Lost Forever

Defying Life's Boundaries

- Ryeowook's POV -

It is still dark when I woke up. I checked the clock and it says 4:30 a.m, I look at the figure next to me and seeing a very peaceful sleeping Kyu. I tried to go back to sleep but to no avail. So I decided to get up, grab my jacket and take a walk outside.

I am enjoying the coolness of the wind plus the calmness of surroundings. Only the chirping of birds and blow of winds are the things that you can hear. The lamp posts gave light to the walkway. As I continue walking I saw bench, I sit down and look around. The place is so inviting and I really love this feeling right now. My mind starts to wander and imagine things. All the good things in this place with the person I love is just so memorable. I hope I can sit here with someone whom I can be with until I die. Someone whom we can share our stories while sitting here enjoying every single thing around us. I smiled with that thought.

"Wookie-ah~" I heard someone called my name. I looked at the source and smile.

"What are you doing here all alone?" he asked as he sit next to me and put his arm around my shoulder.

"Just thinking about stuff besides the place is so relaxing and fun!" I explained with a smile still plastered on my face.

"I just love seeing you with that kind of mood Wookie-ah." he said. I looked at him and our eyes met. "I really love the glow in your eyes which I often see, the smile on your face, and the serenity in your presence." he continued.

My face got hotter with such a cute compliment.

"Donghae-ah! Don't say that I'm embarassed" I told him without looking at him. I'm to shy and besides he might see me blushing.

"You don't need to be shy about it Little Wookie. It's not a bad thing, as matter of fact it really suits you!" he told me calmly as he lifted my chin to face him. I felt a bit uncomfortable about the position but I can't think of anything but follow and let him.

"I love you Kim Ryeowook!" he said sincerely. But even how sincere and calm he is I got nervous. I felt like I'm going to explode but not with happiness but with something that I can't explain. I felt my face even hotter or as hot as you could ever think of. I'm stunned. The next thing he do is something that I didn't see coming.

He kissed me.

- Kyuhyun's POV -

I woke up when I heard the door closed. I looked around but to my disappointment I didn't see Wookie beside me. I stand up grab my jacket and follow the person who just left the room. I decided to stalk him around and just observe everything about him. I'm enjoying how he acts, he looks, and how innocent he can be. I'm actually 2 seconds away from grabbing him and enclosed him into a tight hug when a fish suddenly appeared out of nowhere. I just then decided to stay behind and watch them talk. It's not that I hate Donghae hyung but I don't want to see him next to Ryeowook specially now that I'm enjoying every single thing Wookie does. I decided to walk a away but a sudden weight pound in me that made me stay on my place.

Donghae lift Ryeowook's face and I read that he muttered 'I love you' before he kissed him. I felt a pang of jealous and betrayal. I want to scream and punch the life out of that fishy ert! I clenched my fists so tightly that I can feel my nails digging into my skin. I looked down and walk away.

I was wrong about everything. I shouldn't have followed him in the first place. I'm lost forever.

- Eunhyuk's POV -

I was actually awake the whole time and heard everything that Donghae's says. I felt so happy when he back hugged me. I felt complete and comfortable. I felt asleep with the thoughts of us being together. I suddenly wake up when the familiar warmth around me was gone. I felt incomplete. I heard the door open and then closed carefully. I stood up grab my shoes and followed him.

I decided to just stay behind him and enjoy everything about him. He's such a good and happy person. It really makes me feel sad seeing him unease and hurt. I saw the glow in his face when he someone sitting on the bench. I still followed him and hid behind the trees. Yeah I'm eavesdropping but it's not bad since I don't have any plans to make a gossip about it. 'Ok hyukkie just look and observe but don't intervene', I told myself mentally. Then I continue watching them.

I was stunned when I saw Donghae gently lift Ryeowook chin and brushed his lips against the little guy. I felt the world just end. The dream I had a while ago will just be forever a dream.

I was wrong about everything. I shouldn't have followed him in the first place. I'm lost forever.


A/N : I really am so sorry guys for the very late update. Been very busy for the last few weeks. <3 and thank you for staying.

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Chapter 17: Wow so many character dynamics!!
This is such a fun read!
Keyv88 #2
Chapter 11: Lol wookie is about to cut jonghyun's mushroom
Keyv88 #3
Chapter 6: Aweeeee the combo is so funny i like it
Keyv88 #4
Chapter 5: Looool big mushroom xD
Keyv88 #5
Chapter 4: Poor Hyukkie.. I think i like the ploy
Keyv88 #6
Chapter 1: Wooiwww.. I think its going to be interesting
Chapter 17: ;-; they're trying to break up kyuwook~ ;n; nuu~
i told you i'll drop by and read c;
but OTL eventho im really really happy for kyuwook being in love and everything...
fbnabdka- kyuhyun cant die ;A; pleaaaaase T^T he cant dieeeee ;~~~~~;
/le sighs
poor hae tho ouo i hope more haewook will be going onnn c: poor hyukkie too, not to mention >w>
and jongho! <3 hahaha. i like them ouo
kyuuuuu ;n; you cant die T^T
update sooooon? <3
pumpkinsomnia #9
It's so funny, imagine jonghyun expression..
LOL i can't stop laughing hehe.. :D
The jongho is so cute!!! Hwaiting kyuwook!!!