Chapter 9

My Guardian Angel

As for that night, no one knew if Hyesung carried Eric and flew up into the skies. Well, it would forever remain as a mystery. Except that Eric looked fresh and energetic the following morning and he was beaming. Whereas, Hyesung looked exhausted and was yawning all the way.

Duke Kangta was very pleased with Eric's way of teaching Andy because Andy did not proclaime seeing Angels and Fairies anymore.

News of Devil eye child's death reached the King. A blind young man with his own ability eradicated someone who had been terrorizing Shinhwa Land for 5 years. It was really a Legacy or Myth. It was even rumoured that King Jihoon was very impressed and seemed interested in the mysterious young man.

It was the first week of June and the manor was expecting an important guest. The importance of this guest could be deduce by Madam Hyorin getting the maids and gardeners to tidy up the entire household and backyard.

"Who is coming?" Hyesung perched on Eric's shoulders and seemed very interested while looking at Andy practising nearby with his wooden sword.

"Oh my cousin princess is coming." Andy waved his little chubby arm to imitate an attack," My brother Nichkhun went off early in the morning to receive her and he was dressed in his finest clothings."

"Princess?" Hyesung widened his eyes," What is Princess?"

"The King's daughter." Andy continued with ing out his sword and retracting it.

"Oh....." Hyesung exclaimed.

While they were chatting, Minwoo came to them," Mister Eric, Sire wishes to see you in his study room urgently."

Eric stood up with the help of his cane," Is there anything that Duke Kangta wishes to speak to me?"

"The Princess has been abducted..." There was panic in Minwoo's voice and it was rare, as he was usually composed.

Lady Hyorin was King Jihoon's younger sister and the Princess was close to her aunt. The Princess requested to visit Madam Hyorin to spend the summer time and naturally, King Jihoon had no choice but to grant the approve since he pampered his only daughter. Alas, no one predicted that the Princess was abducted. The most distressing matter was that the Princess was abducted in Duke Kangta's territories.

"Do we know the identity and the number of the abductors? How could the whole carriage disappear and in front of my eyes!" Nichkhun was pacing up and down the study room in frustration," Father, let me bring some men to comb the place."

"Calm down." Duke Kangta frowned.

"But father, Tiffany... She would be extremely frightened. She....."

"Shut your mouth!" Duke Kangta rubbed his temple. Seeing his reckless son, he felt that he had aged a few years.

"Sire, Mister Eric is here." Minwoo announced at the entrance of the study room.

"Come in." Duke Kangta looked at Eric who had his eyes closed," Did you brief him on the situation?"

"Yes Sire." Minwoo nodded.

"Eric, how many men do you need?" Duke Kangta was so cunning that he did not even seek Eric's view if he wished to go to rescue the Princess.

"Prepare a carriage and let my attendant Kyuhyun to drive the carriage. That is all." Eric replied plainly. Though he was Andy's teacher but in front of the powerful Duke Kangta, he did not have much say.

Duke Kangta narrowed his eyes," Fine."

"Father, you are sending him? He can't even see...." Nichkhun yelped in horror," You are putting Tiffany's life at risk!"

"Shut your mouth!" Duke Kangta felt that his head was aching.

"Master Nichkhun, are you coming along?" Eric turned suddenly and faced Nichkhun with his closed eyes. Eric had a faint smirk on him.

"Of course!" Nichkhun yelled," Father, let me go."

"Duke Kangta, I want to say something clearly first. My task is to rescue the Princess and if there is any troubles, I might not be able to attend to Master Nichkhun." Eric smiled.

"Who needed you to help. If you do not get in my way, I will be very grateful!" Nichkhun was so annoyed that he clenched his fists and yelled out.

Glancing at his son, Duke Kangta scowled but nevertheless, he waved his hand," Yes, you can go with Eric."

After gotten Duke Kangta's consent, Nichkhun stormed out to gather his men.

"Eric..." Duke Kangta called out to Eric who was about to leave the study room. "My son is hot tempered and reckless. I hope he can learn from this task... You try your best to get him back alive." Duke Kangta sighed.

Gripping his silver can, Eric smiled," I will try my best, Duke Kangta."

Duke Kangta, you are getting old and softer. Just 20 years ago, you sent your new born son into the Tower of Death without bading an eyelid. Just 10 years ago, you are so ruthless to burnt your son to death. Seeing that I am still alive, you even dealt me with an arrow! Now, you were pleading with an outsider to save the useless son of yours.

When Eric stepped out of the mansion, Nichkhun had gathered 300 soldiers who were ready to set off.

"Master." Kyuhyun opened the carriage door and assisted Eric inside.

