you~

"Yeah.. me too" she mumbled and rolled her eyes aside from the mirror         "Bye" she added and hang up, looking aside at her mother        "Well.. i guess i dont have to choose dress now.."

Her mother was gazing at her with pity as she sighed deeply and stood up, placing a weak smile on her face          "Baby.. dont be sad"

"Dont..." YouJin said and shook her head quickly        "I will just sleep now.. please.. leave me alone"

She nodded slowly and her lips, waving at YouJin          "Okay then... this is your choice.. just remember that you will regret your behaviour later if you act sad now"

"Good night mom.." YOujin said and moved to the bed, lying down on it          "See you tomorrow"


"What is that? ohh stop it... my body is shaking from fear.. Eric" Aechan shouted and pushed Eric`s hands away from her face, folding her hands         "Dont ever close my eyes.. i hate it"

Eric frowned a little and lifted his eyebrows as he simply nodded and lied down, placing his head on her lap , gazing up at her eyes           "Im sorry that im romantic"

"I hate it" Aechan said quickly and pulled away, leaving his head to fell on the couch         "I hate romance just like i hate.." she started and took a deep breath, feeling how her heart clenched into a small ball            "..just like i hate romantic guys"

Eric sat up again and lifted an eyebrow, smirking a little         "you know that if there is something romantic in me it will show because i wanna make you mine like.."

"Stop it.." Aechan shouted and covered her ears        "No, dont.. Eric.. its not going to happen like this.. what do you think? that i will throw myself into you just because you came back? you left me"

"No i didnt" Eric said seriously          "We both said that we will be back together when i come back.. you wanted this for me, right? why you sound like you hate me for my decision now?"

"I dont.. but when you put your lovelly comments for i just cant.. Eric i dont want you to be like that" Aechan said and nodded her had confidently         

"You said that you hate romance.. why are you complaining now?" he asked and frowned        "your temper , Aechan.. just relax.. im here and i wont go anywhere.. and you`ll be my girl forever.."

This word kicked the small ball- her heart away from her chest as she stared at him, half frowning , half- regreting something that she said long time ago.. the words 'i love you' that didnt seem so strong now when she was looking at him.. Eric wasnt the same guy too.. his confidence grew and she was sure that he became one of the playboy`s team.. a guy thats searching for a toy so he can continue playing.. And she was the toy from his past..

"You are jerk.. lets go out" Aechan mumbled and took his hand, regreting even this act as it seemed so wrong to her that she wanted to push him back or to kick him out of the house.. but there was a small thin feeling in her that couldnt let her do that.. and it was growing everytime when she stares at his deep green eyes..

She leaded him to the door and sighed when Eric turned her around and kissed her.. the same kiss like before but more emotionless..

The doorbell cut their make out and Aechan smiled, thanking to the person who was waiting for her to open the door.. She pushed Eric`s head by the forehead and turned around again, opening the door as the one who cut her make out, actually made her feel nervous..


DongWoo gazed at her as the first thing he noticed was the nervous face expression... next- Eric there...

He screw his eyes, tilting his head to one side as immediatelly anger came in him , making him to look back at AeChan      "Are you busy?"

"We were going out but since you came, i actually wanted to see you too" she replied and smiled a little, giving a glance to Eric      "You surelly remember DongWoo"

Eric sighed and rolled his eyes on Dongwoo, nodding simply just like he was annoyed to see him         "Yeah.. DongWoo.. of course i remember.. this face cant be forgotten"

He nodded slowly and smiled     "Yeah.. and i remember you too Eric.. this ugliness cant be forgotten too..just for info... i hate the moments when im seeing you... what you will do to stop this anger?"

"I guess i will laugh at your foolishness.. just get a girl.. you`re the same " Eric said and rolled his eyes

"And you`re not the same guy.. Eric whats wrong now?" Aechan hissed and frowned again, as the happiness from seeing DongWoo dissappeared         "Yesterday.. ohh.. who`s that ? this girl has ugly legs.. you`re talking like a "

Dongwoo nodded as he listened to Aechan and right when she finished he started talking         "Eric, Eric... why you are here? look what happened while you were gone.. let me make the things clear to you... i... i just became even worst than you remember me... AeChan.. she became stronger,... why? couse she doesnt give a about you... and if you want advice from me... get lost till im that calm.. couse i wont stand you for longer.. you are stepping hardly on my nerves.. and you are playing dangerous game with the fire... that means... you are making me angry... and when im angry.. i cant control myself... so... better... get the out of this house and just forget it.. forget about her.. forget about you both as a couple.. couse i dont care what exactly you are doing here, with her.. but i dont like it" he said as he stepped closer to Eric and looked all over him        "The person who you are now... i dont like it... and i wont till you stop acting like a .. and you wont so..."

