It's Just What I Do

You've been waiting for nearly fifteen minutes, just standing by the door. You didn't really know what to wear, but you settled on being comfortable, wearing your school sweatshirt, denim shorts, and purple tights. You've heard his voice before, but that was it. He didn't seem to be anything special. In fact, he sounded like any other person, really. Your sister called you one day to tell you she had found you a tutor to help you study for your college entrance exams. Lovely. You knew you didn't need help, but you accepted the gesture. You weren't the one paying for it, anyway. What do you have to lose? The doorbell finally rang and you grabbed the doorknob, but it was slippery. Your palms are clammy. Why? You yourself don't even know. You air your hands and open the door.

"Hello, I'm Lee Kikwang." he introduces himself with a bow as the door swings open. You bow and simultaneously give him a once over with your eyes. He wasn't so bad looking at all. He wore a black beanie, a gray cardigan sweater over top a black shirt, and dark denim that clung to his legs. You quickly step aside for him to enter the house. He slips his shoes off and shrugs off his backpack.

"We can study here," you lead him into the living room, a table with two chairs waiting for you. You watch him sit down at pull out a notebook. As you sit down yourself, you examine his face. He doesn't look like the academic type at all. He is too good looking, nice complexion, pouty lips, and sparkling eyes. You watch his fingers as he flips through the notebook. He was pretty graceful as well. Wait, graceful? You mentally smack yourself in the head. You're supposed to be studying, not evaluating his appearance.

"Your cousin said that we could do a trial session and if you feel like you need more help, I'll come back." His lips formed a slight smile. "So what did you need help with?" he asks. "Your cousin told me that you needed help with maths and sciences." A sly smile spread across your face. Your "cousin" told him half the truth. You are definitely terrible at maths, however sciences is one of your fortes.

"Yea, that sounds about right." you lean forward to see what he's writing. It could be important, but he's just scribbling and doodling. "Aren't you supposed to be taking notes?" you ask but immediately sit up and search for any signs of anger or annoyance in his face, but there is none. He tilts his head and smiles a toothy grin which causes his eyes to shrink considerably.

"Nope, it's just something I do. What kind of math did you need help with?" you bite your lip and fish your math textbook out of the pile of books on the floor by the table. Calculus. Not one of your best subjects. Either way, it would be nice to get some actual help with it. If you do well enough, you could go to the school of your choice.

"This chapter." you open your book to the flagged chapter and Kikwang skims through it at the speed of lightning. You immediately wonder how effective he will be as a tutor.  It doesn't even look like he's looking at the pages at all as he flips page after page and finally reaches the practice problems.

"Do the first five problems." he instructs and pushes the book back over to you while he continues his doodling. You're not happy about it but you do what he tells you to do. You get the done with the help of your trusty calculator. After letting him check over your work, you watch his face again.  It is the same thing: it looks as if he's not really looking at your math as he checks them one by one.

"What does that mean?" you can't help but interrupt his weird way of correcting your work. "Did I get them right?" you raise your brows at him as you fidget in your chair. Kikwang begins nodding slowly and finally says,

"You have cute handwriting." he looks up from your paper and passes it back to you. One wrong. You can't help but roll your eyes.

"So why did I get it wrong?" you ask as you look over the problem again. It should have been fine. You did it with a calculator of course.  Kikwang barely looks up from his notebook as he turns to the page in your book with formulas.

"You used the wrong formula so you've got the wrong answer." he finally puts the notebook aside and leans in closer as he explains.  Something distracts you so you can barely hear the explanation. There is an unusually sweet smell coming from him. You lean in a little more but he notices. "Is something the matter?" he whispers and leans in to meet you. Wide eyed, you sit up straight and force an awkward smile.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to." your face is getting warmer by the second. Kikwang opens his mouth to say something but laughing comes out instead. His eyes turn to slits and all you can hear is his melodic laughter. Your heart flutters unexpectedly.

"I get that a lot actually. You had a funny face just now, though." It's hard to stop blushing when he points out your face and you bury your face in your notebook. The boy pats your head gently and clears his throat to try and quit laughing. "I didn't mean to upset you. It was just cute, that's all." he sighs. The more you want to stay buried in your notebook. Your face is practically burning from his compliment. You refrain from doing anything else creepy and work on math problems as he explains what you're doing wrong. For the first time, you finally understand these problems.

"Thanks for that. I think I get it now." you think him and stand up. "Did you want something to drink?" you shuffle off to the kitchen and pull out your hand phone, texting your sister eagerly.

"I could use some water." Kikwang answers but he's right behind you. You jump back a little and try and hide your phone as your message sends.