"Hahahaha... Look, he is riding a carriage." The soldiers cladded in armour were laughing away.

"Forget it!" Nichkhun frowned and pumped his fist into the air," We do not know the numbers of the abductors but the only thing we knew was that they are fleeing towards the North. We will rescue the Princess out!"

"YES!" The troop shouted in unison and their morale was high.

Kyuhyun chewed on a strand of grass and sat relaxingly in the front of the carriage. He was amused at the scene of the troops.

"Follow them." Eric instructed from the carriage.

"Yes master."

So the troop of 300 soldiers marched on with a large carriage trailing behind. They were heading the North.

Eric took out a bottle of red wine from the storage space in the carriage, followed by a large fluffy piece of cake," Do you want some?"

Hyesung shook his head violently after seeing the huge cotton candy like cake. Eric poured a glass of wine for himself and started devouring the sweet-to- death cake. While he was eating his third piece of cake, he heard a shriek outside and the shrieks echoed throughout.

Hyesung straightened himself," Eric, there is a trap in front!"

"Oh." Eric took a large bite into his cake and the fluffy cream smeared on his lips. He looked like an old man.

"We are being ambushed!" Hyesung raised his voice but not forgetting to wipe the cream off Eric's lip.

Eric smirked," Don't be scare. Kyuhyun can handle it."

"But those people...."

Eric swallowed the last bite of his cake and gulped down his wine. " I can't possibly save everyone and each of them had their destiny. Your God planned it all and are you going to defy your God?"

Hyesung was stunned. Eric's words sounded very logical but when he thought hard, he found it weird.

"Master, there seemed to be an abandoned carriage in front." Kyuhyun called out.

Eric came out of his carriage. It was misty and severed limbs were all over the ground. The troop of 300 soldiers were left with less than 50 of them surviving. Those survivors' eyes were hollow and they were expressionless. The gruesome sight was that they were killing each other.

Nichkhun raised his sword which was stained with blood," Don't you dare come near! All of you are insane! Back off!" However, none of his subordinates were listening to him as they were raising their swords at him. Nichkhun's red eyes were getting blurry while he was swinging his swords about.

"They become victims of someone's spell." Eric nodded. He went towards the carriage with his silver cane and totally disregarding the massacre. Eric knocked on the door," Is there anyone inside?" Eric heard a muffled sobbing sound and he raised his eye brows," Princess?"

The sobbing stopped.

"Do not be afraid. I am sent by Duke Kangta to rescue you." Eric soften his voice," Your Highness, I am coming in."

The carriage door swing open suddenly and a petite body with flora fragrance shot into Eric's embrace. She was trembling.

Eric patted her back," Everything is fine now." Eric recognized the Princess as Tiffany whom he met during Lady Hyorin's birthday.

"Cousin Nichkhun?" Tiffany widened her eyes in fear when the strong scent of blood reached her nose. She saw the corpses and severed limbs all over on the ground. Next she saw Nichkhun waving his sword madly," What happened?"

"They are all under a spell." Eric explained," The one who abducted you might still be in the vicinity so it is danderous to linger any longer here. We have to get out of here fast!" Eric had guessed the culprit and he would be hiding elsewhere by now.

Tiffany nodded and when she was about to stand up, she realized that she did not have any strength. As a protected Royalty, it must be a shocking scene to her.

"Master, let me carry her." Kyuhyun came up.

Tiffany withdrew herself into Eric's embrace, seemingly unwilling to let Kyuhyun carry her. Sensing her unwillingness, Eric carried her in bridal style and went into their carriage.

Nichkhun was still swinging his sword and he survived till now as he was a skillful swordsman. In actual fact, there was no one around him or to be precise, no living human around him but Nichkhun was stabbing and swinging his swords at the corpses on the ground.

Hearing sounds of movement, Nichkhun charged at them. Tiffany shrieked and clinged tighter on Eric's neck, burying her face into Eric's chest. Eric was amused because instead of being a hero to save his beloved Princess, Nichkhyun lost his sanity to the spell, and became a monster, scaring Tiffany.

Without waiting for Eric's instruction, Kyuhyun went up to face Nichkyun with his sword. Eric turned and went inside his carriage. When Eric was setting Tiffany down, he heard a faint trembling voice," Please don't hurt.... him."

Eric glanced at Tiffany and called out," Kyuhyun, don't hurt Master Nichkhun."

On the journey back, there was an unconscious man next to Kyuhyun, at the front of the carriage. Inside the carriage, Eric was sitting quietly while Tiffany was curling up in Eric's embrace, with her face as pale as a white sheet.

None of the 300 soldiers survived.