"Just dont talk" Eric replied as he showed how much he didnt care about DongWoo`s words and gave him a fake smile, passing by him , watched by Aechan

"When you will stop beating up everyone who is near me?"

"When you stop dating es" Dongwoo said and moved further in the house, sitting on the couch          "And.. how many times i have to tell you that i dont like this guy? what you are seeing in him anyways? what he has? i cant see anything good in him.. Eric is a that deserves a hard kick.. and i dont care if you will be mad at me again..couse im doing it for you"

"Oh no you`re not" she replied and pointed at him, screwing her eyes slowly        "Did you do that thing to SungGyu because of me? no you didnt"

"SungGyu? wait a minute.. SungGyu has nothing in common with you.. he deserved this.. and if you ask me he expected it.. couse he doesnt know when to stop talking.." DongWoo said with annoy and sighed          "Do you in like him, or what? Couse i cant see any other reason for your madness"

"Yeah" Aechan replied and lifted her eyebrows, nodding madly        "Im mad at you because you`re jerk.. lets not talk about my relationships with the guys because you dont understand anything.. what i feel about both of them is completelly different" she said with temper and sighed deeply

"Yeah? and where is the difference? Aechan.. you had something real with Eric but it was long ago.. and this is not really a big deal couse i know well that you dont care anymore... SungGyu? what happened... you were annoyed by his attention on you.. you hated the presents and everything he does.. what happened? one kick changed the things and you feelings?Dont fool me around.. if you like this then just say it.. i hate this guy.. but if i have to choose i will accept him infront of Eric , couse i know that however stupid SungGyu is he wont hurt you... and dont even dare to be mad at me for beating him up couse you know better than everyone else why i did it and how much i wanted it..couse i kept this anger 2 years deep in me... " DongWoo shouted and screw his eyes         "He deserved it.. and he got it... and dont tell me that i dont understand anything couse you didnt even see SungGyu in the hospital.. is that called 'love'? is that your way to show someone how much you like him? ohh come on... you dont even know what you want.."

Aechan was gazing at her best friend as every word that DongWoo was saying was making a small cut next to the big wound in her heart.. she frowned deeply, trying to stop her tears and looked aside, wiping the first one that dropped on her cheek         "you`re too rude" she said weakly and sighed         "nobody deserves to lie in hospital no matter whats the reason.."

"And nobody deserves to lie there alone.." Dongwoo replied and stood up, moving closer to her as her tears made him feel awful.. He hugged her and sighed        "Aechan.. i didnt want to sound so rude.. but you cant make me regret that i did this to him... but you can make me regret of making you cry...and.. if you just can explain your tears... i will try to correct my mistake... do you even know that even the cold guy who im pretending to be can feel regret? yes i can... and i dont want to see you down... dont hate me for what i did and what i will do... couse whatever im talking... i will do everything to make you happy"

AeChan took a deep breath and nodded slowly, hugging him back tightly           "i know that you at everything that has to be calm and nice.. but i also know that whatever you`re talking its half true" she said and frowned, pulling back to look at his face       "I wanted to go in the hospital but i felt regret.. Sunggyu is doing so many things to take my attention, acting stupid.. cute.. nice.. cocky.. this is just his way.. and i imagined how every peace of this is breaking when i thought that he is hurt.. and then the regret filled me to the bottom when Eric came.. i cant go to see SungGyu when i have stupid boyfriend who came back from nowhere.. its unfair" she said and started crying again, bumping her head in his shoulder

"No its not.. you are doing it..." Dongwoo said and caressed her back slowly       "If you feel so wrong of beeing with Eric , then dont be... if you feel good- beeing SungGyu`s princess then just tell this to him.. i hate this boy, okay.. but i can see that he is not bad guy... and i can see how brave he is to flirt with the best friend of the guy who wants to kill him even knowing he cant protect himself... do you know how many times i watched how he is putting presents in your locker and i was giving him the death glare that you hate the most and even then he was just smiling and quickly going away... just.. what i want to tell you is ... if you like him.. then you dont need to go back in your past to Eric... just look forward.. look exactly on the place you think you will be okay.. and if you are okay and you are happy.. then i will be happy too and maybe i wont chase him to smash his head again..."

AeChan nodded and sighed deeply, looking aside from his face   "i dont know , Dongwoo.. i still cant play with feelings just like that.. i cant really tell you what i feel for both of them but i feel like i dont want to loose anyone.. can you accept that for now?"

