
For Convenience
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Jiyeon was on her phone again, Eunjung thought with a glare.


It’s been happening lately. She would have understood if it was just for work, but it didn’t seem like it at all. There was a vast difference between a business call and a casual call. But over the time she noticed that the casual calls or social media surfing had become more frequent as the days passed despite their busy schedule.


This was just like those days.


From afar, that smile on her face bother Eunjung who stood amongst the team who were taste testing the up and coming pastries of the month. Suzy was animatedly explaining what the components were, the recipes and how it was made with the kitchen team listening on in curiosity, especially the new part-timer.


One of the part timers was among them, listening to the cheerful Suzy with much excitement. Dani was innocent looking, long haired and pretty faced girl. Everyone somehow saw some resemblance in some angles between Krystal and her for which the older girl fawned over. Krystal stuck close to Dani like an older sister she claimed to be, explaining what she couldn’t have possibly understood from Suzy’s quick explanations.


Eunjung would have been engrossed in the discussion; would have given some tips and share knowledge with the youngest aspiring cook amongst them if it weren’t for the view of Jiyeon by the kitchen doors. She seemed excited about something, so jumpy and giggly on the phone.


What a sight, Eunjung scoffs.




Eunjung looks towards the voice, clueless, after hearing herself being called. It was Wooyoung. He was smiling brightly at her expectantly. And she just totally missed what he said.


“I’m sorry, what?”


“Mmmghad,” Krystal moans from the side full of the sweet sugary goodness in her hands, startling Amber who just started her shift and catching everyone’s attention as she bumped into one of the tables. Everyone had looked towards Amber’s shocked expression, chuckling as the older girl shuffles quickly away from the group.


“Sorry, don’t mind me,” Amber exclaims, running out the kitchen.


They all turn back to Eunjung once more, and expectantly looking at their boss. Eunjung was still as clueless as she had been earlier.


“So what is it?”


“We were just asking about the sole doughnut in the chiller. Isn’t that a part of the pastries we’re tasting?” Wooyoung asks, eagerly.


Eunjung chuckles, shaking her head to say, “Sorry guys, but that one’s not for sale.”


“Aww man,” Areum sighs in disappointment. “But it looks so good. I don’t know what’s inside but the mint glaze looks amazing.”


“Well, it’s not for just everyone. I made that for Jiyeon,” Eunjung proudly says, and the whole room filled with catcalls and squeals.


Eunjung’s eyes took in everyone’s reaction, so cheerful and happy for them, although not missing the halfhearted smile on Suzy’s face. How Suzy slightly turns away from the sight of her, that smile that can’t even reach her eyes, completely opposite of how she was just a minute ago, Eunjung noticed. But what was she to do when someone wanted more from you that you can’t simply give back?


She didn’t know if she should be sorry or feign ignorance to it. Everyone around her was her friend, how could she not care?


Still, she can’t seem to figure out how she would go about situations like this. She’s only had one serious relationship and the rest had been casual ‘friends’ who she could contact. All her life she dedicated to ‘living hers and Jiyeon’s dream’ when Gyuri had left her, and there was just simply no interest in her part to partake in a commitment with someone, or anyone at all. More so, she was simply afraid to be in that kind of relationship again and she was once afraid of being serious while not having the guts to come out and face her parents.


That is, until she took that chance with Jiyeon.  


Eunjung actually wouldn’t know how to deal with situations like this. No one had liked her like Suzy did. Some probably did but maybe she never noticed. But this is different, she sees Suzy on a regular basis and spend the time of day working together all these years.


Suzy likes her from afar, keeping distance though welcoming her advances all these years.


But this is somehow as similar to what had already happened in the past. And even after that experience, she still as clueless how to go about it. Although unlike the present, she had liked that special girl of that past. It was that innocent girl who had bravely kissed her as they lay by the campfire in senior year and for whom she chose to say goodbye to.


After that she chose not to feel anything for her, and had unknowingly hurt that girl whom she calls her best friend.


Was this what Hyomin had meant when she said she needed to open her eyes, to stop pretending she was asleep when someone was waking her? Was this what she meant about having your eyes closed too long you’d eventually be blind? Maybe that was it.


Back then, she did the same thing, feigning ignorance to what had happened that fateful night and had pretended it had never happened and soon forgot about it.


What happened with her and Hyomin years ago, she also didn’t know what to do but she did what she could to protect herself and that meant hurting the other waiting on her. It was difficult not to fear when she started liking someone, and it was easier to push them away.


On her case now, it’s difficult not to fear hurting someone like how she had hurt her best friend if she does pretend she doesn’t see.


Just having Suzy before her, she was reminded of how Hyomin must have felt.


She thought she could bury it. She thought she could stop thinking about it. But now seeing someone who might have felt the same as Hyomin did, Eunjung felt her guilt doubling.


Eunjung never welcomed many thoughts about it. But she did hurt Hyomin a lot. What happened in the cabin…what happened there…She can’t even begin to think now?


What was she supposed to do?


She feels her phone in her pocket, excusing herself from the group, heading out at the back, to lean against the wall. Hyomin, she read. None of her messages answered, none of her calls returned.


