


A/N: Ok, so this is my first fic in forever. If you are waiting for me to update my work, I promise I will, just give me some time. goin on, blah, blah, blah, no excuses, it will be completed, ALL my works. Sorry for being away too long. This fic is NOT proof read, mianhae.
Bodies pressed tightly together, hand’s placed softly on his hips and the warm, moist tingle of breath against his bare throat that send shudders of untold pleasure straight down his spine; Woohyun had no idea how they had both ended up in this extremely intimate position, but he found he couldn’t quite care enough at this moment in time to question it.
Swaying gently to Elisa’s Dancing, as they held one another, his own head resting on the slightly taller but younger man’s black wife beater clad shoulder, Woohyun released a contented sigh.
He felt his dongsaeng smile against his neck, his own grin forming on his lips.
“What are you smiling at?”
Stupid question really, given that this was not a regular occurrence between the two men, by any means.
“You” Hoya laughed
The older man pulled his face from the comfort of his dancing partner’s body to look into his eyes.
“Why are you laughing at me?” he put on his best kicked puppy expression. Hoya wasn’t fooled, not even for a second. He knew his hyung too well to believe he was actually hurt or offended by his words.
Rolling his eyes before placing his head right back onto its previous spot, Woohyun half growled, half laughed
“Because isn’t a reason dumb ”
“It is if I want it to be”
He really could strangle his friend at his words. It wasn’t a sufficient reply and they both knew it. Not that it stopped any of them from their slow dance. Not that it removed Woohyun’s hands from their place around Hoya’s back, nor the younger mans from their place. It didn’t matter, for this felt too good, too peaceful to stop it for the sake of a silly play fight or argument that would lead them both nowhere anyway.
The sound of his dongsaeng’s whispered husky voice filled his ears as he sang along with the words to the song, his English broken but beautiful all the same as far as the older man was concerned, the breath that followed each word, flowing over the shell of his ear. He could have sworn he felt the other man’s lips brush ever so softly against his lobe. He shook the thought. There was no way. There just wasn’t. Knowing this however, didn’t stop the butterflies from swarming his stomach, nor the quickening of his pulse and the sharp intake of breath he took at the very thought of his dongsaengs mouth being even that close to him. 
He had to stop, had to calm down before Hoya noticed any of the changes in his body, which were completely obvious as far as Woohyun was concerned. What would the younger man think if he knew of his hyungs feelings that were rapidly bubbling to the surface?
It was no surprise to the older man how he felt being this close to his friend, he had known of the desires he held for Hoya for quite some time. Only he never knew that is what they were then. He assumed they were admiration. Now he was sure, as he stood, held by the other man, embraced by him, that it was much more than appreciation of a handsome face, or a fondness of Yunho or Junsu lookalikes; it was attraction. 
This truth did nothing to calm his racing heart, it had quite the opposite effect, the blood rushed through his veins at an astonishing rate, racing for his head, filling his cheeks to maximum and leaving him light headed and a little dizzy. Realization , big time.
His grip increased against his dongsaengs back, attempting to steady his overworked body. Too much blood heading north, not enough oxygen reaching his desperate lungs and an almost instantaneous weakness in his legs. 
He could hear the worry in Hoya’s voice but he didn’t look up at him, even when the other man attempted to pull back so their faces could meet, Woohyun just pulled himself tighter to the others chest, burying his face deeper than it had been a second before in a vain attempt at hiding his blushed cheeks.
“I’m fine Howon-ah, just got a little dizzy is all”
“What do you mean is all? What’s wrong with you, we should sit down for a second and…”
“No, I’m fine” Woohyun almost gasped out, worrying the other man further. “I think it’s just your aftershave, it overpowered me for a minute there. What the hell is it anyway? Lighter fluid?”
‘Yeah, great idea man, insult his scent, I’m sure that will go down a treat’
“It’s Cool Waters, you ” despite the niggle still present in his mind about the health of his hyung, Hoya laughed at the half assed jab. 
Woohyun let a small ‘hmm’ fall from his lips as he pressed closer still to his friend. He wasn’t sure if it was for support or just the need to be closer still; probably both.
Inhaling deeply, the older man smiled “You smell really good”
Hoya tensed against the others body for a second.
“You just said, it smells like damn lighter fluid and now you like it?” he asked incredulously.
Pulled sharply from his happy lull, Woohyun’s brain wracked for a good minute or so as he fought to think of an excusable reply.
“Yeeeeees?” there was definite grazing of lips against his ear that time, as a smile graced Hoya’s beautiful mouth.
“I like the smell of lighter fluid”
‘Yeah, that was definitely the right thing to say right there. Made total sense…dip’.
The younger man pulled back to look his hyung in the eyes.
“What? Hyung, are you sure you are ok?”