"First of all i want to say sorry... couse what i want to do and what i will do is to beat Eric up... im so sorry just.. i cant stand him... im telling you this now.. couse i dont want you to be dissappointed later.. i will do it no matter what... and.. if you go to see him in the hospital after that.. i will accept that you really want to be with him.. if not.. i will do everything ... everything even telling SungGyu to clear your mind so you can release Eric from your heart.. believe me.. from what i saw i know that Sunggyu can make you feel okay... so.. lets make this test"

"What?" she asked and frowned a little        "Ya, Dongwoo.. stop acting like.. ahh you cant just beat everyone up to test me.. go bang your head then.. and if i go to see you in the hospital that will mean i love nobody else but you.. you are so stupid"

"Okay.. i am.. i just wanted to turn this into a game.. but i will really smash his head.. with your acception or no.. im sorry"

"i will be dissappointed and angry again" She replied and sighed, pulling away from his arms and pointed at him         "But dont ever touch SungGyu again"

"I promise.. i wont touch SungGyu again.. but i will do it with Eric.. enough with the topic.. lets drink some coffee"


Next day..

"Who is Chara? Sungjong you`re too misterious.. you didnt even tell me who the hell is that weird girl.. and you also didnt call me because of her.. and i have to thank you for that because i have free time to go out with Nanie.. but back to the topic.. who is Chara?" SungYeol asked as they waited on a bench near to some park

"Chara is a girl who needs protection... she is so.. locked in herself that she doesnt know how to act normally.. i feel so sorry for her.. she had a really bad past but its all over now..." SungJong said and sighed deeply       "I feel like i have to protect her.. and i feel like i want to help her unlock herself in front of everyone... she is .. so amazing person.. beautiful and inocent.. she is also funny sometimes...when she is acting foolish.. and i like when she is shy.. just.. i told her to come so she can even talk to Nanie... and to make some friendship.. she deserves friends.. i know it.. "

SungYeol stared at his friend for a while with stupid look in his eyes and then blinked, his eyes showing now a great sparkle        "Oooh boy.. you want the girl to open for you, not for Nanie" he shouted and slapped his friend`s leg        "I have never seen you more addicted.. who`s that girl? can i like her too?"

SungJong gave him a look and frowned a little         "SungYeol.. shut up.. no you cant like her.. and.. i .. " he started and looked aside, taking a deep breath         "I think... i like her.. just.. its complicated.. she cant just open herself that easily.. and trying so hard is somehow connecting me with her...i cant explain it..."

"I got it" his friend said and nodded his head, grinning against his face         "Are you inlove now? do you feel butterflies in your stomach? your head is getting dizzy and you just want to look cool for her even when she is looking you just with stupid look, smiling at you but in the same time saying  'you are just a friend'?"

"Stop decribing yourself.. im not fool like you.. and i told you hundret times that if you continue acting like a fool, Nanie wont ever understand that you like her.. and she will accept you only as friend" Sungjong said and gave him a look        "And still no.. i mean the butterflies and the dizzy head.. its still early.. but maybe i really feel stupid when i know that i cant just tell her that i like her couse i dont know how she will react and if she wont pull back.."

"Okay.. lets make a bet,.. right now.." SungYeol said and smirked          "You will go to tell Chara how you feel .. just for fun.. and i will stay aside and laugh at you when she says that you`re stupid"

"And what i will get from all of this? forget about it.. im not that brave.. and by the way there is a party in Monday so tell Nanie to come"

"I will" he replied quickly and nodded        "Ahh finally.. " he said when he spotted Nanie from afar and stood up, waving both of his hands so she can see him

"SungYeol..." Nanie shouted and ran closer, hugging him      "Ahh.. im late, im sorry.. i just had problem with my mother.. she wanted me to buy a coffee before going out"

"This is called a help.. so dont worry.. we are still waiting for his girlfriend" he replied and pointed at Sungjong

"Chara is not my girlfriend, fool" SungJong shouted and throw his bottle with water against him

"Yeah, she is not" Chara said behind him and patted his shoulder, looking forward at SungYeol , who seemed interested in her       "What?"

the glare in her eyes made SungYeol to hide ironically behind Nanie        "SungJong take her back"

He frowned deeply and turned around against Chara        "Its okay.. he is my best friend fool, who will walk with us today.."

"Oh.. okay" Chara replied and looked aside at Nanie, giving her a fake smile         "I know her"

Nanie smiled and nodded    "i know you too.. and im Nanie by the way..." she introduced herself and moved closer, stretching her hand to Chara        "Nice to meet you"

"I know your name too" Chara replied and took her hand, shaking it carefully like she was disgusted           "From JinJu.."

