
Tell Your Tale Graphic Shop— [CLOSED/Busy at the moment]

Dear Customers, 

We are sorry for the inconvenience. We were in hiatus for a while due to circumstances. And one of our artists, sweetpeachy, had problems with her AFF account so she will be making a new account. Once again we apologize for the wait.

However, the rest are currently active and ready to make posters for you.


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like the puns
Hello! I got a poster done here a while back (Chapter 5) and the Tumblr link for it is no longer working. I tried to pull it from your portfolio, but only the original, non-fixed version is up there (the version that says "unstoppable object" instead of "unstoppable force".) I was wondering if you could somehow give me the version that says "unstoppable force" again ^^ I would really appreciate it!
Done :)
Requested ^^
Done; requested :)
Chapter 14: picked up! omg! i like it !
Chapter 13: I was shocked when I came to see my request is done because I wasn't noticed about it. xD
Anyway, I've picked up and thank you for your work! ^^
Chapter 1: If my request hasn't been started, then I would like to cancel it. If the designer has started on it, then I won't cancel.
I am really sorry! I want to cancel my request. Sorry late to inform cause i busy with my activities at school. I want to cancel my request please?
OttokajiVIXXluvver #9
Done:D sorry I requested two times because the first time I requested for sweetpeachy not seeing that she was unavailable :DDDD Sorry
cutiekris #10
requested!*^^* good luck and thank you!!