The Thirst for Attention

The Thirst
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Bae Joohyun. The poisonous name Wendy hated the most. There could be a lot of descriptions Irene could be described as. A , a , a , and the list goes on and on. Whether it was positive or negative, Wendy would be lying if she said she didn’t despise them all. Irene’s whole human being brings nothing but annoyance to Wendy. Under that pretty face, sincere yet not sincere smile, shimmering eyes, is a diabolical demon that thou dared to live in this planet.

If both were in the court, Wendy could say she would be on the Justice side of the court, Justice for the people who had been trapped in Joohyun’s rapid land full of beauty and not to mention evilness that has not yet been unveiled. Evilness, which is the truth. Evil in which would lead to chaos when the unsuspecting world --

“Wendy, don’t you think you’re over exaggerating it a little.”

Seungwan doesn’t even flicker an eye, nor bothered to notice Seulgi’s presence. She was immersed onto the story of hers and no one would stop her, not even Seulgi, the ever so cliché best friend of the protagonist who wishes everything but stupidness that the protagonist might do because of the antagonist which clearly is Irene at the moment.

-- World that had an eye full of lies, lies brought by Joohyun, a component of Satan, the one who fools everyone with a snap with no effort to do so. Wendy knows a Satan when she sees one, and her miraculous intuition would need no evidence to support her belief, her belief that Bae Joohyun, would be the next dictator of Korea, and as time goes by, she would dominate the Worl—

Seulgi takes Wendy’s sign of no response as a threat that in any moment Wendy may or may not lose her mind, making her shut the laptop straight down, forcing Wendy to stop whatever the hell she was writing for their midterm paper essay.

“What was that for?!” 

The true diabolical demon was coming out of her shell but unlike most people, Seulgi was fortunately immune, “Diabolical demon, exactly how hard did she hit your head with that soccer ball?”

Wendy had no such grudge against Irene, her classmate, from English class, that lasted until yesterday, where Irene accidentally , Wendy believed it was intentionally, but Seulgi said it wasn’t so let’s go with that, made the wrong kick and the ball when straight to Wendy’s head, and that was the day she would never forget. Ever.

“She did it on purpose.”

“She had no reason to do it intentionally, now, can you please shut the damn laptop off and go to sleep before it gets caught on fire and blame Irene for it.”

Wendy figured that Irene must’ve paid her best friend to bring her to the bright side of Irene, the side full of candies and rainbows everyone thinks would be heaven, but it was exactly the opposite. She must save her best friend before she falls into the disheartened well of Irene’s.

She must.

But before she could, Seulgi was already snoring while cuddling the blanket she once knew was hers.

Her alliance for Justice was composed of the leader, which was her, and the assistant, which was Seulgi, but now is the time to cross out the name Seulgi, her mission was to exterminate Bae Joohyun, even if it would only take herself to do everything, she will bloody do it.



“Look at how she takes a sip of the alcoholic drink, who could’ve known that the innocent young lass was a boozer eh?”

“Just because Root beer has the word beer in it doesn’t literally mean it’s actually beer.” Seulgi could only argue while flipping the pages of the emergency -I-need-to-have-before-Wendy-loses-her-sense magazine.

If she would rate Wendy’s nut brain in a rate of 1 to 10, with no further arguments she’ll pick 10. Seulgi found no reason to even give a proper and logical response to anything that Wendy says from now on and kept murmuring the word okay. That’s until Wendy stopped blabbering and was nowhere in sight.

This is not good.
Where the hell has Wendy gone.


Wendy has gone to kiss Irene on the lips, with no hesitance.


“We aren’t in trimestral exams Wendy, I can’t tell if you’re telling the truth or ing false.”

Wendy doesn’t even remember half of what happened yesterday and a part of her wants to forget on why she even did it. Let’s see, it could be because of the yearning she has to kiss someone she hates, or number two, Irene tricked her in doing it.

Irene’s a hypnotist she dearly concluded.

Oh this was the kind of situation where she messed up big time.

This was like one of those quizzes she’d take without knowing a thing.
She was a damsel in distress and she knows no one who could possibly save her from her temporary state of misery.


“You have the hots for her don’t you?” Seulgi teased, nudging the before pale Wendy to now blushing Wendy.


“Having the hots for Satan reincarnated? Now that’s quite new.”

“A devil’s hot, hot enough to make you melt.”


Wendy doesn’t reminisce the time she last had the scent of brewed coffee stained on her Jacket, sweet pastries in her sight and the homey feeling back felt in her heart. This was what she needed, a café to make her cloudy and blurred mind or maybe heart on a halt. Irene was nowhere near her, and she shouldn’t worry about the other girl either.