"JinJu? yeah.. she is crazy head.." Nanie laughed and nodded her head        "So.. we are all here now.. where we will go?"

"Where you want to go Chara?" Sungjong asked and gave her a look        "Just choose a comfortable place for you"

"Well.. then i must say 'home'.. but i believe that you will stop me" she said and sighed, lifting her eyebrows           "Im joking"

SungYeol stared at her and simply nodded, leaning to Nanie`s ear         "Her jokes are not funny"

"i heard you.." SungJong said and frowned deeply, giving a glare to his friend  "stop with these bulls.."

"Oh here he goes again.. lets go before he explode" SungYeol mumbled and took Nanie`s wrist, pulling her forward as he waved to Chara when he passed her          "Please watch over our backs"

Chara blinked and nodded slowly        "Thats it.. i want to go home"

"Chara..." SungJong started and stood up, moving closer to her as he grabbed lightly her shoulders and gazed at her eyes       "Give yourself a try.. just for hour"

"Your friend is from this type of guys that i hate.. annoying.. even his voice is annoying" she replied quietly and frowned more           "But the weather is cool so i wont go home.. its not because of you"

SungJong smiled and nodded   "Yeah i know,..." he mumbled and slid one of his hands along her arm, gently taking her hand         "Its the weather.. not me.. i got it.."

"Ohh.. no .." Chara mumbled and tilted her head, staring at his eyes          "IF you look at me with these eyes again.. it will become a little.. worst for you"

"Why? what you will do?" he asked playfully as his smile widened         "show me the wild Chara.."

"What?" she shouted and stared at him with amaze, pulling her hand back from his with a rude move     "All i tried to say is.. i can see that you like me but forget about it"

SungJong lifted his eyebrows and sighed        "You uncover me.. okay.. so.. i do like you.. but Chara.. dont forget that we have a deal.. and till you become  human.. you will stand me.."

She gave him a glare but smiled, patting his shoulder          "Now when i know your feelings i will warn you.. dont touch me" she said and turned around to follow Nanie nd SungYeol

SungJong grinned and nodded his head         "I wont.. for now..."


"I won" WooHyun shouted as he hit JinJu`s forehead hardly, laughing at her expression

She hit his arm and frowned        "you lied, er.. aish.. when will Sunggyu come back with JiYoung.. i will really kill you for this day, do you know that?"

Woohyun looked at her just like she cut some part of a healed wound in him and sighed        "i thought you will get over your hate for JiYoung.. because of me? i didnt like.."

"Dont mess DongWoo.. dont even think about it" JinJu hissed and hit his forehead hardly too

"Ahh.. you`re so aggressive,, but its the same.. you can stand her" WooHyun said and rubbed his forehead         "you saw by your own eyes that she is not a "

"Ohh she is not? we will talk later when she dumps you" JinJu said with irony and caressed his hair, slapping his face

"Yah, stop hitting me" WooHyun shouted at her and stood up from the grass, pointing down on her         "Dont challenge me"

"Baby i know one thing that im using with guys like you.. when a guy fall inlove he is an easy target.. so dont ever challenge me.. im better" jinJu replied with a smirk and took out her phone           "i will call Sunggyu..who knows.. maybe he saw a puppy and he is playing somewhere with it now"

"Or some baby.. he likes little kids" he said and nodded, looking around the park          "OR he is just eating ice cream?"

JinJu gave him a bored look and sighed       "shut up"


"Do you know what.. i love kids.." SungGyu said to JiYoung and took a bite from his icecream while he was watching ovr some kids         "Someday i want to have a girl.. and..im sure she will be pretty like me.. and she will wear only pink colours... couse her cheeks will be always pink and sweet..."

JiYoung gazed at him and nodded with a smile        "this is a good imagination... i want a boy.. and.. i want my baby to be a strong man when he grow up"

"Ahh.. a heartbreaker.." SungGyu said and giggled        "I see.. maybe.. i will give him my daughter.. so she can know that she deserves a good guy after she feel the pain from the bad one.." he added and gazed at her face         "Im sure.. you know what i mean..."

JiYoung frowned a little and nodded         "SungGyu... i.. im used with bad guys... my friends are bad guys, my boyfriends.. i just..."

"You can get used with the good things too... do you think that WooHyun can ever hurt you.."

