Chapter 20

What Is Love?

"Wait. WHAT?! The girl that Baro's looking for is Chunni?" Jinyoung jumped up in surprise after hearing CNU's confession.

 "SHHH!! Not so loud! I wasn't suppose to tell anyone, but he looked so disappointed that I felt really guilty...and...and..." CNU stammered.

 "And you wanted to see how deeply I felt about Chunni?"

"Well...yeah...Kind of. I'm sorry."

"I'm just gonna go. See you." Jinyoung stood up and walked out without another word, leaving CNU staring after him, torn between his two best friends and their love.


"Yo. Come with me."

Chunni and Eunah looked up from the computer screen to see Jinyoung standing in front of them.

"Why?" Chunni brushed him off and continued to do her work.

 "It's important." And without another word, Jinyoung grabbed her hand, nodded to Eunah, and dragged Chunni out of the room. Eunah sighed, her heart heavy, but she shook it off and continued her work as if nothing had happened.


"We have a problem." Jinyoung said when the two were finally up on the school roof.

"Yeah we do. Number one, I was busy and you just dragged me away. Now I'm never gonna have enough time to finish my project. Two, that hurt you idiot. Don't drag me next time. Gr. And number three, we're not allowed up here." Chunni ranted away.

"Yeah yeah yeah. ANYWAYS, how much do you want to meet the guy from the party?"

"A lot. I really like him, I only wish I had gotten his name or something."

"And what if I told you I knew who it was?"

".....SERIOUSLY?!?! Then I say, TELL ME!"

"It's Baro."



"No, I heard you. I'm just surprised that's all. least some things make more sense now."

"What do you mean?"

"I always had this weird feeling about him, like I had met him before. At least now that part makes sense."

"So...what should we do?"

"Well....we had a deal, but...." Chunni paused, unsure of how to react. Her feelings were extremely mixed. She was happy that she finally found her mystery guy, but her heart belonged least she thought it did....but...but...but...GAHH!!! SHE DOESN'T KNOW!

"Let's....break up." Jinyoung finally said, shattering Chunni's heart, but comforting her confounded mind. She felt tears start to form and she quickly smiled, nodding as she walked over to the fence along the sides of the roof. She carefully wiped her tears before turning back to Jinyoung.

"Yeah. Let's do that."


"Chunni? Are you okay?" Eunah watched her friend cry her eyes out. She wanted to help, but Chunni refused to say anything. All she would do is shake her head and then cry.

 "Noona?! Noona!" Baro came running over. "What's wrong?!"

Chunni only shook her head.

"I don't know why either. She won't say anything. She just keeps crying..." Eunah started, but was interrupted by a "SHUT UP!" Baro looked surprised. Eunah smiled sheepishly before pulling out her cell phone. "Sorry. It's the new U-Kiss song. It's pretty catchy..." She looked at her phone and then exclaimed. "Shoot! The doctor's!"

"Ahhaha. Go ahead. I'll stay with Chunni noona."

"Thanks!" Eunah ran off as she called someone on her phone.

Baro watched her leave and then turned back to the still sobbing Chunni.

"Noona....Noona" he murmured as he gently patted Chunni's back.

"Go........away........" Chunni choked out.

"I can't."


"When noona's in pain, how can I just leave? Your pain is my pain." He gently pushed the hair out of Chunni's face and wiped away her tears. Chunni brushed his hands away and turned her back on him.

"You don't understand..."

"I would if you told me."

"No. I don't want to talk about it..."

"Noona. Tell me."

"You really want to know? You want to know that the girl you were looking for is in love with your best friend? You want to know that the reason she's crying right now is because he no longer wants her? You want to know that the only reason he dated her is because he had other motives? You want to know that the girl is in so much pain that she just wants to die? Is that what you really want to know?" Chunni finally exploded. Baro staggered back. "Well, now that you know. Leave me." Chunni continued.


"No?!" Chunni asked mockingly. Bitter resentment flashing in her eyes.

"No. Because if I walk away now, I won't come back. If I leave now, then I'm leaving behind the girl I've spent weeks looking for. If I leave now, I'm giving up my heart to Jinyoung hyung. Whatever he does to you is what he does to me. If he makes you happy, then I'm happy. If he makes you sad, then I'm sad. If I leave now, I'm giving up my chance at happiness."

With that, Baro grabbed a stunned Chunni by the shoulders and kissed her. Softly and deeply. He pulled her gently into his arms, her petite frame fitting like a puzzle piece into his tall one.

1 minute...

2 minutes....

3 minutes...



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