Chapter 13

What Is Love?

"KYORIN! JUNG KYORIN!" Sandeul screamed at a retreating figure. The hooded girl kept walking, not responding to Sandeul's calls."I'm sure that's her..." Sandeul muttered to himself before running to catch up to her.

And he was right. Kyorin had heard him, but she wasn't ready to face him. She tried to walk faster without making it look too obvious, but she heard the thudding footsteps getting closer and closer to her.


And turn.



I couldn't believe it. The girl I had spent years to find, years mourning...She was really here. I had a million questions to ask her. A million things to say. A million apologies and explanations that she needed to hear.

"Kyoo." She looked up into my eyes. There was a hardness that had never existed before. The hardness of hate, betrayal, and disappointment.

"Let go." She dug her nails into my hand when I shook my head, but I could only endure it for so long.

"Kyoo. Wait!" I called as she turned to leave.

"We're done Junghwan. We have been for years." She replied as if our breakup meant nothing to her. "You're nothing to me now..." She added as if reading my mind.

I could feel my tears coming. "But...Kyoo. I didn't...It was a mistake. It's not true!" I shuttered, trying hard to hold back my tears.

"It's too late. It doesn't matter anymore." She brushed me away.

"Kyorin!" Another voice called. I looked through my tears to find Rai, CNU's girlfriend.

"Rai!" Kyorin smiled, a sudden 180 degrees from her attitude to me 5 seconds ago. She walked past me and never looked back.

But I watched. I watched her walk away from me for the second time in my life. And I vowed to never have a third...



"RAI!! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!?! I MISSED YOU!! WHY DIDN'T YOU CALL ME!!" CNU yelled as Rai walked through her front gate. CNU was sitting on her porch, a glass of lemonade in his hand.

"I'm sorry! My phone died on me!" Rai apologized before stealing CNU's lemonade.

"Hey!" Rai stuck her tongue out at him.

"Too bad." She laughed. "So, why are you here?"

"What? A guy's not allowed to see his girlfriend now?"

Rai tingled at the word 'girlfriend.' She still couldn't believe she had found such a great guy. And he was even friends with Gongchan. It all worked out so well! Now if only...If only Kyorin could figure her problems out. I wish she had just told me who it was...That would of been easier. She thought to herself.

"YA! EARTH TO RAI!" CNU shouted in her ear. Rai jumped right into his lap, earning two bright red blushing faces.

She quickly jumped off. "Uh. Yeah?"

"Let's go to the amusement park!" CNU jumped up and grabbed her hand. He dragged her down the stairs, tripping on the last one and falling into the grass. A hand reached out and grabbed Rai.

"Noona! Be careful!" Gongchan scolded. He pulled CNU up after Rai straightened herself.

"Gongchan! Hey!" CNU smiled. "Bye!"


"Sorry. But your noona and I are going on a date. We'll see you later!" Rai waved as CNU pulled her off.


"You're crazy!" Chunni commented as she kept walking.

"So why not? You used to like me!" Jinyoung pointed out.

"Yeah. Like forever ago. And you don't even like me that way. So what are you trying to get at?"

"It's complicated."

"Yeah. I'll bet it is. Except you have to explain it to me or else I won't agree to this stupid plan."

"...Fine!" So I met someone at the party..." Jinyoung started...


"So you met some girl at the party and you have no idea what her name is or anything about her except for the fact that she wore a blue dress?" Baro raised his eyebrows at the sheepish Gongchan.

"Yeah." Gongchan nodded.


"I'm sorry! But it's just that I've been thinking about her and I really want to get to know her!"

"You should of thought of that at the party!! And then asked for at least her name!!!"

"Sorry! I'm inexperienced with this kind of stuff!!!"

"Does she know yours?"

"No...I was wearing my mask...So unless she's a crazy fangirl, she wouldn't have recognized me..."

"Well, since she hasn't attacked you at school, I'm thinking she's probably not a fangirl..."

"Help me hyung??" Gongchan made a puppy-dog face.

Baro sighed. "Fine..."

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