"no.. but this is not enough... i mean.. nobody can control his feelings"

"Yeah.. i know.. but maybe you can try..." SungGyu said as his smile fade away         "You girls are so.. so stupid.. i think you love to be hurt... you love to cry and to continue searching for bad guys who will make you cry over and over again"

"no... just... every girl dreamed to be with a good guy.. and everything to be okay... but sometimes the things are not going that good.. i mean... you are meeting a guy who you think can give you happiness... but in the end he gives you only tears" JiYoung replied and sighed deeply         "i really want to give WooHyun a chance.. i can see clearly that he deserves it... just i need more time to recover"

"but he is not pressing you.. you have your time, but just dont think for really longer.. couse... however hard you want somebody... there is a time when you give up..."

"Will you give up? i mean.. Aechan?"

SungGyu gave her  a smile and sighed            "I dont know... she just .. didnt come.. however much i wanted to see her.. she didnt come.. maybe she had work.. or.. she was busy at school..."

JiYoung gazed at his eyes full of hope and blinked once, remembering her last conversation with Aechan when she told her about Eric and her new born feelings for him and frowned

"SungGyu... what will happen..; if you understand that she is not that perfect ..."

"I already know it.." he replied and looked forward        "But,... when you love somebody.. for you.. he is the perfect one.. not couse he is...but couse you are seeing him like this"

JiYoung frowned even more and sighed as she looked forward, seeing WooHyun and JinJu and nodded          "Yeah...its ed up.."

"SungGyu, you`re dead for leaving me with this idiot" JinJu shouted from afar and lifted her fist up        "come and punch yourself"

SungGyu quickly smiled even feeling that he doesnt need to do it and nodded        "I got punched enough.. Aiish.. you are so mean.. you want to take away my beauty again..."

JiYoung gazed  aside at him as on his face there was not sign from his real feelings and sighed

'You dont want to make them worried about you, do you?' she thought and nodded slowly        'I envy you.. you are so strong..'

"why didnt you buy us ice cream too?" WooHyun said and frowned , pushing SungGyu`s arm away from his mouth when he wanted to his ice cream         "You`re the mean one"

"and you dont have to eat such bull.. think about your health, idiot" JiNju said loudly and rolled her eyes on JiYoung because she decided to do something about WooHyun`s problem        "You just dont know how hard is for me to live with them"

JiYoung looked at her and smiled       "if you ask me.. you are lucky.."

"Of course she is.. couse she has the prettiest friend in the world.." SungGyu said and laughed       "And couse im so good friend.. dont lie Jinju... you just want JiYoung to envy you for having me around"

JinJu gave him a bored look and pointed at him        "i really hate this guy"

jiYoung gazed back at SungGyu and smiled as she remembered his words and turned the direction on her gaze at WooHyun      

'SungGyu... you have right.. enough bad boys... enough tears... i have to open myself for WooHyun.. he deserves it... and maybe i deserve to be happy too' she thought and took WooHyun`s hand

"Lets leave them to hate each other.."

"to leave them?" he replied and looked down at their folded hands, taking a long breath         "Yeah, lets do it.. by the way i told you that we need a long walk.. they wont follow us.. so.."

"Yeah... lets just go somewhere.. only you and me..."

SungGyu gazed at them and smiled as he nodded his head slowly, shifting his look at their hands

'Thats right JiYoung.. you can do it... i know you can' he thought and turned against JinJu

"Yaaaaaa... lets go to watch over the kids right there.. aaaaaishh.. i feel like im bored here.. they `re so stupid... we dont need to walk with them"

JinJu looked aside at him as wonder filled her eyes         "You were the one who wanted this, right?" she asked and screw her eyes          "Aaah you little player"

"I dont want it now.. i dont like boring people.. lets go" SungGyu said and gave JiYoung a wink      "Good luck.."

She smiled and nodded her head      "I dont need it.."

"No you do.." he replied and grinned,. grabbing hardly JinJu`s hand and pulled her aside

WooHyun stared back at his friend with wonder as he tried to explain to himself what SungGyu was saying and caressed JiYoung`s hand thoughtfully           "What is he talking about?"

JiYoung smiled and looked at his eyes        "He just opened my eyes... and made me realize.. how blind i was... and how much i missed.."

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I seriously miss this story.. ;~;
Chapter 27: cant wait for the update... :")
Update soon
can't wait for the next update~ <3<br />
author nim~~ hwaiting!!
author-nim hwaiting!!!! <br />
Please update soon! <3
Pleaseeeee update soon~~~~<3
Okay. We'll be patient. ^^
okaaaaay, we'll wait :D<br />
Author shi~ HWAITING!!! >.<
double_m #10
Ow.. we have new reader? :D thanks for staying here @their_INSPIRITbeauty !!<br />
And girls, sorry for the long wait, we just need time again to weite the new chapter, please dont kill uuuuuuuuuuuus :D<br />
<br />
So wait for the new update and thanks for your patiense !