The concern that crossed his dongsaengs face, the frown on his mouth and the furrowing of his brows, sent a shot of guilt to Woohyun’s heart. Upsetting Hoya by making him worry if his band mates sanity was still intact, by giving stupid, weak replies instead of the truth; it was like lying to his parents, he hated it and it felt wrong, very wrong.
There was nothing he could do about that now though, not a damn thing. Not when he knew in his heart of hearts that he would be rejected by the younger man, hated maybe. Ok, maybe not hated, but maybe so, and if there was a chance of that, he wasn’t going to risk it. If Hoya was to be nothing more than a band member, a friend, a brother even, then so be it. He would have to live with it.
“Of course I’m ok Howon” he smiled right up into those dark pools of his dongsaeng as he replied “I’m just being odd tonight, but when am I not right?”
His smile grew as he pulled himself back into the other man’s arms, his head resting once again on its makeshift pillow, his lids slipping closed not a second later.
Woohyun physically felt his friend’s tension slip from his body as his shoulders relaxed and his face pressed into his neck again. 
‘At least he believes me. I am ok, though. I will be.’
Nothing more was exchanged between the two for at least another five minutes before Hoya spoke quietly, right into Woohyun’s ear.
“You smell really good too”.
The shock which immediately replaced the lazy, contented look the older man had on his face up until his dongsaeng spoke, was deep and it took him a second to respond.
“It’s…um…Armani Code”.
Hoya’s laugh was deep, throaty.
“I know hyung, I bought it for you, remember?”
The older man’s mouth opened, gaping like a fish as his brain tried to recollect that event.
“For Christmas~”
Woohyun’s eyes widened, he drew back to look at s face.
“Oh yeah, so you did, thank you” he smiled.
Hoya returned it, just as warmly “It’s ok. I knew you wanted it”.
“How did you…?”
“I overheard you saying it smelt nice when we went to Star City that day in Seoul.”
He could have sworn he saw a light tinge of pink dust the younger man’s cheeks as he spoke, but it was only a fleeting glance before he was pulled flush against the others body once more.
Resettling his head and shifting his arms into a more comfortable position, Woohyun hooked his right arm around his dongsaengs neck, his left staying where it was, trapped beneath Hoya’s against said man’s back. He was content again.
Feeling the swaying pick up again as they moved together as one, not around the small living room, but just shuffling gently in the one spot, the older man felt his friend adjust to the new placement of his hyungs arms and he could have sworn he heard a small, shaky breath escape the younger man’s lips, but that could have just been the other releasing a perfectly normal breath and Woohyun’s loved up mind interpreting it differently.
‘Wait a minute, hold the hell up. Loved up? Did I really just think that? No way, what the heck am I thinking? It’s a crush. Simple, nothing more, nothing less….’
Trying to convince himself of this fact grew harder the more his thoughts raced.
‘I can’t be in love with him, can I? Oh man, this is going to hurt worse than I ever imagined….’
“You ever think about the future hyung?” His dongsaengs words sliced right through his thoughts, momentarily pausing them.
‘What? Why was he asking that? Why now, when my mind is too full of other to care about what tomorrow holds?’
“I mean” Hoya cut him off “about how your life is going to go, where you are going to live and who with?”
Woohyun absentmindedly shook his head “No, can’t say I do. I think day to day, like what I will be doing when I wake up, what I will eat that day” he shrugged “stuff like that”
Hoya nodded against the side of his hyungs neck.
“Why? Do you?”
“I do” he felt the younger man swallow hard “All the time”
Woohyun felt his palms begin to wet as his nervousness increased. For what reason, he had no clue, but just hearing the other man talk about the future, his voice full of trepidation as he spoke, scared the older man. He hated the thought of Hoya talking to him about his plans, if they didn’t include him.
“You…you do?”
“Yeah” If Hoya noticed the uncertainty in his hyungs tone, he never made a mention to it. “Do you believe in soul mates?”
Now this kind of question, Woohyun had to really think about. Did he? He wasn’t sure. You would have to have faith that we all had just one person that was truly meant for us, to believe it. Not sure that was the case, he shrugged. Honestly unsure of the answer.
“I do”
“You do?”
“Uh-huh” Hoya nodded.
Moving as one in the dimly lit room, arms enveloping one another, both men moved in slow, peaceful sways to the background music coming from the radio in the far corner of the room. A flickering of soft light glimmering against his dongsaengs neck, illuminating the smooth, tan skin in a hazy array of light and shadow, brought Woohyun from his thoughts of the future and into the present.
‘Where the hell have all the candles come from? I never saw them when I first came out to the living room from my bedroom. Weird’
Just as he was about to open his mouth and voice his thoughts, another one crashed right into his mind, totally obliterating whatever else it was he was about to say. Instead the words that left his mouth were rushed, confusion lacing them.
“But that was in July”.
Hoya lifted his head, leaning back to look at his hyung, his eyes blinking with uncertainty.
