Chapter 1

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September 28th, 2012

If there's one thing Krystal hated, it's unpacking. You'd think that going to university would be one of the most exciting experiences ever, except when you're faced with three suitcases that need to be unpacked before you can even explore your new surroundings. At least the room was decent size though, and there was an en suite. She couldn't have dealth with a shared bathroom. She cared too much about privacy and there's a greater chance of embarasisng yourself. Something she's usually incredibly good at.

Krystal tossed the first of her suitcases onto the bed and ped it. She stared at the challenge in front of her. She barely even kept things organised at home and now she had to do it for herself. Maybe she could find someone to do it for her?

Krystal picked up her room key and lef the cases abandoned in the room. UNpacking would just have to wait.

She strolled around the campus, familiarising herself once again with things she'd seen on the open days. She spotted a notice board with a massive poster pinned on it.

CLUB 33"

It was only her first day and there was already a party? She was growing to love this place already.

Krystal decided on going back to her room and trawling through her case for something to wear. First impressions count after all and her decision to wear a massive hoody and leggings was definitely for travel purposes only, not for partying.

She settled on some skinny jeans and a dark plaid shirt. Her clothes were now strewn across the floor but she'd get to that at a later date. Her priority was this party. Hopefully everyone would be in the same boat, kind of friendless, so it wouldn't mean she was the awkward one standing on her own like some idiot.

She stripped down to her underwear, ready to get a shower when she heard keys being inserted in the door. She wasn't sharing with anyone so why the hell was someone trying to get into her room?

The sound stopped so she assumed that the person had realised they were at the wrong room but no, she's not that lucky.

"Woah, I'm sorry," some idiot said upon her scream when he entered the room.

Krystal scrambled for her towel to cover her half- body, her blush must have been more than evident.

"I'm guessing I've got the wrong room?"

"You think?" she asked incredulously.

"Really sorry. I'll go and sort my key out."

"That might be a good idea."

He apologised again and turned around, struggling to peel his emerald eyes off her. Karma bit him in the behind though because when he did turn around, he tripped over his own cases, setting her off in a fit of giggles.

Krystal swung the door shut and continued on with getting ready for the party. Maybe she'd see that idiot there. There was no denying he was cute but he ooked just as awkward as her. Good friend material.


Myungsoo ended up being late for the party. After the whole embarassing fiasco with his room key, it took them at least two hours to find him a new room. He couldn't believe that on his first day, he'd managed to walk in on a girl, a very pretty girl, practically , and then tripped over his own suitcases when trying to make a quick exit.

He headed straight for the bar and sat on one of the empty stools. The place was packed. He didn't realise just how many students there was going to be, and girls, there was lots of girls. But the truth was, Myungsoo was not that great at flirting. Setting people up, that was something he could do, but he'd never been that great at sorting something out for himself. Or at least he didn't think he was.

He was taken by surprise when there was suddenly a girl's lips pressed against his and her hand was messing with his hair. She pulled back and sat on the empty stool next to him but he couldn't focus on her. He was pretty confused as to what had just happened.

"Don't panic. I'm not drunk and I'm not a psycho, but that drunk idiot over there was trying to chat me up," she said, poiting to a now lonely blond haired boy.

"And you kissed me because?"

"I told him you were my boyfriend."

"Ok. Well... I'm glad I could be of service."

Myungsoo looked back at the girl next to him and embarassment surfaced all over again. This was the girl he had walked in on.

"By the way, I won't be walking in on you again. I got my key sorted."

"Good. I'm not that fond of strangers walking in when I'm in my underwear, and not even my nice underwear at that. I'm Krystal," she said, extending her hand.


"Well, it was nice meeting you, Myungsoo. I'm goi

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Chapter 3: Update soon please... Your story is interesting..
Chapter 3: pls update this :~(
Chapter 3: this is so cute!!!! i love it so much!! update soon!!!
I love it!!!
makotokino #5
Chapter 3: this is so adorable!!!love it^^
Chapter 3: Na-ahh, so cute... Update soon kay^^