
He's mine. Back off!

Little Jongin was sulking. Sitting at the far corner of the tree house, he had his knees drawn in front of him with his arms around, hugging it closer to his chest, his head hung low.

Suho, the group's self-proclaimed 'guardian' and the oldest being eight, sighed at the sight.


    "Ayo Wassup!" a voice boomed as the tall elf of the group climbed into their hideout. He looked at the brooding boy in the corner and the sighing hyung in the other and walked over to the more depressing side. "Heyyyyy lighten up man! Get it. Christmas around the corner and all!" he beamed "Sehun will be back soon." he continued lightly punching the boy before him.

Jongin glared at the grinning giant, as the reason behind his current mood was brought up. 

Sehun~ his best friend forevers and ever, (four years to be exact) had left Jongin alone for the first time to go visit relatives for the week, after being introduced to each other when they were one and couldn't even utter a syllable.

Giving up on glaring at the boy before him who was beaming with positive energy, he scooted closer to the wall behind him in an attempt to distance himself from catching the happy virus.


        "Just leave him Chanyeol." Suho said.

       "Baek is not here yet?!" Chanyeol asked moving closer to the elder.

       "No. He's running a bit late. Apparently he's got something to show us." 

As soon as Suho finished speaking however, a loud screech was heard accompanied by the metal bin at the foot of the tree crashing and cats hissing.

The company knowing perfectly well who it was now waited patiently for the culprit. And soon enough, a head popped out of the trap door of their tree house and a shaking Baekhyun entered with another figure barely hidden behind him.

"You sure know how to make a coming Baek!" Chanyeol exclaimed at the small puppy boy standing with his favourite red cap and a Smurfs T-shirt.

 "Entrance. Not coming." Suho corrected.

 "I mean entrance." 

 "Shut up. That bloody cat. He jumpedoutofnowhereandIwas-s-scary. It was scared. I mean I was scared. It was s-s-scary!" Baekhyun stuttered out, earnings himself confusing looks from his friends. He was just about to yell (*tell) them off about their unsympatheticness when- Smack. He nearly fell on the floor at the impact he felt at the back of his head.

"Your dialect was coming out idiot." The mysterious figure replied calmly after back handing Baekhyun almost as if this were a daily occurrence.

"Oh. Oh ~Kkaeb song" the little boy squeaked and moved aside to reveal an even smaller boy than Baekhyun with dark hair, full heart shaped lips and eyes too big for his face. "Yah. Introduce yourself."

"Hi..... I’m Do kyungsoo. Im. I like cream cow-es," he quickly told in a rehearsed manner. 

Everyone blinked, including Jongin who had risen his head to examine the intruder. The small boy seemed to grow into an even smaller boy by the stares directed at him. Then Chanyeol broke it. 


"Wha- buwahahaha!!!!! Oh My God Baek. Where did you find him?!" he wheezed out while Suho was contemplating what the boy meant and Jongin trying to measure if the boy was crazy or stupid. Baekhyun grinning like crazy turned to look at the now shell shocked poor Kyungsoo and asked:

"DOah do you....can you repeat what you said?"

"...um. Hello. Im Do kyungsoo. I like cream cow-" His eyes widened. "Tree houses"

And the laughing increased, much to the horror of the already blushing boy. 
Finally noticing the boy's obvious discomfort Suho came through- "Alright guys enough." - But that doesn't mean he succeeded seeing as to how dumb and dumber still were slapping each other’s backs and laughing. The small boy now looked utterly embarrassed while he stood helpless and very much intimidated by the creepy giant. Jongin met the other's eyes and suddenly he sensed a familiarly in those big brown orbs. He looked at the laughing hyenas, back to the fidgeting boy and a surge of anger hit him at the urge to protect the boy.

"KNOCK IT OFF! YOU’RE SCAREDING HIM!" he yelled pointing at the new comer. 
His friends looked at him in shock. Jongin seldom got angry and more rarely was that anger directed to his friends. If ever he stood up against his friends it was because they had picked on his missing best friend and so were shocked to see the boy actually defending someone who was not little Sehunnie.

