
Viva La Cattus

"And the victor is Ravi!" A man announces. The orange-haired cat spits red onto his fallen opponent. He wipes his bloody lip, and walks over to his owner.
"You earned me a lot of money, Wonshik," his short, corpulent owner states, pulling on his collar. "But not enough."
"I'm sorry sir," Wonshik submits, staring at the ground.
"Look at me, you stupid cat," his owner snaps, yanking harder on the collar. Wonshik's eyes flicker up, looking into his owner's searing gaze.
"Excuse me," a voice asks. Wonshik's owner looks to the taller man in front of him. A black-haired cat with the same build as Wonshik stands behind him.
"Yes?" The owner hisses, looking up at him.
"I'd like our cats to fight."


"And now, the fight you've all been waiting for. Have your betting slips ready! It's the returning champion Ravi!" An announcer starts, gesturing to the orange-haired cat. The crowd erupts in cheers and jeers. "Versus the challenger Kai!" The crowd boos at the black haired cat. Both cats stare at each other, both dressed only in tight, black pants. Their tails sway behind them, as they move into position.
A bells rings, and Wonshik lunges at him. Kai is knocked to the ground, Wonshik's claws deep inside his shoulders. He hisses, revealing sharpened canines.
Kai punches his stomach. Wonshik's claws drag down, before pulling out. He punches the new cat's face, smiling at the crack it makes.
Blood spills, as the lights flicker out. Wonshik hisses, before something grabs him. He is yanked up, by someone stronger than him. A rag is pressed to his mouth. He blacks out, and falls into the strangers arms.


Wonshik awakens in a small bed. His arms and legs are bound. The door creaks open to reveal a smaller cat with red hair and ears.
"How are you feeling?" He asks, walking to him. Wonshik tilts his head, and remembers his face slightly.
"You are Kai's owner," he hisses, attempting to lunge at him.
"Kai and I just went undercover to save cats like you. His name is Jongin and my name is Hakyeon. I doubt your name is Ravi," the cat replies, smiling sweetly.
"I will beat you to a pulp," Wonshik threatens, shaking the bed.
"It will be a long journey with you, won't it?" Hakyeon asks, moving closer. "Other cats said it would probably be you." Wonshik hisses, and uses his loose wrist to scratch at Hakyeon's leg.


Wonshik awakens, shooting himself forward. Sanghyuk makes small noise from across the room. He shakes his head, and looks down at his free wrists. He pants, and states at the clock in the room. It's early, but not too early.
He swings his bare feet out from under the sheets, and walks slowly to the door. His feet patter on the wooden floors, as he slips into the hall. Wonshik enters the kitchen, finding only Hakyeon inside.
"You're awake early," Hakyeon states, sipping tea from a mug.
"I was dreaming about my rescuing," Wonshik explains, grabbing his own mug.
"Ah, that tends to get you awake," Hakyeon smiles. Wonshik grabs the kettle Hakyeon prepared, and pours his own cup of tea.
"The other fighters from that night don't have this problem. You even let Amber go on a mission," Wonshik speaks, setting the kettle down.
"Amber said that her fights were staged, and that's why I let her go. Most cats like you are still struggling like you are," Hakyeon whispers, as his tail falls down.
"Don't start reading into my head," Wonshik mutters, hopping onto a counter. He takes the tea into his hands, and starts sipping at it.
"I'm going to go see if Amber has contacted me," Hakyeon mutters, finishing his tea, and setting it in the sink.
Wonshik stares down at his cup, and exhales. He sips it slowly, as Taekwoon enters the room. "Help or get out," he commands. Wonshik finishes his tea, and sets the bug beside Hakyeon's. He walks out, and back to his room.
Sanghyuk stirs in his sleep, as Wonshik changes into black pants. He grabs a small bag, and walks back out. He walks down to a large room. He drops the bag, and starts digging into it. He pulls out small bandages, and starts wrapping his hands. His tail comes up, and wraps around his side. He lets his ears fold down, as he walks to the corner of the room. He pulls out a small black heavy weight, and brings it out more.
Wonshik sets his feet, before punching the item. He smirks before moving faster. He brings a leg around, and moves the weight down. It swings back up, and Wonshik jumps up and over it. He pulls it down, as he lands.
"And the victor is Ravi," he mutters under his breath. Little claps reach his ears, and he turns to see Sanghyuk watching. The blond cat sits beside his bag. "Why are you here kid?"
"I followed you. I was bored," Sanghyuk confesses, smiling at him.
"Be bored somewhere else," Wonshik demands, walking to him.
"Like where?" Sanghyuk asks, frowning up at him.
"Elsewhere," Wonshik combats, and Sanghyuk dips his head. He stands slowly, and nods. His ears and tail would drop if they remained. He starts walking out. A nagging feeling over comes Wonshik. "Wait." Sanghyuk turns, looking at him. "You can stay, just don't get in my way or anything."
"Okay," Sanghyuk smiles, and moves back beside Wonshik bag. He sits quietly, and watches Wonshik. The weight moves back up, as Wonshik circles it. He keeps low, and tackles the weight as soon as it stops moving. He straddles it, and punches it over and over.
Wonshik moves off it, and it moves back up again. "What?" He asks, when he notices Sanghyuk staring.
"Can you teach me?" He asks, pulling his legs up.
"It's not a teaching thing. It's an instinct thing," Wonshik states, looking at him. Sanghyuk looks down, and exhales.
"My instincts aren't the best," he explains, and Wonshik tilts his head. "I've spent more time with humans instead of cats." Wonshik frowns, before an idea grows in his head. He crouches, before lunging at Sanghyuk. The seated cat's widen, before rolling out of the way. He hisses at Wonshik, unfazed by his actions. Wonshik chuckles deeply, and moves over to him.
"They aren't the best, but they are there," he states, gently grabbing Sanghyuk's hands. "Your claws have emerged." Sanghyuk looks down, and at his longer nails.
"This hasn't happened before," Sanghyuk confesses, smiling weakly.
"It's a start. You'll be fine. I'm going to get breakfast from the kitchen. We'll work more on them after we eat," Wonshik decides, ruffling his hair.
"Okay," Sanghyuk agrees, standing up. Wonshik grabs his back, and they walk out and slip into the kitchen. Taekwoon looks at them, and shakes his head.
"There is a bowl of eggs and bacon," Taekwoon whispers, as Jaehwan and Hongbin follow after them.
"Food!" Jaehwan yells, rubbing to the bowl. Hongbin giggles, and pulls his blanket tighter around himself.
"Hongbin!" Hakyeon yells, entering the room. The cats jump, as Hakyeon looks at him.
"What?" Hongbin asks, moving to the food.
"I need to you. Amber made it back. The rest of you can come," Hakyeon smiles, before running out of the room. The small group of five follow after him. They walk to the entryway. Other various cats stand around the door, awaiting the cats to come inside. Hakyeon walks back to the group, and gently grabs Hongbin. He pulls him forward, smiling brightly.
The doors opens to reveal sixteen cats. The crowd claps, as the group enters the house. One female cat comes forward, and hugs Hakyeon. "I made it," she mutters, smiling brightly.
"Thank you Amber. How are they?" Hakyeon asks, smiling back.
"Most were freshly sent, still awaiting their first heat. The older ones are the bad ones. I think one is pregnant with kittens," Amber reports, scratching behind her light brown ears.
"Thank you. Now go rest. You've been gone for sometime," Hakyeon speaks, and she nods.
"Thank you," she smiles, walking to her room.
Hakyeon turns to the cats, keeping his smile wide. "Welcome," he addresses, walking to him. He allows his tail and ears to show. "Welcome to a safe place. We are all cats here."
"Safe?" A male cat asks, stepping forward.
"I can understand if you're hesitant. No cat should be forced into something. Fighting, breeding, submission. Nothing. You can be what you wish to be here, and no cat here would dream of taking that away," Hakyeon speaks, and the cats in the small group smile. "Hongbin here will lead you to a room where we can figure out what everyone needs."
Hongbin looks up, and nods slowly. "If you will follow me," he whispers, turning to lead them. The group follows him, and they walk to a room in a different part of the house.
"What do you have the blanket?" A female cat asks, as Hongbin sits down in a chair.
"I'll tell you in a minute. Why don't you all have a seat?" Hongbin offers, looking down. The cats sit, and he sighs. He gulps, and looks back up.
"I have the blanket because I'm always cold. When heat inducers wear off, it becomes so cold. Taking more won't help, it makes it so much worse. I'm still addicted. Something tells me I always will be," Hongbin speaks, wrapping the blanket closer around his body.


