⑵ finally they met

"She" was A BOY

"Mis-?" an old man in uniform come to Amber and swallowing his words while looking to her from head to toe. "Yes?" Amber a bit startled since she was daydreaming. She realized she had standing in front of the conveyer where the passengers took their luggages and there's only one left. "Is that yours?" the old man still studying her whether she is a "he" or a "she". "Oh yes, I'm sorry," she bowed formally then took her luggage away. Walking to the arrival gate, she recognize a couple of familiar faces. "Grandpa? Grandma?" she's not sure since her last time saw them is years ago. She's even not sure if they recognize her or not. "Oh, my dear granddaughter Amber!" her grandmother give her a big hug and so does her grandfather. "We're so sad when we heard the news, but we're so happy now you decide to live with us," Amber just give them a little smile. She's to devastated to think clearly that time so she just agree when the lawyer set her grandmother and grandfather as her guardian even thought she's already 19. "Amber, we'll let you know we already bought you an apartment to live, because our house is too far from your college," her grandfather said as they sat in the car. "Oh that's too bad, but thank you so much grandpa," she try to look disappointed even in the fact she need a place where she can be alone for now. "We'll visit you every weekend, okay?" his grandfather seem to think she is really disppaointed. "Oh, it's okay grandpa, I'll visit you instead," now Amber feel a bit guilty. "I'll send you food everyday, Amber-ah," her grandmother pat her head gently. "Thank you, grandma. But I can cook, don't worry about it, I don't want my grandma become too tired," again Amber give her a plastered smile.

Along the way to her new apartment, she fell asleep because of her jetlag. Her grandmother the one wake her up and when she's about take her luggage her grandfather already bring them inside. The apartment building was pretty fancy, her apartment is on the 10th floor so they need to ride in elevator. Luckily there's an employee of the apartment helping carry her luggage so finally her grandpa won't insist to bring it with him. Entering her new apartment, it's spacious. Everything already set so what she need to do is unpack her luggage only. "I'm fine grandpa, grandma, I'll unpack my luggage myself," she said so her grandfather and grandmother will let her do that instead of them. She's uncomfortable with their overflowing attention even they haven't met since her childhood, besides the fact they're already old. Finally her grandfather and grandmother left her, she take a look to her luggage for a while until she decide to unpack it alter since she still so sleepy because of her jetlag. She run to bed and lay down without changing her clothing either take off her shoes.

"RINGGGG!" Sound of telephone force her eyes to open. "Hello?" she tried hard to not sound someone who just wake up. "Amber-ah? You just wake up? You should get ready to go to college!" that voice is her grandmother's. She look away to the window and the lights still beam to her room just its more soft. She take a look to a clock near the phone, 07.00 AM. She had slept over the day and the night already passed.
"Grandma...? I-,"
"I know you're still have your jetlag, hun"
"Ah, I'm...,"
"It's fine, now just make sure you're ready in 10 minutes, grandpa will drive you to college,"
"N-no! The college is near grandma! I'll just walk there,"
"I'm fine really, grandma!"
"Okay then if you insist, but do you need companion?"
"No, I'm fine grandma, please don't worry,"
after that the talk ended. Amber quickly wash herself and get ready to the college. She don't know what to bring so she just bring over usual stationary.

Arriving in the college, it's still quite, not so many people around but if there's any they'll look to her and scanning her thoroughly. Ignoring that looks she walk to the principal office. "Miss Amber!" an average man who look friendly open his arms to welcoming her. She just awkwardly smile and bow. "Welcome to our college," he come over to her and make her stand up again while pat her shoulder. She receive explanation about college regulation and stuff, after about 30 minutes the principal pass her the schedule and the lecturer of her first class walk her to the class. Entering the classroom, she just see a bunch of unfamiliar faces that staring to her. Sound of murmuring people start to flood but the lecturer break it away. "Class!! Silence! Today we have a new friend, her name is Amber Liu. She came from State so her Korean isn't good, be nice with her!" the moment the lecturer said "her" Amber can saw almost everyone gasping. She formally bow and give them a little smile. "Now take your seat and let's start the lesson," listening to the instruction she take a seat beside a person who she saw earlier didn't gasping neither murmur. That person look to her and giving her such smile. "Hi," said Amber casually and put her hands out for a handshake. She's a bit taken away because of that smile, that person really pretty and the clothing was quite fashionable, but somehow something seems odd. "Hi! My name is Kim Jung Won!" the moment she heard the voice she jumble off her seat with her eyes widened and open. She--no! He is a boy?!?!
THANK YOU FOR 160+ VIEWS!!! I don't know Amber had more fans here 8"D I just realize the 1st chapter was pretty much short;; sorryyyy (;____;) hopefully this will enough...? So this is just their first meeting, the rest of characters will appear later (.__.) if someone curious why Jonghyun up there, he'll be in the story too 8D Jjongie and Amber friendship is da besttt lol sorry your author is biased by them XDD oh anyway; my friend gummmie write a story and pretty much the OC was me *facepalm* click meee

again, thank you for reading 8D don't forget to comment and subscribe ^^ also bookmark?? I'm no used to this place forever lol

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ilabya31 #1
novelle_freak #2
Haha he is following her everywhere xD<br />
<br />
And YES! I had seen it :) aahhhh omg so cute! <3<br />
Mary517 #3
so i thought i was subbed to this...but it turns out i wasn't xD <br />
anyhoo...i shall be back during winter break to read ^___^ LOL* <br />
<br />
novelle_freak #4
I know :D haha. Wait her real name is Yoo Il Woon? I’m confused. Yoo Il Woon or Eungyoung ? or both? Hmm… oh btw so much gonna watch her singing with Henry!!! I didn’t get the time to see it, but I really want to ^^ keke I forgive your silly-update-mistake <3 <br />
sorry for spamming you with comments :O
novelle_freak #5
ooww... friends help out Amber ^^
novelle_freak #6
hahaha the ending in this chapter is quite funny "Let's go to the class, you're not safe with this ert!" xD
novelle_freak #7
JJAAYYY!!! Amber in invicible youth ^^ lol he is right..they are in same situation...
Jkitty_123 #8
Luv it xD
Omg I love the story update soon ^__^
novelle_freak #10
uuuhh Amber going to college ^^