“Armani Code. I smelt it in July. We went to that mall in July” His eyes were wide, his mouth gaping open even when he was done talking.
“Yeah, and?” The younger man couldn’t have looked more confused if he tried.
“You said you bought it for Christmas. How the hell did you remember it for that long?” The questions just spilled forth, Woohyun didn’t even remember thinking it until the words had left his mouth.
A definite blush spread across Hoya’s cheeks. He shrugged “Good memory, I suppose?” 
It was more of a question than an answer. As if he was testing his hyung to see if he would buy it.
He didn’t.
“That’s like” he paused to count before he continued. Ignoring the obvious snort and laugh from the other man as he did. “Five months”.
Woohyun gasped at his own words. His hand that was once firmly around his friend’s neck, shot to cover his mouth.
“Whatever” he heard the other man whisper as he reached for Woohyun’s hand to wrap it back around his own neck, but the older man pulled it back, stopping his dongsaeng in his tracks and bringing a pout to his lips.
He looked so edible. 
“That’s too long. You usually forget what SungGyu hyung says, seconds after he has said it”.
“Yeah, well he’s not…” Hoya sharply turned his face away from the other man, a quiet, mumbled ‘’ passed his lips.
The confusion that crossed the older man’s features would have been funny if not for the serious situation they were now in.
‘What did he mean by…”
And just like that, he answered his own question. Or at least he thought he did. He hoped he did.
As he spoke, voice lowered and unsteady, heartbeat just about ready to burst from within the confines of his chest, Woohyun found it hard to continue talking as Hoya turned his face towards his own, looking right into his eyes. 
“Is that what you were going to say Howon? Huh?”
Hoya nodded. Lowering his gaze to the floor, but just before his eyes reached their intended target, Woohyun saw them glisten, tears threatening to spill forth, the deep dark pools threatening to burst their banks and leave visible traces along the velvet like skin of the younger man’s face.
“Hey, it’s ok” Woohyun leaned closer, pulling his dongsaeng into his arms. His own eyes squeezed closed, this wasn’t a time to cry, but a time to help out. Be there for Hoya, that’s what he had to do now.
‘Does this mean he likes me? Or does he just consider me his best friend and is afraid I will think he is odd for only thinking of me? Oh god, I hope it is the former. Please let it be the former’.
If he could, he would cross his fingers in silent hope, but from the way they were wrapped in the thin black material of the others wife beater, there was no chance of that as his fingers dug into the others back.
“I’m your best friend, it’s ok to keep in mind what I say, especially if it’s something you overhear me saying I like. Don’t get upset, I don’t think it’s weird, I find it really cute actually. I’m grateful for you caring about making me happy, it makes me happy that you want to do that” Woohyun smiled against Hoya’s temple, tempted to place a kiss along with it.
Not wanting to scare the already upset guy away, he resisted.
“I do” he felt more than heard muffled against his chest.
“Huh?” he asked
“Want to make you happy. More than anything”.
Those words, clear as day, spoken straight from Hoya’s very own lips, caused Woohyun to flinch, his whole body hearing the very welcome admission.
If he were a dog, his tail would be wagging.
“I’m sorry” the younger man cut him off, pulling himself free from his hyungs embrace “I really am” he finished before he turned to walk away.
No thoughts. No words. Just movement as Woohyun reached out and grasped hold of the other man’s wrist, pulling him back to himself, his arms reaching up as his hands fisted in the neck of Hoya’s wife beater and he brought his lips towards the other man’s.
There was no time, no thoughts, no nothing as both men’s mouths crashed together with more force than Woohyun had intended. 
Hoya stood for a second, eyes wide, jaw slackened by the shock of his hyungs actions. It didn’t take him long however to acknowledge what was happening and respond. This was after all what he had been dreaming about for the past year. What he simply knew he would never get, and yet here it was, Woohyun not only responding to his own advances, but making his own. Hoya never saw this coming, not even in his wildest fantasies.
Sure he had set the whole night up in hopes of it going somewhat along this general path, he just never thought it would be this much of a success. The music, scented candles and new aftershave must have really done the trick.
Then again, maybe it was none of that, maybe Woohyun simply felt the same way. Maybe he loved Hoya just as much as the younger man loved him. Maybe he always had.
Only time would tell, and the night, like them, was still young.
“What are they doing now hyung?”
“Ssh” SungGyu elbowed Myungsoo in the ribs, none too gently either “They are gonna hear us idiot”
The younger man grimaced at both the pain and the dismissive tone Infinite’s leader held with him.
“Let’s leave them alone, they are kissing now, it means they feel the same. Come on, let’s go to bed.”
SungGyu smirked at the maknaes words. How the hell did the youngest in the band hold a maturity level so much higher than most of the so called ‘men’ in their company.
