Chapter 11

My Guardian Angel

The candle lights flickered gently in the breeze. Hyesung was perching by the window stills, gazing up at the full moon up in the dark skies.

"I wonder how is Donghae coping with his duty in guarding the 4th Heaven? I wonder how Lord Siwon is? And what happened to the sinned one who escaped.....

Separated by the starry skies, Heaven seemed so far away to Hyesung.

It had been so long that Hyesung think of Heaven. He was so used to being in the Mortal realm. Eric was sleeping soundly on the bed and Dongwan curled up on the thick rug, drifting off into dreamland as well. Hyesung did not realize that a faint smile was on his lips.

Hyesung had never dreamt that such a day would come. A day that Angel, Mortal and Demon live peacefully under the roof.

"The blaze....." low murmuring was heard in the room.

Hyesung turned his head and saw Eric with tightly shut eyes, frowning away. Eric had the nightmare again. Hyesung went over and sat on the edge of the bed, gently on Eric's head. He managed to calm Eric down and chased away the nightmare.

"You have never once give up on seeking revenge, aren't you?" Hyesung sighed.

"Clearly not." Dongwan replied though his eyes were closed.  His furry ears twitched," Maybe....something isn't that easy to give up even if he wants to."

Hyesung felt that there was something more in Dongwan's words. Instinctively, he looked out and saw raging fire outside.

"Eric! Eric!" Hyesung was frantically shaking Eric," Dongwan, I need your help. Quick!" There was no reply despite Hyesung's cries. When Hyesung turned his head, Dongwan was nowhere in sight. 

Eric opened his eyes and smelled the smoke in the room. Seeing the blaze again, Eric did not have any strength to stand up from his bed. His nightmare turned into reality and his fear since young, came haunting him once more.

"Eric! Let's get out of here quickly." Hyesung was tugging at Eric's hands, pulling him outside. The fire on his wings slightly and Hyesung cast a shield.

Sensing the warmth in his hands, Eric snapped back to his senses. His iris instantly became sharp and he knocked over the basin on the table. He waved the table cloth that was soaked and wrapped around Hyesung. Eric hugged Hyesung close to his chest before they escaped from the sea of flame.

Hyesung was staring dazely at Eric and he was unresponsive.

"Hee Hee." a giggle broke the awkward moment.

When Hyesung came out from his daze, he realized that he was out of the burning place. Hyesung was alright and he checked on Eric. Eric was alright too except he was in a bit of messy state.

"Are you alright?" Eric lowered his head at Hyesung.

"......" Hyesung stared at Eric.

"What happen?" Eric touched his wings gently, " Do you feel any pain here?"

"......" Hyesung continued staring.

"Nothing to worry. It's just that you hurt the pride of our little Angel here." Dongwan was grinning away.

"Huh?" Eric was puzzled. 

"Tsk tsk. A Guardian Angel being rescued by the one he is supposed to guard over.  How embarrassing. " Dongwan shrugged.

"Yah!" Hyesung turned his head and glared at Dongwan," You flee away so fast."

"Oh." Dongwan waved his hand," I am not interested in being roasted."

Hyesung jumped at Dongwan and grabbed the furry ears. Hyesung pulled with all his strength till certain foxy threatened to eat him like roasted chicken, for supper.

In the night, the strong blaze devoured everything instantly and started to spread. However, it alarming speed halt near the pond. The servants in the mansion were busy putting out the fire with buckets of water, thereby creating a loud commotion. Eric closed his eyes and stood silently out of the fire zone. The heatwave caused a drop of perspiration to trickle from his forehead, passing by his eyes and towards his chin. It seemed as though it was a tears drop.

The wind blew the cloud and the moon was hidden. Everything turned dark except for the blazing flame.

While pulling at the furry ears, Hyesung sensed someone watching him in the dark. He turned and saw a white figure underneath the Fig tree. The white figure disappeared into the darkness rapidly. 

Hyesung released his grasp on Dongwan's ears, spread his wings and took off after the white figure. The white figure was disappearing at an unbelievable speed and it was definitely not of a Mortal.

Hyesung tried to follow closely with the white figure till he came to a deserted part of the mansion. Thereat, the mysterious white figure stopped.

The surrounding was a pitch black darkness but the white figure seemed to be emitting glow and his back was facing Hyesung.

"You can see me?" Hyesung asked without a doubt in his voice. " Who are you?"

The white figure turned around, the night breeze flew his dark purple long hair and he had this Demonic beauty on him.

He was that mysterious High Priest!

"So it is you." Hyesung took a step back.

"You remember me?" He advanced towards Hyesung and joy was seen in his eyes.

Hyesung paused and thought for a while. He replied in an unsure voice," Junjin?"

"You remember! " The joy was heightened in his voice.

"Princess Tiffany mentioned your name."

This reply from Hyesung had dampened the joy. Junjin lowered his head sadly.

"Were you the one behind that fire?" Hyesung suddenly recalled the risky situation earlier.

He raised his head and stared blankly at Hyesung. Seeing the slight uneasiness in Hyesung's expression, he smirked," Oh right! I was totally different in my looks from before. It is no wonder that you are unable to recognize me."