"Yea, sure, um... yea." you open the cupboard and grab the cups as Kikwang just wanders your kitchen. He stops at the fridge where all your baby pictures are along with your other 3 sisters' pictures as well. You fill up the cups and hand one to Kikwang as he examines the pictures. He points to the smallest girl.

"That's you, right?" he smiles proudly for recognizing you. You just nod slowly as you watch his ever changing facial expressions. You are the youngest of the four so it's easy to see which one you are. "You have chubby cheeks!" he muses as he takes his glass of water from you. "You have pretty sisters, too." You feel a little pang of jealousy but try not to think about it as you go back to the table. You try and shove the thoughts to the back of your head and focus on studying. Kikwang takes out his own Maths and his Biology text book. It was much more advanced that what you have. He opens it up and starts his own math homework while you should be looking over your own math. After spying the Biology book, you can't help but smirk. You are both in the same Biology. You pull the book over and open it up to a random page. One of his homework sheets falls out. After looking it over, you giggle. Kikwang looks up from his Math and raises an eyebrow.

"You're doing this totally wrong." you prop your elbow on the table and lean your head on your hand. "I'm pretty sure you're doing this backwards." The confused boy looks over his homework and sees what he did wrong.

"Thank you." he beams at you and fixes his mistakes. "But how did you know that this was wrong? Your cousin said you weren't good at Biology." You bite your lip and shrug.

"I guess I was lucky this time around." You go back to your Calculus and try to concentrate but you can feel his eyes watching your every move. You try to ignore it, but you're too self concious and you meet his gaze as you look up at him. It's as if he's in a daze. "Um..." you wave you hand in front of his face to catch his attention.

"Hey, you're good at Biology." he leans forward, your face inches away from his. His skin looks as good close up as it does far away. His dark brown eyes framed with lashes are staring back into yours. You blink your eyes, hoping he's gone when you open them and he's still there. "I have a proposition for you."

"A wh-wh-what?" You can't help but stutter. Having a beautiful stranger in your face is pretty nerve wracking. Kikwang smiles and ruffles you hair as he leans back in his chair. You hurriedly smooth out your hair afterwards.

"I know this is only our trial session, but if you help me with Biology, I can help you with everything else you need help with. No payment necessary." his smile shrinks a little. "I'm actually doing quite poorly in this subject," he confessed. A slight pink came over his cheeks. "I know you're a couple years younger than me, but I think you could help me." You stare at your paper because you don't know what to say, really. It becomes unbarably silent.

"Um..." you don't really know what to say but Kikwang looks at you intently. "So... do you want a snack? I forgot to ask when we were in the kitchen." you stand up but he grabs your hand as you walk past him.

"You don't have to help me if you don't want to." You take a look at his face which was still happy looking, but his up beat attitude had fallen. Succumbing to  your conscience, you sigh.

"It's not that I don't want to help you... I just need to ask my sister first. I have two other sisters that live here so... I need to see if it's alright to study here." you make something up. The now overly excited boy jumps up and pulls you into a hug. It feels as if your face is on fire and it's spreading to the rest of your body. You can feel his well defined muscles in his arms and in his chest. You let out a little squeal and Kikwang jumps back immediately.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" he apologizes over and over. "I'm sorry. I tend to do that." he looked really embarassed. His face is about as red as yours. "I don't know my own strength anymore. I've been working multiple jobs that have heavy lifting so..." he trails off and shrugs. "Sorry." You wave your hands in front of you.

"It's not that. I'm not hurt." you can't help but laugh at him. Looks like he takes his jobs seriously if he's that well defined. Your imagination starts to peel off his layers of tops. Yah, what's wrong with me? He's still my tutor...

"That's good." Kikwang settles back down into his chair and props his elbows on the table, leaning forward. "Since we only have about ten minutes left, I just wanted to say thanks. Jae is a good guy. I like him. When you see him next, tell him I said hi." he begins gathering his books together. You raise an eyebrow and smirk.

"Shouldn't I be telling that to you? You guys go to the same school and everything." you try not to burst out laughing. This boy really doesn't make any sense. He has strange habits, he doesn't know what he's talking about unless it has to do with school, and he isn't even aware of his own strength.

"Oh, that's right. Well, I'll see you next week at the same time?" he slings his backpack over his shoulder and shuffles towards the door. You tilt your head and smile.

"Yes indeed."

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AshleyEvans306715 #1
Chapter 1: Cute
forsteye #2
Chapter 1: Aww that sounds cute :3 nice oneshot~~
its sound greaaat !!
Continue the story please^^
minaanne1201 #5
whoa. sounds good. Continue? :D
Omo, sounds interesting~ Please continue and write the rest. Jebal? ^^~