“What? Kissing? Ooh, what next, a bit of ussha ussha?” Dongwoo grinned, a predatory glint in his eyes as he roughly shoved their leader aside and pressed his face half way out of the crack in the door.
‘Yep, definitely too mature for this band, let’s just hope Sungjong doesn’t realize it, for if he did, he would be off like a shot to join one with a little more decorum no doubt. God, I would never survive this place without him.’
SungGyu scratched the back of his head.
“Come to think of it, how the hell am I going to survive with Hoya stealing all of my best friend’s time from now on?”
“Don’t know about that, but you are definitely going to have to change rooms and go into the bunk room with Sungyeol and maknae” Dongwoo waggled his eyebrows as he replied.
Unaware that he had said that last question aloud, SungGyu huffed out his annoyance. Mostly at his own brains inability to function without making his mouth move and his vocal chords kick in. Then at Dongwoo for stating the obvious that he hadn’t seen up until the loud rapper happily yelped it right into his sensitive ear.
‘Great! Sleeping in a bunk bed, listening to Sungyeol rant and rave half the night away about the things most people didn’t question, whilst having to endure the sounds of Woohyun and Hoya’s noises from his own old bedroom,  only the living room and a couple of walls to help lessen the volume of the noise. This is going to be fun. Not!’
A tug on his sleeve made him turn to face the person trying to get his attention.
“Sleep with me tonight hyung” Sungjong smiled down at him as he stood from his crouched position on the floor, pulling the leader with him as he went.
SungGyu smiled his famous eyes smile at his dongsaeng before nodding.
Rising to stand beside the maknae, he turned to face the creepers peeping through the crack in the door
“Bed everyone, now. Leave them alone. They will kill you if they know you have been spying".
“But hyung, you were spying too” Sungyeol helpfully piped up, his eyes never leaving the scene in the living room.
SungGyu growled low in his throat “Only to make sure they were doing ok. Now I know they are, I can sleep.”
Mumbles of ‘fine, fine, we are going to bed now’ filled the small bedroom as all the men got up and headed to the bunk beds, sharing for tonight so as not to disturb the love birds in the other room.
Smiling to himself, SungGyu cozied in beside Sungjong.
‘I rock. Helping Hoya plan all this out and helping two people to admit their feelings for one another, I should call myself cupid’
A ghost of a smile still graced his lips an hour later when he was awoken by the sounds of heavy panting and from the living room the two love birds currently occupied.
Face falling faster than a canoe full of fat men on Niagara Falls, SungGyu jumped up in bed.
‘God dammit, what have I done? Make it stop.’ He silently pleaded, yanking the pillow up from under his and Sungjong’s head and mashing over his face in a weak attempt to block out the lust filled sounds wafting under the crack beneath the door and right into his (unfortunately for him at this moment) perfectly hearing ears.
‘Cupid my , stupid cupid more like.’
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great job!
Chapter 1: Haha, this was really good =)
Woohyun and Hoya both were so cute *__*
They are so shy but this is just sweet <3
You really worte a lovely one shot ;)
Haha and Sunggyu is just too funny at the end :P
Fusspott #3
Holy smokes this was good! First time I've come across this pairing, and I have to say... me likey <3
It a nice Howoo fanfic, the emotions sharing by both was genuine and sweet. Thanks for sharing.
“What? Kissing? Ooh, what next, a bit of ussha ussha?” Dongwoo grinned OMG! DONGOO O.O <br />
WOOHYUN & HOYA OMFG xD my Two biases >_< asjkbhdfhklg LOL make a scene for that 8D lol you don't have to but still 8] <br />
@BeMineInParadise<br />
<br />
LOL =P<br />
Foxy Leader is such a babo =)<br />
Thank you so much for reading and commenting, I appreciate it sooo much.<br />
Take care and have a wicked day<br />
Much Love<br />
PEACE OUT!!!<br />
@KuroAkuma<br />
<br />
Thank you very much babe, as always it is much appreciated.<br />
Thank you also for reading yet more of my work, thats a good sign for me keke =P<br />
Take care<br />
Much Love<br />
PEACE!!!<br />
ThePowerChaserToYou #8
Haha! Cupid my ! Stupid Cupid more like!! Hahahaah
Great story - thanks.
@weerainbow<br />
<br />
WOW!!!<br />
I LOVE your descriptive comment, it really does put me inside your head, lets me know EXACTLY how you felt whilst you were reading my work, and I have to say, I didn't expect you to feel such intense emotions, I am so happy that it dragged you into it, made you part of it. It is how I hope I affect you guys.<br />
Glad I wrote and posted this, WAY happy.<br />
I seriously cannot thank you enough for reading and for your wonderful comment. It truly has inspired me to pen another, and another, and another...<br />
You get the point LOL =P<br />
Take care of yourself and have a wicked day<br />
Much Love<br />
PEACE OUT!!!<br />