"..... Aishi. Did you pay attention to my question earlier?"

"Hmm. I was so small then and now I have fully grow up into such a amazing sight till you can't recognize me." Junjin rubbed his chin with his index finger and spoke.

Amazing? What was he talking about?

"Why are you spying on me?" Hyesung decided to approach from another angle.

"Tsk tsk. Do you still remember? That egg? That adorable egg?" Junjin gestured the shape of an egg with his hands at Hyesung.

"Aishi! Are you paying any attention to what I said!" Hyesung slapped his forehead helplessly. He felt he was having a headache soon.

Wait... that egg... Egg...

Hyesung looked at Junjin alarmingly and looked up and down at Junjin.

The gorgeous man in front of him, had a pair of large eyes with purple iris. Hyesung looked closely and he was sure that he sensed excitement in those eyes.

"You can't be... " Hyesung could not close his jaws.

"Hmm. Yes. Yes. I am." Without waiting for Hyesung to continue, he raised his slender finger and pointed at himself, nodding vigorously," I am that egg."

Oh! He looked a bit different then and now... No! He looked totally different from now. Just what had I hatched out from that egg?

"Er, why are you here? " Hyesung tilted his head.

"I am here to get you." He smiled happily at Hyesung.

"Stop joking with me. I had duties to perform." Hyesung shoo his hand at Junjin like chasing away a noisy little kid.

"Can you... Don't perform your duties?" The purple iris had a layer of moisture covering them.

"Of course not!" Hyesung replied firmly.

"Oh I heard that the duties of a Guardian Angel end when the Mortal that he guards dies." Junjin whispered suddenly.

"Hmm. Arch Angel Leteuk said the same thing to me." Hyesung nodded and patted Junjin's shoulder like an elder.  "I can't be away from Eric for too long.  I will not pursue the matter on this fire anymore. So next tine, do not play with fire!"

After saying that, Hyesung spread his wings and was about to fly off.

"Wait!" He stopped Hyesung.


Junjin lowered his eyes," You are injured. "

Hyesung slanted his eyes and saw a black patch on the tip of his wing," Oh, I was burnt by the fire."

Junjin raised his hand and touched Hyesung's wing. The injuries vanished.

"Thank you." Hyesung disappeared.

"Till.... He dies?" Junjin stood on the same spot and he repeated the words. The purple iris flashed a deadly glow on the dark. Just like a fearful creature.


When Hyesung returned to Eric's side, Eric was still at the same spot with his eyes closed. Eric had not move a single bit but and he seemed to be detached from his surroundings.

The moon was unable to send any lights since it was covered by the clouds. Unknowingly, rain started to fall and accompanied by the thunder roars. Slowly, the rain was getting heavier and the servants returned back inside the mansion. Only Eric stood in his place and eyed the mess. The rain put out the fire and everything resumed to its darkness and silent.

"Eric, Eric, it is raining." Hyesung nudged at him lightly.

Eric did not move. His hair was soaking wet from the heavy downpour and covered his expressions.

"It's not Duke Kangta or Madam Hyorin. This fire had nothing to do with them."  Hyesung quickly explained as he sensed Eric's piercing hatred and sorrow.

Eric chuckled," Don't worry. I was just shocked by the sudden fire."

Hyesung was caught off guard with the sudden cheerfulness from Eric till he was not able to respond in time.

"Let's go. I need a change of clothes and I need to ask Minwoo to reassign another room to me." Eric walked off and he mumbled," This place is indeed creepy."

Hyesung could not read what was on Eric's mind and he merely followed behind quickly.

Duke Kangta was not too bothered with this incident and he instructed Minwoo to reassign another room for Eric.

Eric continued to conduct lessons for Andy. It appeared that everything was as usual but Hyesung felt something amiss. However, he could not pinpoint anything.

Especially.... Hyesung did not see a certain lazy fox in his sight.


The rumour of Tiffany being close to Eric spread throughout the mansion. Inevitably, the new also reached a certain 'a hero becoming a zero' person. He was none other, Nichkhun.

Eversince Nichkhun was recuperating from his injuries, he had never ventured out of his room. Today, he instructed his servant to send a sword to Eric, challenging him for a duel.

Minwoo hurried to Eric's room. He saw Eric leaning onto the armchair with his eyes closed. One hand rested on the silk clothed arm chair while the other hand caressed the swords. His finger glided on the icy sharp blade causally and his gentleness on the deadly weapon was a striking visual to Minwoo.

Minwoo saw the eerie smile on Eric and he sighed. Minwoo bowed towards Eric, not bothered that Eric could not see his gesture.

"Mister Eric."

Eric stopped his fingers on the sword and leaned his head upwards.

"Mister Eric, Duke Kangta instructed me to retrieve the sword in your hand." Minwoo quickly expression the intention of his visit. 

"Oh." Eric replied weakly.

"Duke Kangta aplogizes for Young master Nichkhun's recklessness. And.... Duke Kangta expresses his gratitude to you in bringing Young master back alive." Minwoo lowered his head and felt helpless. 

