


A mafia don could snap his fingers and somebody would snap my neck."
"Blood in, blood out."


Username: write here
Activity Rate [1-10]:  10

Character Name
Plotline: write here
Street Name: write here
Date of Birth + Age: write here
Ethnicity: write here
Birthplace + Hometown: write here
Languages: write here

Face Claim: write here
Backup Face Claim:
write here
Height + Weight: write here
Face Claim: write here
Appearance (Any tatoos, scars etc.): Write here
Style: write here


Personality Traits (6+)
Personality (Expand on traits listed above)
Background (Include how/why they joined the mafia, when they joined, and other important information that made them who they are today)
Likes (5+):
► write here
► write here
► use shift + enter and press alt + 16 ( on the right side) to add more/copy&paste
Dislikes (5+):
► write here
► write here
► use shift + enter and press alt + 16 ( on the right side) to add more/copy&paste
Hobbies (2+):
► write here
► write here
► use shift + enter and press alt + 16 ( on the right side) to add more/copy&paste
Habits (1+):
► write here
► write here
► use shift + enter and press alt + 16 ( on the right side) to add more/copy&paste
Fears (1+):
► write here
► write here
► use shift + enter and press alt + 16 ( on the right side) to add more/copy&paste
Triva (unlimited):
► write here
► write here
► use shift + enter and press alt + 16 ( on the right side) to add more/copy&paste


Relation | Name | Age | Occupation | Traits | Closeness
Relation | Name | Age | Occupation | Traits | Closeness
Relation | Name | Age | Occupation | Traits | Closeness
Relation | Name | Age | Occupation | Traits | Closeness
Relation | Name | Age | Occupation | Traits | Closeness


Friends (Ones that are important to the story)
Name | Age | Occupation | Traits | Closeness
Name | Age | Occupation | Traits | Closeness
Name | Age | Occupation | Traits | Closeness
Name | Age | Occupation | Traits | Closeness
Name | Age | Occupation | Traits | Closeness


Enemies (Ones that are important to the story)
Name | Age | Occupation | Traits | How did you become enemies/Why are you enemies?
Name | Age | Occupation | Traits | How did you become enemies/Why are you enemies?
Name | Age | Occupation | Traits | How did you become enemies/Why are you enemies?
Name | Age | Occupation | Traits | How did you become enemies/Why are you enemies?
Name | Age | Occupation | Traits | How did you become enemies/Why are you enemies?


Love Interest Name: 
Age: write here
Occupation: write here

► write here
► write here
► use shift + enter and press alt + 16 ( on the right side) to add more/copy&paste

Meeting: write here
Interactions: write here
Relationship: write here


Backup Plotline/Position: write here
Comments: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse lacinia turpis commodo, tincidunt tellus non, auctor augue. Vestibulum eu nibh ut quam mattis pretium. Quisque eget orci nisl. In egestas et urna ut porttitor. Donec aliquet mollis dolor, eu tempus est ullamcorper id.
Scene Requests:  write here
Password: write here

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