The group exits the room, and Wonshik watches them. His ears and tail twitch, as one female cat walks out. He reaches out, and grabs her wrist.
"Hey!" She yells, and the group turns to them. Wonshik tilts his head, and studies her.
"You seem so familiar to me," he whispers, looking over her orange hair.
"We probably are the same breed," she counters, looking up at his orange hair.
"We are a very rare breed," Wonshik states, looking into her eyes. Something plays in the back of his mind.

"Wonshik! Don't go!"
"He's been bought. Now go back to your cage," a rough voice snaps. A little orange-haired girl cries, holding a small stuffed cat.
"I'll come back Jiwon!" Wonshik promises, crying himself.

"Jiwon," Wonshik mutters, looking at the cat he holds.
"I didn't say my name," she utters, pulling back.
"I'm sorry, Jiwon. I never came back," he whispers, letting her go. She tilts her head, before her eyes widen.
"Wonshik," she mutters, as tears swell in his eyes. Jiwon moves into Wonshik's arms, and starts crying into his chest. Their tails wrap around each others bodies, and Wonshik pecks her crown.
"I won't leave you again," he cries, hugging his little sister tightly.








A/N: I have updated. Yay! Comments are loved. (-<) <3 ^_^

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lade2rex #1
Chapter 6: This was amazing~
By far the best catboy fanfic I've ever read your writing is amazing!
I really liked Hakyeons story, and Sanghyuks <3
If you ever get the chance you should really make a sequel!!
Dangerousluv1 #2
Chapter 6: Love love loved it~ I didn't expect that about Hakyeon's past actually, the part where he was bought because he looked like the master's son. I think my favorite cat was Ravi because he seemed really mean and snarky at first but is actually a fluff ball.
DesdemonaDeLaMort #3
Chapter 5: I love learning more and more about each of the back stories with each update. This is such a great catboy story. Seriously. I can't wait to read about Hakyeon next!! Thanks for writing ^-^
Chapter 5: I really love this fic! I like to think I'm a bit of a catboy!au connoisseur (which doesn't really make sense but let's roll with it) and this is seriously one of the best I've ever read!!!
Dangerousluv1 #5
Chapter 5: Have I said how I love this story? Even so, I love it and can't wait for Hakyeon's chapter
Kokechan #6
Chapter 5: I really like your story and Hakyeon's character. I'm looking forward to the next chapter!
Dangerousluv1 #7
Chapter 4: Aw the ending was nice. Wonsik is just a fluff ball on the inside.
lade2rex #8
Ahhhh so many feels! I'm so happy for Wonsik that's awesome <3
Your writing is fantastic I can't wait for an update this is really good :D
Dangerousluv1 #9
Chapter 3: His little sister~ Ah the feels in this chapter. I can't wait to see how the lives of the cats develop and change
Chapter 3: Wonsik has his sister back! and this whole chapter was like one swift kick to the feels