Jongin, not understanding the feelings himself, marched over to DO and standing a breath away, eyed him, finally meeting his round eyes. DO, seeing the silent challenge in his defender's eyes, met it with a look of his own. After a few minutes of silence, Jongin nodded with approval.

"Hyung, look I found a squishy." he said turning to face Suho. Then turning to Baek, "Can I keep him?"

Everyone dead panned with Baekhyun muttering, "You can keep him." Suho shaking his head at how wrong this first impression was while Chanyeol was still rolling on the carpet of the tree house like a buffalo laughing. And that was how little Jongin meet his favourite hyung.

It was also thanks to the sudden appearance of this boy that Jongin was distracted by Sehun's 'betraying'.



However...... There was a slight catch when Jongin asked to keep Kyungsoo. He meant it.

Quite literally.


*   *    *   *    *


Hey peps........ first of all. Sorry sorry sorry OTL for the delay.... I was surprisingly busy for a lazy person.

And I've got another confession: I realised that this is also too long for a oneshot (please dont kill me) Um I seriously think something's wrong with my brain, I can't write oneshots. *sigh* Damn. Hopefully this turns out to be a twoshot (if that's even a word)**

But chincha thanks guys, for subscribing and all. *whispers* I kinda wanted to update at least this now coz I felt bad..... Dont ask me why. Strange, though, coz my parents have been trying to guilt trap me for years, and .......looks like yall um. Yeah.

And to all you Sekai fans out there *shouts* FIGHTING! And dont worry, this is not gonna be couple ships. coz they are tiny noh, so don't worry about the Kaisoo tag. I wrote this coz my chingus support it and um, you could say this fanfic is kinda for them. But. BUT. I'm a hardcore sekai fangirl. :)


Wo0t! All you people FINALLY get to see Tiacha's genius at writing little Exo- just ADORBS aint they?!!? Ahhh *fangirls* [okay, okay: Imma limit my fangirling into the comments, okay?]

**Hah! We did it! She's gonna write M0Oore!!! (yes, Tiacha, Twoshot is a word) And, I have to agree, buddy, there IS something wrong with you're brain (You can say that again, you're totes keurazy, man~) but there's NOThing wrong with you when it comes to your writing (o*.*o) <3 *sigh~*


Enjoy the chibis and the gif, and the meme, dear readers~ (I do not own any of them)

~Maknaeyah signin' out


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Chapter 1: I love it love it love it!! “I like cream cows" I love that line!!! Kumawoah for writing Tiasha! :D love the little chibis maknae! :p
Why didn't I know you had put this up?!!? O.o
Joelii #3
Chapter 1: This is so cute!!!! ASDFGHJKL \(^o^)/
I've never read any little exo before and it is really adorable. ^.^ I just want to keep baekhyun and DO hehe! Ahhh so adorbs! ♡
CuTAEpie #4
Chapter 1: The pictures are killing meeee so cuuuuute :3
Chapter 1: AHHH this is why I signed up for this job :'D
I'm reading it for the 5th time today ^__^ Ahhh And I'll never get tired of this!!! ~Sure know how to make a coming >.< How do you make them sound so CUTE??!?!!?! and that whole jumpedoutofnowhereandIwas-s-scary. It was scared. I mean I was scared. It was s-s-scary!!!!! *o* ~Darlins, the lot of em! (And you're the genius behind it!! Just. YEHET) Little Baek is SO Darling, and so is little D.O, and kai- with the "YOU'RE SCAREDING HIM!" ^____^, and Chanyeol... actually all of them!! (not 100% sure about Suho...) CREAM COW_ES >< >< >< HOW did you come up with these??!! I mean, HOW???
<3 <3 <3
(sorry the gif and the meme were all Soo soo bear, not Hunnie the pooh) but you like chibies? ^___^ Teehee~
Joelii #6
Chibis! XD little EXO!!! Ahhhh sooo CUTE!!! I love jealous Kai ♡.♡ Hehe I wait to read it!
Yehet yehet yehet! Cant wait to upload the rest and to read it again, and to find more chibis... you like the chibis btw? ^__^
Omooo, little EXO!!!!