Chapter One

Gang Fights [Apply Closed]

First Official Chapter xD


Jay's POV

Don't you think it's hard being maknae? I do! The unnies are so overprotective, it irritates me sometimes. To have them be so hard! I need freedom! 

Anyways, we just came back from the mall and guess who we ran into? Yep, the stupid gang who never gives up, B2ST. 

I just wanna kill them sometimes! It frustrates me how we always tie up in every gang fights.


Mel's POV

*Hmm...B2ST was acting awfully fishy when we met at the mall today. I think they're planning something...* 

"Hey, unnie, do we still have chocolate bars left?" Jinhye asked while interrupting my thoughts.

"Umm..I don't know, go check" 

"No! It's either you tell me or we go buy chocolate things and fill this house with chocolate!" Knowing the Chocolate Addict Jinhye, you can't stop her from making you buy her chocolates.

"Aish, fine, go call the others" I told her.

"YAAAAAAAAAY!" Wow, she's so hyper. I don't get it, it's just chocolate..why so obssessed?

As she was calling them, I still can't help but feel suspicious about B2ST, I know they're up to something, but what?


Michelle's POV

Damn, this prankster is forcing us to go buy chocolates! 

"Fine, fine! We'll go, just stop nagging us already" I told her.

A wide grin appeared on her face after I said that.


No One's Pov

"C'mon unnies, let's go!" yelled Jinhye.

"Wait, Jinnie, we have lives too, don't hurry us up!" Melanie told her.

"Aish fine~" she said.

"Ok we're ready!" the other chorused.


They were nearing the chocolate shop until they saw B2ST.

B2ST came over to them and Jay went up and said "Yah, it's night already, can't you see we're not in the mood for fighting right now?" 

"No, no, we just wanted to talk to you about something, c'mere" Dujun told them.

"No funny business, ok?!" Jinnie said to him.

"Says the prankster" the other guys snickered.

"YAH! Wanna die?" Jinnie yelled.

"Too early to die, too old to live" Dongwoon said.

"The hell's that mean, freak?" she asked.

"Oh, just a saying" He said, smirking.

"Now c'mon, stop arguing, we gotta say something" Dujun said.

"Ok, make it quick!" Melanie said.

"Ok, let's make a truce" The boys said, altogether.


"C'mon, let's just be friends, ok? We're all sick and tired of fighting all the time, aren't you?" Junhyung asked.

".....Ok, fine" Melanie said, hesitating.

"Kay, seeya around" Junhyung told them.


At Home

"Yah, UNNIE! Are you crazy? Why did you agree?" Jay yelled angrily.

"Calm down, Jay. I agreed, and that's final, ok?" Leader Unnie said calmly.

"Fine fine" Jay said grumpily.


Kyoungmi's POV

Omo, I can't believe unnie actually accepted them! 

Unnie, waeeee? Don't you hate them even more then I do? After all these years we fought, this is when they decided to make a truce? How stupid of them!


Melanie's POV

*So this was what they were planning? Making a truce?* I thought, smirking to myself.

I agreed becuase, if ever they try to mess with us, they'll know the consequences...I mean come on, after what we did to Yoseob? 

Oh yeah, we beat his , but we left the maknae out. Hehe! He's in the hospital now and he'll be there for....oh I don't know, 1 month? 

Haha, we're so evil! Oh yeah, I just remembered, we didn't buy the chocolate! 

Psstt, don't tell Jinnie, ok? 


Author's Note:

How do you like this first chapter? right? I know it's very boring~ sorry!





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UPDATE SOON~~~~~~~~~
jang-taeri #3
Can't wait! I hope you start it soooooon! OMG! I'm so impatient! T^T Update soon! I love my character BTW!
KpopLover09 #4
Cant wait for the action to start lol! :]<br />
It's okay I still loved it!
@KaiKiaKaori: so that's what i was forgetting! YOU! While i was writing that i reminded myself to add you but then it turned out to be someone else's name xD sorrry~
KpopLover09 #7
Yeahhhhh first chapter is up!!!<br />
Can't wait for more!!!! :)<br />
Liked it by the way.
I love the first chapter! Was I even there though?!? O well I still liked it....
finally the 1st chapter is up !<br />
awesome one !<br />
those unnies so bad and evil<br />
i'll make all of them buy me some chocolate. haha*evil laugh :P<br />
thanks for choosing me :)<br />
want more updates :3
Lol poor yoseob.....<br />
<br />
Haha in the end, they did not bought the chocolates :))