Minwoo recalled the killing incident at the last social gathering and he was fully aware how ruthless Eric was. Eric could smile whole taking a life and Young master was obviously courting his own death by such action. Duke Kangta was aware of this and so sent him to speak on behalf for Young master.

Eric was silent.

Just while Minwoo assumed that Eric would refuse to his request, Eric surprisingly nodded his head. He handed over the sword to Kyuhyun at his side. Kyuhyun took the sword and handed it to Minwoo.

It was only when Minwoo left, Eric stood up and again without any expressions.

It was said that Duke Kangta blew his top over this issue and in his fury, he grounded Young master Nichkhun in the Death Tower.

"Thought cousin Nichkhun was a bit reckless, he does not deserve..." Tiffany was relaying the matter to Eric and she was not agreeable on the punishment.

Eric smiled," I heard that it was a very scary place. Young Master Nichkhun might not he able to get use to it since he was raised in such a luxury place. Let's...."


"Let's pay him a visit?" Eric turned and faced Tiffany," Young master Nichkhun has some misunderstanding with me and I am worried for him."

Though Eric's eyes were closed, Tiffany's face blushed and did not hear clearly to what he said.

"Your Highness?" Eric called out.

"Hmm... Yes... Alright." Tiffany quickly replied.

With Tiffany as his companion, Eric was not stopped at all in his trip.

"Mother! Do not persuade me further!" Nichkhun's yellings was heard at the doorway.

Eric stopped and stood outside.

"My son, just aplogize to your father. You are of noble birth and how could you be so foolish to lower your status with a blind man to vye for love." Madam Hyorin's voice sounded," Princess Tiffany is of Royal birth and how can it be that she is seeing a lowly commoner."

"You do not know anything!" Nichkhun yelled, followed by a breaking sound. It was unknown what things was being smashed.

"Calm down, I know that you love Tiffany. I will just need to speak to my Emperor brother. It is not difficult for you to marry her."

"Really?" Nichkhun calmed down.

Tiffany was embarrassed and disturbed at the doorway. Eric held his silver cane and stood still emotionlessly. He tapped his cane and walked off.

"Eric." Tiffany chased after Eric.

Eric pursed his lips and did not say anything when Tiffany rendered support by holding onto his arm.

Tiffany blushed while holding into Eric's arm. It was the first time that Tiffany came across a man as appealing as Eric. Eric could hold his cane and gracefully appeared at the ball and captured all attention with his dashing looks. He could be extremely composed when facing dire situations. He could be fearless when challenging the power class who insulted him. This amazing man well needed her assistance to move about...

"Eric...." Tiffany pressed her hand on his.

"Hmm?" Eric tilted his head.

"I.... I do not have any feeling for my cousin." Tiffany bit her lower lip while she whisperwd.

Eric beamed," I know."

Eric had no idea how mesmerizing his smiles were in Tiffany's eyes.

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Chapter 26: This story is wonderful and I am crying now. I feel sorry for Dongwan, the ones who are left have it tougher.
Chapter 26: I was hoping that they would reincarnate in the end...but the story stop there...
Well, still the story is wonderful.. I like your idea about this angel demon mortal thing..
Great job :)
hyuu_hikari #3
Chapter 26: unnie.... the ending is done so beautifully <3 I was annoyed at Eric tho because he was blinded by hatred & greed but somehow I can understand his desire T_T and I actually wanted Hyesung to leave with Dongwan ._. (I feel like crying reading this chapter ;_; Hyesung's sacrifice hics)

and I also feel sad for Dongwan ;_: having to wander alone -again- can you make him meet his Sunny?? so he wouldn't be alone anymore kkkk~
Thanks unnie! and I'm sorry I rarely leave comments ;_;
esluve #4
Chapter 26: Waaaaaa ..the end...huhuhu T T
Been following this from it started...I got mix feeling ,,,,thanks for this beautiful story of yours authornim...looking forward for ur great story in future....fighting n HV a nice day O(≧∇≦)O
tomatogurl #5
Chapter 26: T___T omg the ending is making me cryyyy T___T stupid Eric for making Hyesung die in pain when he's been the only one who trully kind to him. At least Andy got his happy ending although it's sad that he can't meet Hyesung for the last time. Eric got his punishment too, spending time in the place he hate the most. Well that's what you got for being a greedy fool. I feel sad for Dongwan >_< I hope when Hyesung reincernate he will find dongwan and befriend him. I really like wansyung dynamic. Thank you for another great story authornim ^^ this by far is the most heart wrecking one T_T
Chapter 26: Silent reader here!!! well... not anymore!!
i don't know what to say just... WOW!! I can't stop crying and still I think this is just beautiful!
Thank you so much for all your efforts and for share this story with all of us!
Chapter 26: When I see the "completed", I just keep shouting no in my mind. When I read the last chapter, my heart hurts like no one business. Why?!!
Omg I seriously love your ff. So unpredictable and so beautiful. Always leaving a huge impact in my heart. This and the previous existence seeking are both in my list of favourite fic among all that I read b4. Let me hug u.
But..ouch. Eric...Hyesung...even dongwan. ='( the time they live tgt seems so long ago and such a nice memory. Sighhb