It was just her.
But out of all the days, Irene became like one of those magic sing ads on youtube, she decided to pop out of nowhere and was right in front of Wendy when she least expected it. Sometimes Wendy assumes she’s gone crazy because of Irene, but then again we should take away the “assumes” part.

 “Why did you kiss me?”

A straightforward question demands a straightforward answer that Wendy couldn’t give. Those piercing eyes of Irene’s, it takes no genius to say that she wants answers and she wants them not tomorrow, not next week or the week after that, she wants them now.

“I just wanted to know what Satan’s lips taste like.”

“Should I be flattered or not? Satan? Excuse me?”

“You should be, you’re my first kiss. Remember how you mustered up the most devious plan to knock my head with that soccer ball of yours?”

Wendy’s dignity cannot be found at the moment, along with the rational mind she once had. Irene was the victim here but Wendy doesn’t know because in her little own world, Irene was never the victim in any way.

Both of them doesn’t have a clue how to end this conversation, and Irene regrets talking to Wendy in the first place.

“It was an accident for God’s sake. If I had the will and power to avoid that pretty little head of yours I would’ve. Can we just start over? I’m Irene, school’s captain ball in soccer.”

Irene hopes Wendy complies, which would be one in a million and expects Wendy would do the walk-out--you thing that she sees in movies, when the other gets rejected and cries till the sun sets.

But tables turned unsuspectedly,

“Okay then, Son Seungwan’s the name, call me Wendy, it’s easier to not mispronounce.”


“What happened to your death sentence towards Irene? A kiss got you whipped?”

“No, it’s still the same.”

“Still the same my .”

The relationship Wendy had with Irene was something you could never describe, it’s as if they just played a game, the difference is, now that it’s over, there wasn’t a restart button. Entered a new world, and made an exit right after. Who even does that. But as far as she can tell, the level of hatred towards Irene meter was slightly, very slightly, like 1.0 slightly, going down, and that doesn’t make a difference.

Seulgi was sitting on their clear counter top while Wendy was on the kitchen stool.
They both know what happens when they’re both in the kitchen but not for food.

“Spill. C’mon, it’s not like I haven’t known you for years. I’m like a sister, a gorgeous, pretty, smart, clever, unique—“

“I get your point.”

Seulgi had a smirk, “So, who is Bae Joohyun in Wendy’s life?”

“A distraction, a who always runs through my head.”
Wendy’s answer was satisfactory for everyone but Seulgi was an exception, “And?”

“And the kind of I’ll never – I think I’ve said enough.” Wendy suddenly made a cut through herself before she says anything she doesn’t intend to say, and that’s the last thing she wanted to unintentionally to do. Seulgi has a way with words, that’s what she’ll never forget.

Seulgi was close to cracking this snowman, “, just say it.”

“Bae Joohyun is the one that I’ll despise till I lay in my death bed.” Wendy left, with her hair having to flip straight at Seulgi’s face.

Great, Seulgi made Wendy cautious with her words again, ing liar, just like the governor who’s swimming in money right now.

And on a minor note, Wendy’s vengeance all started because of a 35$ nike soccer ball.

Irene is either the person she wants to give a second chance to, (Her introduction to herself to Irene wasn’t considered as sincere) or the summoned evil sidekick of evil. There is no between.


There was a ring on the door and Irene doesn’t quite exactly know who it was. The only person who rang the door was the pizza man and she doesn’t remember ordering pizza.

She opened up the door, “I didn’t ord— Wendy?”


“What are you doing here? It’s 3 in the morning.” Irene asked, balling her hands to rub her eyes, hoping it would too rub the sleepiness away.

“I don’t know.”  
Typical Wendy, y’know, popping out on dorms, early in the morning for no particular reason at all.


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WluvsBaetokki #1
Chapter 1: I freaking love this! It's different from what I'm used to but it worked! Good job author-nim 👏
Riscark #2
Chapter 1: Oh my god, i cannot believe this, i find this cause of mistake, like this is gold. This is so rare, Tsundere Irene is normal but Tsundere Wendy? Dayummm idk that I needed Tsundere Wendy
Favebolous 14 streak #3
Chapter 1: Like iiiit
Chapter 1: Wendi is so cuteee, huhuhuhu ❤❤❤
Chapter 1: wendy is so cute. she couldn’t admit she liked irene at first
16 streak #6
Chapter 1: Woow this is so cute I love it
Chapter 1: hahaha XD
the ending tho XD
we're know already Bae is your property Shon and vice verca XD
Chapter 1: Tsunder wendy is effing cute asdfghhjkl!!
Chapter 1: Irene hates when Wendy doesn’t notice her, huh. I’m gonna go with the idea that the soccer ball to the head thing was on purpose after all—quite the aim you have there, Miss soccer captain; aimed for her head and got her heart instead. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)