Chapter 15

What Is Love?

"Any luck?" Gongchan asked Baro who was going through the pictures taken at the party.

"No...I swear your girl picked the worst color to wear. Literally every other girl wore blue..." Baro said in frustration.

"Yeah...I wish she had wore something a little more obvious..."

"Seriously. Oh wait." He came across a picture of five girls. One of them was in the green, knee-length dress. Exactly like that of the girl he danced with. And there was another girl with a blue dress right next to her. He looked over to the pile of pictures of blue dresses of all different shades. "Gongchan. What shade of blue was the girl's dress."


"Uhhhhhhhhhh......................" Gongchan looked up, his eyes flashing back and forth in thought.

Baro envisoned a face-palm before giving up. "ANYWAYS..." He interrupted. "Is it this dress?" He pointed to the photo of the 5 girls.

Gongchan studied the photo carefully. "Definitely." He confirmed.

"Awesome...So now all we have to do is figure out who those girls are..."


"Joonie!" Eunah called as she raced to catch up.

"Hey!" Joonie stopped to wait for Eunah. "What's up?"

"Everyone's totally ditched me. You want to go to the mall with me?"

"Sure. Why not?"

The two walked off towards the closest mall to school.

"Oh yeah." Joonie started. Eunah looked over questioningly. "Are you okay?"

"Huh? What do you mean?" Eunah asked carefully.



"The Chunni/Jinyoung thing..."

"...Oh." Eunah sighed before continuing. "I guess I'm okay. I'm mostly feeling hurt. I don't see why Chunni couldn't just have told me that they were together or whatever. I don't see why it was such a big deal."

"I think I can tell you why."

"Why?" Eunah narrowed her eyes while trying to find a reason, but failed.

"Because Chunni was best friends with Jinyoung for years. She saw something that no one else probably noticed. Probably not even CNU. And because of that, she didn't want to get between you and him."

"Me and him?!?!?! WHATTTTT????" Eunah was as confused as ever, but Joonie smiled mmysteriously and shook her head.

"I'm sure you'll find out in time."


"Kyorin? How are you sweetie?" A voice came over the phone.

"I'm fine Mom. How's France?" Kyorin her teddy bear cell phone charm.

"I'm doing well. And so is your Dad, but he's in an important meeting right now..."

"Yeah. I understand. It's no problem."

"Alright. Then my meeting starts soon too, so I'll call you later."

"Okay Mom."

"Oh. And before I forget, I sent you some clothing I bought here. They should be your size and they're very nice."

"Thanks Mom."

"Bye sweetie."

"Bye Mom."

Kyorin hung up the phone with a sigh. She missed her parents, but she knew they were too busy to stay just in Korea. She thought back to her incident with Sandeul a few days ago.

"Why...Sandeul...Junghwan...Why did you come back?" She said to herself, tears slipping out of her eyes. "Are you here to hurt me again? To bring back the pain that tstill lives on in my heart? Are you here to add another scar on me? Isn't the fact that you cheated on me enough? Must you really do it all again?"

Her last thought as she fell asleep...

Why does my heart still beat so fast when you're around...

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