stage one


SM HIGH, an art school. A school were money doesn’t count, a school were family background isn’t valuable, a school where, as long as you have TALENT, real talent, (any kind) will accept you with an open heart.


I am Park SHinhye, 16yearsold, incoming freshman of SM High. I am one of the lucky students that were given a chance to attend this prestigious school, so they say. I am neither intelligent nor good in sports. I don’t like singing especially dancing. I am just a lazy girl who likes to read books. I was just lucky that my first ever written novel (which i wrote because i need the money to buy books since my parents wont give me any) won an international award that gives me ticket to this prestigious highschool.


After the flashy opening ceremony, I hurriedly went straight to the classroom, and sits at the lower left corner beside the window. i took out my student handbook and started reading it. I should know more about this school and besides doing this will keep away any other student who tries to talk to me.

I just don’t like people who ask annoying things.

Other students came, some took their own seat silently like me, and some started a conversation and instantly create their own circle. Another minute passed and the room is filled with unnecessary noise and laughter’s.

I hate it  

After a minute, our homeroom teacher came. Ms. Song, welcomed us and gives us our schedule for the whole semester. There are no classes for today, since it’s the first day we are given a chance to stroll around the campus and to find a perfect club for us.

The students club is one of the highlights of this school and its part of the curriculum. Everyone must enroll in a club. and club activities are always graded. There are different kinds of club under sports, music, theatre, linguistic, etc. i even heard a rumored that there are unsual clubs here. but i must say, that these clubs are not ordinary as it looks like. once you become a member, it will hel you achieve your goal.  So which club should I join?

Everyone is excited, I can see their faces lighting up. I look outside the window, ignoring the chattering around me. When all of my classmates went outside I stood up and begin my search.

As I walk around, I notice the beautiful surrounding of this school. Everything is well-made. The building, the field, the gym, the library, the canteen, the garden, the pool, etc. so I guess, studying here isn’t a waste of time. My last destination is at Area C, the place where most of the clubrooms are.

The whole place is crowded.

The whole freshman are here applying for the club


Because, you can’t just join. You should have the guts and the passion for it. There are tests and interviews that you have to pass to become a shortlist candidate for evaluation. And if you pass the evaluation that is the time when you could hand in your form and become an official member of the club. After the bloody hell, you can taste a glimpse of heaven.

If only being in a club isn’t required, I won’t bother joining one anyway.

”yo! First year, looking for a club? ”

Suddenly a  guy, probably a senior student, pops up in front of me. He’s wearing a black thick glasses making him the nerdy look, but I doubt it since he has a mesmerizing smile

I didn’t answer instantly; I look to my left, to my right, to my back, in case there are other students around me

He laughs and said ”don’t worry, no one besides you, it’s you I am talking to first year”

I look at him straight; I nod my head once as a yes and smile

I don’t know what happened, but when I smile he suddenly takes a step backward. He probably thinks I’m creepy so I made my way leaving him alone.

I walk fast without thinking and ended up in front of room with a black door. My heart stomps a million times, I feel so excited that I can’t help but smile.

I went inside without second thought, the room is empty.

”hello? Anybody here? ”

I look around but I find no one. The place is clean and well-organized. But there is something off about this place.

The chair beside the window

            The shelves full of books

            The box full of costumes

            The table with paint brush and water color

            The WELCOME sign written in the white board

”hello? Where are you guys”

I knew there is someone here, but where are you or they? what kind of club is this? is this a club in the first place?

I search all over the place trying to find a secret door or something but I found nothing.

It’s a total mystery

Before I knew it the bell rang implying that the school hour is over.

I went home and do my night routine. I close my eyes and remember the black door, the empty room, the unlike stuffs, and the welcome board.

i will surely be back on that room again...

I’ll keep on searching…

And promise to decipher its mystery…

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ciieaiiu #1
please continue your story, you make me curious :D
comebackforme #2
the start is really interesting, and i like the mystery aura that you've got going on. im actually really curious about where you're gonna go with this >< :D
ratriana #3
Chapter 1: interest.look foward this story