When they arrived at Duke Kangta's manor, Minwoo was already there with the maids and attendants. Upon seeing the carriage, Minwoo went up to receive them.

Tiffany screamed and clinged onto Eric.

Minwoo frowned," What happen?"

"It was a bloody fight and none of the soldiers survived. The Princess was traumatized by it." Kyuhyun answered on Eric's behalf and shrugged his shoulders. From Kyuhyun's cheerful, no one could sense the gruesomeness of the situation.

"What!" Minwoo was shocked," What about Master Nichkhun and where is he? Don't tell me....."

Kyuhyun tilted his head and Minwoo saw Nichkhun covered in blood.

"Don't worry, he is not dead but he is merely unconscious." Eric continued and he carried Tiffany out of the carriage. " Sent a doctor to attend to the Princess."

The maids and attendants scrambled to do their tasks. Nichkhun was carried off from the carriage while Lady Hyorin came and helped Tiffany into the manor.

Eric went to apprise Duke Kangta of the outcome of the task at the study room and thereafter he retired to his room.

Once Eric stepped into his room, he saw a white figure squatting at the corner.

"You abducted the Princess, didn't you?" Eric took a seat and questioned the white figure.

"Hmm." He gave an honest reply.

"You assumed that she was Sunny?"

"Hmm." Came the reluctant reply.

"How on earth did you assume that she is Sunny?"

"Wild guess."

"......" Eric slapped his forehead. Eric came near to the squatting figure and also squatted down. "Do you know what do we call a man who just pouched on any woman?"

"What?" Someone looked up curiously.

" Maniac." Eric spoke before bursting out into laughters.


"Wake up Dongwan. You can't assume every every woman to be Sunny." Eric sighed.

Dongwan stood up and patted the dust off his white robe. " You help me to find Sunny while I lend my power to you for seeking your revenge. Fair deal."

Eric stood up as well and looked at Dongwan with mixed feelings.

"I don't care if she is Sunny or not till I see with my own eyes." Dongwan disappeared after saying.

"Eric....." Hyesung called out.

"Hmmm." Eric turned to look at Hyesung.

"I think I understand. No matter what their destiny are, you have to help them." Hyesung looked at Eric seriously.

"I know." Eric also replied in a serious manner.

"Hmm. That is a good boy." Hyesung patted Eric's head.

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Chapter 26: This story is wonderful and I am crying now. I feel sorry for Dongwan, the ones who are left have it tougher.
Chapter 26: I was hoping that they would reincarnate in the end...but the story stop there...
Well, still the story is wonderful.. I like your idea about this angel demon mortal thing..
Great job :)
hyuu_hikari #3
Chapter 26: unnie.... the ending is done so beautifully <3 I was annoyed at Eric tho because he was blinded by hatred & greed but somehow I can understand his desire T_T and I actually wanted Hyesung to leave with Dongwan ._. (I feel like crying reading this chapter ;_; Hyesung's sacrifice hics)

and I also feel sad for Dongwan ;_: having to wander alone -again- can you make him meet his Sunny?? so he wouldn't be alone anymore kkkk~
Thanks unnie! and I'm sorry I rarely leave comments ;_;
esluve #4
Chapter 26: Waaaaaa ..the end...huhuhu T T
Been following this from it started...I got mix feeling ,,,,thanks for this beautiful story of yours authornim...looking forward for ur great story in future....fighting n HV a nice day O(≧∇≦)O
tomatogurl #5
Chapter 26: T___T omg the ending is making me cryyyy T___T stupid Eric for making Hyesung die in pain when he's been the only one who trully kind to him. At least Andy got his happy ending although it's sad that he can't meet Hyesung for the last time. Eric got his punishment too, spending time in the place he hate the most. Well that's what you got for being a greedy fool. I feel sad for Dongwan >_< I hope when Hyesung reincernate he will find dongwan and befriend him. I really like wansyung dynamic. Thank you for another great story authornim ^^ this by far is the most heart wrecking one T_T
Chapter 26: Silent reader here!!! well... not anymore!!
i don't know what to say just... WOW!! I can't stop crying and still I think this is just beautiful!
Thank you so much for all your efforts and for share this story with all of us!
Chapter 26: When I see the "completed", I just keep shouting no in my mind. When I read the last chapter, my heart hurts like no one business. Why?!!
Omg I seriously love your ff. So unpredictable and so beautiful. Always leaving a huge impact in my heart. This and the previous existence seeking are both in my list of favourite fic among all that I read b4. Let me hug u.
But..ouch. Eric...Hyesung...even dongwan. ='( the time they live tgt seems so long ago and such a nice memory. Sighhb