It didn’t matter, it shouldn’t, she said.


But the longer this went on, the more obvious it had become how this truly mattered to her.


She pressed the call button, and brought the phone to her ears, and it was the same. It rang for a while, but she still heard the same cheery greeting.


“Hi, it’s me Hyomin. I can’t pick up the phone right now, so just leave a message and I’ll get back to you soon.”


“Minnie,” Eunjung sighs. “Please, just pick up the call. Can we talk? Call me.”


The call ends. She still hadn’t heard anything from her. And she still doesn’t know what to do.






Jiyeon says goodbye to Dara who had just finished her shift, along with their new part-time employee Sunhwa. Hara and Amber were left with Jiyeon behind the counters and only a handful of customers for today.


It was easygoing in the kitchen too. From where they stood they could hear the kitchen staff joking around as they worked.


The construction work for the extension was still going good, and Jiyeon had taken a break from the lonely office. She had spoken to her brother earlier on the phone, after not hearing from him for some time, just talking about how their lives were going. He had wanted to speak to Eunjung but from the door, Eunjung looked busy with the team so he simply sent his regards for his sister-in-law and ended their call.


Now, Jiyeon doesn’t have anything else to do but hang out with Hara and Amber, talking about the possible after-party for when they reopen the better looking Piece-Of-Cake once the remodeling and extension work was finished.


“Here? After-party here would mean us having to clean up in the morning,” Amber argues passionately with Hara, her voice rising in octaves.


“Well, do you have anywhere else we could be?” Hara asks impatiently.


Amber cheekily grins towards their boss, raising a brow, “boss, where are we going for our after-party celebration?”


“Isn’t it too early to be planning for that?” Jiyeon chuckles.

“Two weeks isn’t long,” Amber excitedly says.


“Oh! How about a buffet,” Hara exclaims much to Amber’s dismay.


“I was thinking of drinking and dancing!”


“Please, you’re just waiting to get Krystal drunk,” Hara scoffs.


Jiyeon laughs at the exchange and before she could say her piece, her phone suddenly interrupts.


It was an unknown number, and thinking it must be about work, she immediately picks up the call, excusing herself from the two. “Hello?”


“Hey love.”


Jiyeon almost drops her phone in shock.


“Do you miss me?”




A chuckle.


Jiyeon turns red at the sound of familiarity. She walks further away from the two and outside the shop, watching as the cars passed.


“What, cat caught your tongue? Aren’t you gonna say, ‘I miss you too?’”


“It’s been a while,” Jiyeon chokes out, a smile finally breaking her flawless face. “How’ve you been? Where are you now?”


“Let’s just say I’m so close that I’ll be picking you up at seven, so I can take you to my restaurant. I’ll see you later babe.”


That was how the conversation ends and Jiyeon was left dumbfounded.


It was already six thirty. .


 Before she could catch a breath, Jiyeon had run back inside the shop and fix her makeup in frenzy. Oh how she looked forward to this! It’s been a while, she thought.







“I’m going to go give this to Jiyeon,” Eunjung calls out towards Areum whom she was talking to earlier, showing the doughnut she had placed in the box as she approaches the door.


Areum nods with a knowing grin, going back to work like the rest of the people in the kitchen.


Eunjung pushes past the doors, expecting to see Jiyeon standing around the counter but sees two of her trusted employees, Hara and Amber there talking like there was no tomorrow. “Where is—”


Hara points towards the office saying, “She’s changing though.”


“Changing? Are you guys planning something tonight?” Eunjung asks, curious, still all smiles as she heads towards the office.


“Nope, she got a call and started yelling to tell us not to get inside the office because she was gonna change,” Amber says with a chuckle.


Eunjung shrugs it off, chuckling as she defies the orders and enters the office anyway. There, Eunjung thought, she was in for a surprise.


Her wife stood there, her beauti

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this and Fate Epiphany are my favourite T-ara fanfics, although the latter is unavailable now, i still remember how much i love the story. though im a Sone now, i still come back once in a while to the very first kpop group i once loved so much. 💜
Chapter 42: It has been years, but i still come back to read this once in a while. :) heartwarming story indeed. Thank you once again author:)
SingerWan #3
Great story
Godblessrene00 #4
I really love
Dashtara #5
Good story
katy0x #6
i am in love with your fic :)
I thought it's a hyocentric >,< that's why i subscribed to it, but it's not....
I thought it's a hyocentric >,< that's why i subscribed to it, but it's not....
greenjade21 #9
Chapter 42: Missing T-ara made me re-read all the awesomes stories about them, and your's is one of them! I even repeat reading the last four chapters, coz it was that awesome for me! Thanks again, for this ride ... it's wonderful , reading and knowing your stories! I hope, you'll find yourself again to write and to continue writing wonderful stories like yours! Thanks. Stay strong authorssi! Fighting! :)
Chapter 41: Awesome! Really. After reading this two times already I am getting the feeling of reading the third time. That fun fact really got my mind though that how the other 7 versions would be like! If there's a chance please upload them too. I would really like to read them all. Once again awesome work. This was the best I've ever read. Keep it up ;-)