Someday we will be together in Paradise~


This fanfiction is about a girl called YooJin 18 years old , which had an unexpected encounter with U-Kiss, and other groups later on, such as infinite.

Main characters : YooJin (You) , Eli , Kevin & SungYeol.

Yoojin is a cheerful girl ,pretty,kind, innocent and a person who everybody will like.

It is about YooJin and Eli ,Kevin and Sungyeol (will appear later on) who fells in love with her.

Who would be with YooJin in the end?


This is my first fanfic. Hope you all will enjoy it and subscribe thankyou! :)


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No it's okay!! ^^
infinitekisses #2
HAHAHA opps ok sorry :(
Haha! So sweet!! Just a suggestion, put " " if they're talking cause it's alil' confusing. (: Update soon!!, ^^
Haha, add me in with him too! Use shinhye as the name. ;) I will add you in with sungyeol! no worries! :P
infinitekisses #5
@inpiniteuz HAI , hahah we see how maybe some small parts sorry ..... HHAHAH I KNOW U LOVE ME :PPP
UPDATE SOON ! ~~~~~~~~~~ Add myungsoo in if possible. :P bleh, justkidding. loveya! haha,
infinitekisses #7
@Fakemagnae<br />
Thanks ! hope you will like it :)
Sound Interesting :)
infinitekisses #9
i will :)
So she likes Eli .... update soon :D